Eileen x N (VIXX)

Scenarios - A Request Shop (Closed)

N pulls open the door, taking off her blindfold. "Jja-Jjan!" Eileen blinked adjusting her eyes to the sudden exposure of light. When she finally saw what was in front of her, her tears couldn't help but fall. "Hakyeon, it's beautiful." 

"Don't cry baby." N pulls her close, patting her head to comfort her. The whole roof was lit up woth tiny light bulbs and in the middle was a picnic all laid out. "Come on, i worked hard on the picnic." He led her by hand over to the blanket. "Look a rovix blanket." N points out the blanket with a smile on his face. 

The two sat down, enjoying the sandwiches N spent hours preparing. (Dont ask me why he spent so long, he just did.) 

After dinner, the two laid down on the blanket and looked up at the stars. "Look the stars there join up and form a 'N'" Eileen points out, "and a 'E' beside it." N nods, "they do! And the stars around form a heart." 

The two laid there pointing out constellations for a while before N suddenly sat up. "Eileen, I have something to give you." She looks at him, curious to what he has up his sleeve as N reaches into the basket and pulls out a velvet box. "What's that?" She asks. 

"This." He opens the box and inside is the prettiest ring she has ever seen. He gets om his knees infront of her and takes a deep breath before saying. 

"My dear, sweet Eileen. We have been together for the last few years, I can't even remember when, time stops when i am with you. Although you are mine, there were times when I was scared that I might lose you. We had many memories together and i hope to make more of these wonderful memories with you but not as you as my girlfriend but as my wife. So would you marry me?" N says. As she listens to N's proposal, tears started flowing. 

"I... I do. A million times I do." Eileen says. A smile lits up on N's face as he took her hand and slides the ring into her finger. "You are mine from now till forever." He hugs her and whispers into her ear. She smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispers, "Only yours." 

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Soory i have not been able to finish any of the requests ㅠ.ㅠ I have been having really bad writer's block recently... I hope you guys understand. /bows 90°/


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jaraaraa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for writing the Luhan and Bora one! It's really hard to find well written fics about them :)
Chapter 2: Bias : BAP Yongguk
Bias : Nicole jung
Type : romance
Can I request , pretty pleaaaaase ?
Bias : B.A.P Yongguk
Bias : A Pink Chorong
Type : Cute / romance
Scenario : when Chorong is about to give birth their first baby.
Bias : Girl's day Hyeri
Bias : Exo M Kris
Type : Cute ,Romance
Scenario : they're Idol.. Kris falling in love to Hyeri,and want to asking her to be his gf ~~^
Kuukuu #6
Bias: girls day Yura
Bias : vixx Hongbin

Idols that are secretly dating. And Yura is afraid of the anti fans
Chapter 7: Name of bias: J-hope
Your name: Hyemi(oc)
Type: fantasy,vampire,romance,fluff
ohhyorin #8
Name of bias : Hyorin of SISTAR
Name of bias : Sehun of EXO

both of them are big idols like exo and sistar now

Type : comedy, romance, fluff
bias name; L.joe teen top
your name: Reina
today is your birhtday and l.joe plant to bake a birthday cake for you but end up mess up the kithcen