Chapter 4


Kris P.O.V

As soon as we finished performing wolf, we walk to the front stage to do our group greeting, but before we reached the front stage, Luhan ran off the stage, all of us were shocked and at the same time worried as Luhan did not sing and dance proberly when we were performing.


All of us quickly end our group greeting and run off to search Luhan. We split up to find Luhan , Tao and I ran tothe waiting roomas it was the first place we both think of first. When I violently open the door, I was shocked to see Luhan lying on the ground unconsciously. I froze on my spot, too shocked to react, if is not for Tao, I would be still standing on the same spot. I quickly run over to Luhan and helped him up 


"LUHAN! LUHAN!" I shook him worriedly but there was no response from him so I started to panic but with the help of Tao, who was kneeling next to beside an unconscious Luhan. He carried Luhan up and was about to put Luhan on his back, but before he would do that, I suggest him to put Luhan on my back instead as i have longer legs thus walking faster out of the waiting room.


We went out of the waiting room, we quickly run over to the place where manager hyung was.


"MANAGER HYUNGGGGG!!!!!" Tao shouted, grabbing his attention. He saw me carrying Luhan on my back and he run over to us then asked what had happened. After explaining to him briefly, all three of us run to the van and he drove us straight to the hospital.


We settle down inside the van, I quickly took out my phone without shifting Luhan's head that was on my lap and dial Suho's number.


"Suho, we are in the van on the way to the hospital" I told him calmly but actually I am not.


"Why? What happened?" Seuho replied and I can heard his concerned yet panic tone.


"Tao and I found Luhan in the waiting room, but by the time we found him, he had already fainted." I replied while trying to hold back the tears that was about the flow down.


I heard a soft sobbing and quick added on,


"Don't worry! Luhan is a strong person, he will be fine. Gather the members and ask manager noona to drive you guys to the hospital, okay? Calm down, you need to help to calm the other members too."


"Neh... I will deal with the members" with that, both of us hung up the phone.


 On the way to the hospital, I Luhan's cheeks and gently sweep his bangs that was covering his eyes. I wondered what happened, Luhan never act like that before, but recently... Sigh, I didn't even helped him.


Half an hour passed and we have reached the hospital, I carry Luhan bridal style and went in. I gently lay Luhan on the bed and the nurses stroll him to the emergency room.


Tao and I sat down on the chairs outside the emergency room, waiting for the Luhan's news while hyung went to the entranxe of hospital to bring the members over.


Sehun P.O.V

I recieved a message from Suho hyung to meet at the waiting room. 'Did he found Luhan hyung?' I thought while running to the room.


I opened the door and I saw all members in the room looking at Suho with confusion.


"Sehun, take a seat. I have something to tell you guys" Seuho gestured to me calmly.


I walked to where the members are sitting and sat next to Kyungsoo hyung.


"First of all, I want all of you to stay calm regardless of what I'm going to you guys, understand?" Suho said to us strictly like a leader.


We are nodded.


"Luhan hyung has been sent to the hospital, Tao and Kris found him unconscious here just now"


Few members gasped and some widen their eyes as big as Kyungsoo hyung's eyes.


"We are going to the hospital so get ready, we will be leaving in 15 minutes with manager nonna" He said to us then walk over to where we put our bag and start packing to leave.


All of us quickly pack our bags and leave the waiting room and broaded the van wanting to know how is Luhan's doing right now.


The trip to the hospital is absolutely silent, even Baek hyung and Yeol hyung didn't make a single noise which is very rare. Xiumin hyung, who was also very close to Luhan hyung started tearing up. However with the help of Lay who sat beside him calm down.


I was very worried about Xiao Lu, we may not seem close anymore compared to the past, but he is still my favourite hyung of all the members.


When manager noona told us that we have reached, all of us quickly got down of the van and head over to manager hyung who was waiting for us at the entrance.


"Follow me" hyung said and we follow him like a bunch of lost puppys.


We reached the emergency room and saw Tao and Kris hyung sitting on the chairs, Tao saw us walking towards them and started running towards us with tears rolling down his eyes. Tao run towards Suho who welcomed him with open arms, allowing Tao to cry on him. Suho gently pat his back trying to to calm him down. Soon , he was not crying anymore but still clung on Suho.


An hour passed and the doctor finally came out.


"What happened to him?" Baek hyung being the first one to rush over to the doctor.


"He's alright, he just happened to have a panic attack. He have calmed down but do take note what have caused him to have panic attack because we can't detect anything by scanning through health checks. He can only be discharged tomorrow as it's better for him to rest the night here." The doctor said before leaving.


We all sigh a breath of relief.


Soon, Luhan hyung was transferred from the emergency room to the ward. All of us followed the nurses to where Luhan was as none of us want to leave.


Kyungsoo P.O.V

We arrived next to where Luhan and sat next to his bed. I grabbed his left hand and interlocked with it while praying to God for him to be alright.


Baekhyun did the same as me but interlocked with Luhan's free hand. We sat there in silence when suddenly a faint cough can be heard.


"Luhan! Luhan!" Kai whispered but loud enough for everyone of us to hear but nkot loud enough to disturb other people in the ward.


Luhan hyung's eyes start to flutter open slowly and he seemed to not get used to  the light. When he notice all of us, tears begin to form in his eyes and start flowing downwards.


"I'm sorry" Luhan said without looking at anyone.


"It's okay, you being fime is what all of us wanted" I said to him while wiping away his tears.


All members nodded their head, agreeing with what I just said.


"Go to sleep, it has been a long day for you" Kris said gently like a father would aay to his son.


With that Luhan hyung eyes start to close again


We are asked to leave by manager hyung and noona but after our continous begging, he allowed us three members to stay with Luhan.


