Drunken Love

When Mondays Aren't Enough

[08/24/2012 4:42pm]


JiHyo looked down to read the incoming text as she walked around the Itaewon area.


Mianhe. I can’t make it today.

Byul and I have some last minute plans to take care of.

Let’s reschedule for next week.

Ha Donghoon.”

“Yes! Omma.” Jihyo was so excited she couldn’t hold it in. Up to this point she had been panicking about meeting HaHa. She lied when she told him that she had already bought Byul Unnie’s present; she thought that was the perfect excuse for them to meet up. She really just needed to buy herself some time but she had been searching for a present since Tuesday but still hadn’t found one. They were actually supposed to meet today at 6:00pm, so she’d been running around the Itaewon district like a chicken with her head cut off for the last hour. Now she could relax, all the stress of the last few days simply melted away with just one text message. Gosh she couldn’t believe how easy it was to find things when you weren’t really looking for anything; if you were purposefully looking for something, forget it. In that case JiHyo decided to enjoy herself while she was out here; not like she got to come often to Itaewon for leisure. She walked past the numerous shops and food stalls, occasionally stopping when a particular smell got her attention. It felt like her college days when she used to live off food stalls and all major shopping was done at small clothing boutiques like these. The nostalgia places like this invoked in her allowed her to walk along the crowded streets with no real purpose other than just enjoying life. Times like this were few and far between due to her busy schedule; these pockets of freedom and of no demand; she tried to treasure and savor as much as possible.

She ended up stopping at a small bookstore near the corner of the street to check out their selection when she smelled some incense; seemed to be a scent of cinnamon and vanilla. Known for her sense of smell JiHyo followed it, finally ending up around the corner and a few feet down from the bookstore. It was a side street a little off the main road, so there weren’t a whole lot of people around. The incense was strongest in this small novelty shop called “Jagga Life”; it was a Rastafari shop. JiHyo could hear Bob Marley’s “I shot the sheriff” playing low from the speakers and the man running the cash register was a black guy with dreadlocks who smiled at her with the whitest teeth she had ever seen as soon as she walked in. He asked her if she needed help with anything to which she replied “I’m just looking”. He told her to feel free to ask him if she had any questions or requests. JiHyo thought this was the perfect shop for HaHa, it didn’t seem to be well known and plus there was a real Rastafarian running the shop; he was all about authenticity. But it wasn’t all about HaHa, Byul was her foot into the door with HaHa so whatever she bought Byul would have to really like. She browsed the through the DVD’s, cd’s, clothes, incense, and fragrances that the shop offered but still hadn’t found anything that shouted “Byul” to her. While she was walking towards the entrance of the store in walked a petite asian woman who started fussing with the shopkeeper. JiHyo didn’t know a whole lot of English so she could only make out a little of their conversation.

Woman: “I told you they did not have any. You have me out there running about nothing. Stubborn man.”

Shopkeeper: “Lady love you’re fussing about nothing. Maybe I just like the view I have of you walking away from me. It was the swish of those hips that got my attention the first time we met.”

Woman: “Don’t try to flatter me Welton. Or that may be the last view you have of me.” She tried to be angry but couldn’t help a small smile from appearing.”

