Nicole x Hongbin (VIXX)

Scenarios - A Request Shop (Closed)

Nicole always felt inferior when she was out with Hongbin. I mean look at him, he is a piece of live art. His features are sharp and his face is the symbol of perfection. If someome were to say otherwise, Nicole would tell them to get their eyes checked. 

But no matter how bad she felt about herself, Hongbin always knew how to make her feel better. 

"If i was the king of artwork, you would be my queen."

"If i am beautiful then you are gorgeous." 

"You always say I'm god's best creation. But i say otherwise, I am only second compared to you." 

Nicole would always blush, when Hongbin whispers those words in her ear. She would always instantly feel better. She lifted her hand, placing her index finger lightly on Hongbin's dimple, "Thank you, my king." 

"You are welcome, my queen." Hongbin smiles, his dimple deepens, as he leans in closer, he places a feather-light kiss on her lips. 

"Saranghae." He whispers, his forehead on hers. "Nado Saranghae." She smiles as he leans in for another kiss.

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Soory i have not been able to finish any of the requests ㅠ.ㅠ I have been having really bad writer's block recently... I hope you guys understand. /bows 90°/


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jaraaraa #1
Chapter 8: Thank you for writing the Luhan and Bora one! It's really hard to find well written fics about them :)
Chapter 2: Bias : BAP Yongguk
Bias : Nicole jung
Type : romance
Can I request , pretty pleaaaaase ?
Bias : B.A.P Yongguk
Bias : A Pink Chorong
Type : Cute / romance
Scenario : when Chorong is about to give birth their first baby.
Bias : Girl's day Hyeri
Bias : Exo M Kris
Type : Cute ,Romance
Scenario : they're Idol.. Kris falling in love to Hyeri,and want to asking her to be his gf ~~^
Kuukuu #6
Bias: girls day Yura
Bias : vixx Hongbin

Idols that are secretly dating. And Yura is afraid of the anti fans
Chapter 7: Name of bias: J-hope
Your name: Hyemi(oc)
Type: fantasy,vampire,romance,fluff
ohhyorin #8
Name of bias : Hyorin of SISTAR
Name of bias : Sehun of EXO

both of them are big idols like exo and sistar now

Type : comedy, romance, fluff
bias name; L.joe teen top
your name: Reina
today is your birhtday and l.joe plant to bake a birthday cake for you but end up mess up the kithcen