
My very own story .

Right now 

right this second 

im crying 

i dont really know why

my realisation that im growing up

my sch work


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i miss you

i miss what you represent to me

a target

a challenge 

a reason to never give up

you were hope

you were dreams 

you were the reason i came to sch

it hurts that youre not here

that i have no idea where you are what youre doing

that im still crying about you till this day.....

its scary to think that ill forever be alone

i never felt it was possible till now 

how alone i am

i love ....... what you represent 

you were never mine 

you'll never be mine

ive accepted that 

thank you for being there 

being a memory i love to recall

to cleanse myself 

to know i have emotions

because i numb myself and i do it well

which is also scary 

i thought ill never come back to this page 

but i did 

because of you 

Thank you.


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Chapter 12: You sound like you really love her.... And you're really sad. I'm sorry:( sometimes love is just mean. Just really mean.
yeah i am jealous of 'her'i wish a guy would love me like that <3 this is so sweet, you sound like you really really care about her <3
I guess you really do love her right? She must be the only one in your eyes and you can't stop thinking about her right? ^^<br />
When I read it I felt touched and do you know what I'm thinking right now? "Is there a guy who loves me like this guy who wrote this?" <br />
I envy 'her'. But I really hoped you will confessed to her someday! ;D
snsdfan #4
by the way i wrote it her so 'she' wouldn't find out.
Schedulex2 #5
Hello. You said in the last sentence that she hates you. I don't think so. She wouldn't have even bother to teach you the questions you asked if she dislikes you. It's sweet of you to actually write your feelings here. If she sees this, she will be touched. It's romantic! Good luck!