Pleasurable Brutality

A rainy Saturday; but unlike others who were running to find shelters to avoid the rain, Soojung strolled along the sidewalk with only an umbrella shielding her from the pouring rain, enjoying the peaceful moment, relishing in the scent of rain. She had just received a call from Jongin, asking her to have lunch with him at the restaurant that they frequent.


The sudden vibration from her coat pocket had her jolted on her spot, startling the lady out of her wit because she was already deep in her little world before she was pulled back into reality. She stopped on her track and taking her phone out, Soojung found herself smiling unknowingly, face almost splitting from the broad smile that sketched her face as she wordlessly read the text.


From: Jongin

I’m here. Already ordered your fav J You better be fast before I eat yours :P


With the same smile still plastered on her face, Soojung continued to walk, finger hovering over the screen of her phone, just about to reply the text message but then her petite body collided with someone, shoulder bumping into the person’s chest that had her jerked back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you—“ she apologized frantically, looking up to see the face of the other but then her body went frozen, stop dead on her spot, her brain seemed to be in a haywire at the sight before her. Her surrounding seemed to swirl around her before they dissipate. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She couldn’t believe this. Oh Sehun.


“Soojung.” Soojung was pulled out of her train of thoughts at the sound of her name. She instantly looked up to look at the guy, eyes met and thousands of emotions engulfed her right then. The lady didn’t know what to feel. It was all too sudden to react. She couldn’t think straight, mind couldn’t make coherent decision. Should she just run away now? Should she say something? Should she ignore his existence as if the guy was not there, standing in front of her after not seeing each other for six years? Should she walk away and never turn back? What should she do?


It took a long moment for her mind to finally decide her next move. Still in her state of shock, Soojung cleared and blurted out, “Sehun.”



Sehun’s hair had turned pale blond, pulled up that had his face expose for a clear view. He had grown taller, matured looking compared to how he look like the last time she saw him, and instead of graphic t-shirt and jeans, he was dressed in a white dress shirt, tucked in a black dress pants and silver slim tie tucked around the inside of his shirt’s collar. The sneakers were also replaced by black dress shoes.


Soojung was still the beauty that he had fell in love with from years ago. She had turned to a goddess, if that was even possible, with her raven black hair let down just past her shoulder, with her light colored flower printed dress that went just past her knees, which Sehun never expected for the lady to wear. It was beyond his imagination.


They stay rooted to the spot for what felt like a life time, silence engulfed the both of them, voices and every other sound slowly turning to echoes until they can no longer be heard. Only the sound of two heart beats resonated in their little world. They had their eyes locked on each other, trying to read each other’s mind but ended up with nothing in the end.


Sehun was the first to find his voice, breaking the silence that lingered second ago. “How are you?” he questioned. It was stupid, he knew it was. But what was he supposed to say at this very moment? After six years of not seeing each other, after he left her hanging on the ledge without a word, breaking the bridge that connected the both of them without so much of a mere goodbye.


Soojung looked away. She didn’t know why but it hurt her to see him. Even though there was no race happening inside her chest, no fluttering of her heart like how it used to be years ago whenever she was met with the tall figure, that dark brown orbs that would turn into crescents shaped whenever his cherry lips curled upwards, that pale white skin that would shine under the sun, instead a feeling of betrayal was what she felt, piercing her heart to its core. The betrayal of being left behind, of making her grown attached to someone, of letting someone walked into her life, of making her feel that her existence actually mattered in someone’s life, but ended up being the one who was left behind. The memories from years ago, memories that she had forgotten rushed back to her, flooding her mind – clear and vivid.


“Can we talk?” The guy’s voice sounded that had her snapped her head to look at Sehun.


Soojung found herself in a café, seated across the guy in a table for two that situated at the very corner of the shop. Two cups of drinks placed on the table, untouched by the owners. Still overwhelmed by emotions, Soojung held up her cup of tea, drinking it in silence.


Sehun mirrored her action then, drinking his own black coffee, finishing everything in a go. He loosened his tie as the air surrounding him was suddenly suffocating. It was as if the room was becoming smaller and smaller. The atmosphere was awkward, the tension was thick that made Sehun wanted to flee but he couldn’t. He couldn’t just walk away now, not when he had finally reunited with the lady again.


“No coffee?” he jested, voice sounding awkward for his liking and the smile around his lips looked   like it was forced. The words were uttered just for the sake of lightening up the mood but it seemed as if his effort was in vain. The uncomfortable look on Soojung’s face said it all.


“I’d stop drinking since… you know,” Soojung replied vaguely, offering the guy a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes.


The smile was not one of those bright smiles that she would give him, the one that would immediately lighten up his day. Sehun guessed there would be no more such smile for him to witness. “Oh,” he replied in an understanding manner.


His word was followed with silence. The silence reigned for a very long time. It was so powerful that none of them was brave enough to break it. Only the thudding sound of cups meeting plates could be heard.