Of course all of us wanted to stay but with Sehun's stubbornness, Kai's whining and Xiumin's determination, we decided to them stay instead.


Kai P.O.V

They left the ward and I walk over to Luhan and interlock our hands together, it felt like our hands were made for each other.


As time passed, none of us fall asleep, all we do is to start at Luhan hyung.




Luhan's eyes started opening, he groaned when his eyes met with the lights and turned to the side while using the blanklet to cover himself from head to toe.


We chuckled at the scene and I ruffled his hair which stood out from the top of the blanklet.


"Yah! Wake up!" I wanted to say in a stern tone but ended up saying it in a playful manner.


I heard giggling coming from the bed. 'Ha! Knew it that he's awake'


"What exactly happened?" I ask him, full of concern.


There was no response from him so I added on


"You don't have to tell me if you want. Just take care of yourself." I gently told him.


"O-okay..." I smiled to Xiumin hyung when Luhan replied me.


"Get up! We are leaving soon." Xiumin told Luhan and he jump off the bed and went to the bathroom with his changing clothes.


As minutes passed, Luhan finally came out fully dressed with a smile plastered on his face.


We went to the counter and paid the hospital bill before boarding the van back to the dorm.


Sehun and Luhan didn't speak throughout the whole journey. However, Luhan smiled to Sehun whenever they made eye contact with each other.




We reached the front door of our dorm. Without opening the door, the door was swiftly opened by Chanyeol who smile widely.


"Come in quickly!" Chanyeol said while plushing us inside.


We enter the dorm and was surprised by the amount of food on the table such as chicken, pork, fries, coke, etc.


SHINee sunbaenim, F(x) sunbaenim, some members of Super Junior and Girls Generation sunbaenim was here too.


Our dorm was crowded by people but no one mind.


We all have fun without caring any problems we might face in the future.


I ran over to Taemin and hugged him saying "I miss you..."




Morning came quickly and we are called to go SM Entertainment to practice for our upcoming song 'Growl' except for Luhan, who was give permission to rest at home for the day.


We wanted to stay behind with Luhan so we started whining, even Kris who WAS the cold city man whined too.


"NO! You guys have to go! Your comedate is drawing near. Don't worry. Luhan will be fine, he is not a kid. He will start his practice tomorrow." Manager hyung strictly said to us.


Knowing that we can't change his mind anymore, we walk towards the door silently and start wearing our shoes.


"Luhan! Bye bye!!" we shouted union and left knowing that Luhan will go back to sleep.


Luhan P.O.V

They leave and without knowing, tears started forming in my eyes and start to flow down.


'Why must this happened to me!!' I thought while blaming myself.


'Just when I thought escaping to Korea will solve everything. HA! Looks like I'm wrong' I sadly smiled on my bed.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lung, trying to get rid of the frustrated feelings bottled inside me. However, it didn't work.


"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!" the foor bell rang but I ignored it.


"Yah ! Open the door!" the stranger shouted through the door.


I widened my eyes, knowing whose voice it is. I quickly get off the bed and locked the door.


I slide down to the floor with my back on the door. I used both my hands to cover my mouth, preventing any sound to be heard.


'BANG! BANG! BANG!' the stranger banged the door while shouting at my to open the door.


I shut my eyes tight, hoping it is all a dream. A dream that I never hoped to have.


Few more tries and the shouting stopped.


"You better watch out! You will pay for this!" the stranger angrily shouted before leaving.




Lay P.O.V

Long hours of practice have finally passed. We boarded the vans and head back to the dorm.


'Finally! I wonder how Luhan is...' I thought while listening to my music.



We reached the dorm building and started walking to the lift. We chat happily desite all of us being exhausted.


I stood the nearest so I open the door.


"Luhan! We are back!" I shouted to attract his attention but there was no response.


I walked towards the living room and was surprised to see Luhan hugging onto his knees at the corner sobbing heavily.


Without any hesitation, I run towards him but was stopped when Luhan shouted


"DON'T COME NEAR ME! Get away from me!" His voice was hoarse but still loud and clear.


All of us froze on the spot, surprised by Luhan's sudden anger.


I slowly walk towards him and hugged him, He flinched but relaxed when I pat his back.


"Calm down, everything will be fine" I said while putting him on my lap.


He buried his face on the chest and soon he calmed down and fell asleep.


I genly carried him and tucked him to bed after telling the members that we will settle with the issue tomorrow.


Throughout the whole night, my mind kept thinking the same thing.


'What happened to him?'




Sorry for taking so long to updated!! T.T

Don't be a silent reader! PLEASE!! 

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I will try my very best to update the next chapter. ^^

BYE! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Hope so... 

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Chapter 7: Please update!! I've read this story before and lost it T^T .. and NOW I FOUND IT AGAIN
Huhuhu please update :( I'm actually loving this!
Mads31904 #3
Chapter 7: Update please!!!!
EXO947 #4
Chapter 7: It's Been a Long time since you updated pls update it soon! :)
Chapter 7: Yahhhh !!! I wanna know what will happen to luhan next ♡♡♡ oh and i wanna see some fluff and romance happening between luhan and everyone ok ?! Hahaha ..... Update faster !! Arasso ??!!! I'm waiting too long for you already ... But no pressure :) I wanna see more of krishan ..... it's just cute how kris worries for luhan and it's making me squeal how he doesn't know that he has a weak spot for luhan ^/////^ oh ! And kailu is cute here too ^/////^
sakura22 #6
where are you??? i really dying want to know what happened to luhan...TT
Cutedongli #7
Chapter 7: Omg that really scared me XD I forgot it's April fools
Chapter 6: Pls update this story......pls pls.I want to know the past of Luhan. pls....
Chapter 6: PLEASE UPDATE! Its SOOOOOOO sweet this story! Hope you had luck with ur exam ;)