Sehun cleared his throat just as Soojung set down her cup of tea before he spoke up, “I’m sorry for--“ he stopped for a second to look at Soojung before he continued, “For kissing you that time.” He bit his lip just as he finished. It was never too late to ask for forgiveness, right? What he didn’t expect was to see those lips curled up into a smile.


“I had already forgiven you a long time ago,” Soojung uttered in a dismissive manner, smiling in a way she thought would be convincing because that was the truth. She had long forgotten about him, along with his mistakes and the memories they shared. “I can’t believe you still remember that,” she added then.


“Ofcourse I do!” Sehun exclaimed a little too quickly. When Soojung looked at him, there was nothing but guilt. “How can I forget when that was the sole reason of why we’d stop talking?” he huffed, a frustrated sigh escaped his lips without him even realizing.



Silence ensued once again. There was just too much happening inside their minds, too much questions that needed answers. Why did he come back now? What are they now? Are they still friends? Had she forgotten about himWas he too late? Did he still have a chance?


Sehun then suddenly said, “You still haven’t answered my question.”


“What?” Soojung questioned, eyes grew in size out of curiosity.


Sehun let out a chuckle at the sight. “How are you, Jung Soojung?” he asked with a small smile.


“I’m doing just fine, Sehun,” she answered, mirroring his smile.


Sehun then leaned forward as string of questions rolled out of his lips like bullets, “Are you working? Or you’re a housewife? Are you married? How many kids do you have?”


The questions earned a laugh from Soojung; a genuine one that had Sehun smiled himself. “I’m not married, Sehun. No kids either. And yes, I’m working, as a chief editor at some magazine company.”


“Oh really?” he questioned, finding it interesting for someone like her ended up being in a magazine company, holding a high position no less. “Well, I’m working under my father at the moment. The so-called Vice president of Oh Corporation,” he supplied, uttering the word so-called with a roll of his eyes that reminded her of someone.


Before silence took over, Sehun continued again, “Are you going somewhere after this?”


A certain someone suddenly sprang to her mind that had her eyes grew in size. Soojung took out her phone from her coat pocket but to her dismay it was dead. Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave at the thought of making him wait at the restaurant for so long and somehow Soojung missed him now that he was not with her. She let out an inaudible sigh. I’ll just call him later. “No,” she answered distractedly.


“Mind if I take you home?” Sehun asked then, voice sounding hopeful as he looked at the eyes of the others.


Sehun was only met with silence. “Please?” he pleaded, only then realising that he was making the lady uncomfortable. He noticed her fidgeting but before he could take back his words, Soojung gave him her approval.




The journey to Soojung’s house was filled with nothing but silence, awkward silence to be exact. Soojung had her eyes glued to the outside of the window, finding it more interesting than being inside the car that was slowly suffocating her, while Sehun had his eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at the lady beside him but that was it. Nothing more and nothing less. No words being exchanged, not a single word.


When they arrived in front of Soojung’s house, Sehun was the first to go out of the car, holding an umbrella as it was still pouring though it had turned to drizzle, and went to open the passenger door for the lady.


“Thank you for sending me home,” Soojung said in a quiet voice, opting to look anywhere but the guy. Soojung was about to open the gate to her house before Sehun’s voice sounded behind her.


“Soojung, I know this is so sudden and we just met again but—“

Author's Corner:

The clicheness (does such word even exist?) /hides face in shame/ well, there goes cliffhanger for you~ lol

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Chapter 16: I love it rlly love it..
Beautiful story and beautiful ending. I like sekai brothership bond here. They're not hating each other like bestfriend turn to enemy. They're have good relationship :)
sestal or kaistal I love both anyway x)
Chapter 12: I just realised that now the tables are turned and soojung is like the old.jongin while jongin is like the old soojung. Amd jongin how dare you even tho i sorta expected this and can maybe underatand why but still, how dare you
Chapter 11: yawn?!?!?? How can you just yawn after writing this chapter?? Im about to die here. Oh godddd
Chapter 9: OMG WHAT DID I SAY?!?!?!? OKAY at least he didnt die but omg she loves him goodness.gracious is this a dream or what. Jongin you better get your memories back
Chapter 8: OMG CONFESSION TIME. Alot of stories with sekai being the male lead, kai always gets the girl in the end so ive always been rooting for sehun for quite a while already but now i cant help but root for jongin. I guess i will always root for the guy that never gets the girl. Sigh. But that i dont ship sehun and soojung here but i guess i just ship jongin and soojung more since throughout this story, his love for hwr is just crazy and its always never ending
Chapter 7: OMG TEARING UP MY HEART 90'S KIDS JAM WOOHOOO OKAY BACK TO THW STORY. jongin better not die from a motorcycle accident or something cause reading this just made me alittle uneasy hehehe