Welton came from behind the counter and grabbed the woman, pulling her into an embrace that bespoke the intimacy between them. “Well we can’t let that happen because the view from the front is even better.” The woman just laughed and relaxed into his embrace. JiHyo just stood there and watched them, totally in awe of their public intimacy. It wasn’t seen a lot in Korea but they totally reminded her of her parents; so comfortable in each other’s embrace; in their own world. The thing that most got her attention was how well they seemed to match. The woman was dressed in a cream serong with a green tank top, she had dreads that were just as thick and long as the man, Welton’s. She had them piled in an up-do with scarves, a gold nose ring and a small tattoo circling her left bicep that read “love is the only answer.” She and her partner Welton were an uncommon sight here in Korea but she loved watching them. Once Welton and the woman broker their embrace, the woman turned to walk towards the back room and that’s when JiHyo saw her bag. It was almost satchel like, made of deep brown leather but it was the front of it that grabbed her attention. On the front was a picture of Bob Marley with the inscription “Love is the only answer”. [It’s perfect.] JiHyo ran up to her and where she could a bag like the one was wearing. The woman hadn’t seen JiHyo when she first entered the store so she was a bit surprised. The woman told her that they didn’t have any in stock. JiHyo felt a bit heartbroken hearing that because in her heart she knew that was the perfect gift for Byul; everything about it was perfect. The man, Welton must have noticed JiHyo’s fallen expression and reminded his girlfriend that she had another one just like it back home, in what turned out be Jamaica, and that they could have it shipped to the store for her and it would probably be there next week. Knowing that she hadn’t lost the possibility of getting the purse for Byul, JiHyo happily left her business card with her personal phone number with the shopkeeper. JiHyo knew Byul had begun recently developing her own love for reggae. Though HaHa had completely immersed himself in that culture, Byul hadn’t shared his same passion for it but through HaHa introducing things to her little by little, Byul was able to see why he loved it so much. Also up until now Byul’s fashion sense had been really non casual; high heels and designer clothes everywhere but she had really begun to relax a little more; even wearing more casual outfits including jeans. She and HaHa had really rubbed off on each other because HaHa’s sense of fashion had become much better since they began dating. This purse was the best of both worlds; the style of the purse and the quality of leather matched Byul’s standards but the picture of Bob Marley made it a bit more casual and personal. She really could wear it anywhere. JiHyo again thanked the shop owner and his girlfriend when her cell phone began to ring. She had recently changed the ringtone to Clazziquai’s “She Is”, so she didn’t realize it was ringing at first. She was able to catch it on the third ring. “Yeoboseyo? Hello?”

??: “Oh JiHyo-ah, it’s Gary Oppa. Where are you?”

 “Oh Gary, hey. I’m in the Itaewon area. What’s up?”

Gary: “Are you free tonight? I’m having a get together at my restaurant with some friends, Gwangsoo and Jongkook will be there also. I wanted to know if you wanted to stop by.”

JiHyo’s natural inclination was the say “no” but she was in such a good mood this evening that she didn’t want to miss this opportunity to hang out with some of her co-workers.  “Yae Oppa, do you want me to come now?”

Gary: “Yeah, come on by. Everybody is almost here anyway so we’ll just be waiting on you. See you soon.”

“See you soon.” JiHyo smiled to herself, hit the end call button and proceeded to walk back to her car with a lightness of foot she hadn’t experienced all week.



Gary was so excited that she was coming. He really couldn’t believe she said “yes”, the idea to ask her just popped up and he took the chance. Everybody was pretty much here already, he told them they had one other person coming but not who it was, he wanted to keep that part to himself a little longer. He sat back and watched as everyone enjoyed the food and soju he provided. Jongkook Hyung and Gwang Soo were busy arguing as Gwang Soo jokingly hit on Rainbow’s Kim Jae-kyung and Jongkook bashfully tried to force him to stop. Gil was busy laughing around with UEE and Daegu. HaHa and Byul couldn’t make it, something about some last minute wedding plans. Ryu Seung Bum and BoA were talking about the concept of her new MV she was working on and Seung Bum was subtly trying to prompt her to ask him to be in the video. [He really is shameless] Gary thought with a laugh. This was his normal circle of friends, minus a few others. He really hoped she would be comfortable here with them, he knew JiHyo to prefer more intimate settings but he also knew she could mesh well with new people. It really would make him happy if she enjoyed herself.

He checked his watch; it had been about thirty minutes since he called her so she should be arriving pretty soon. He reached to his left to taste the spicy sautéed octopus BoA ordered when JiHyo walked in. He thought she looked so cute in this cream and brown floral dress, green cardigan, sheer stockings and short brown boots. Also her hair was in a messy up-do that made him think of how she would look on lazy afternoons lying in bed; it was the way a woman’s hair would look after a bout of bed play, something so y about it. As soon as she walked in the door she captured everyone’s attention; she had this energy about her that just seemed to attract people to her, Gary doubted she even knew. Everyone seemed to come alive when they saw her.

JongKook and Gwangsoo: “JiHyo-ah, what are you doing here?”

UEE ran up to her and hugged her while saying “Unnie, it’s been so long, I’m so glad you’re here.”

JiHyo returned the hug and said “Gary just invited me; you know I couldn’t miss the opportunity to see everyone. I missed you guys.”

Gary replied laughing “You didn’t know who else was coming; admit it…my presence was enough to get you here.”

JiHyo: “Yea Oppa, that’s exactly the reason” she replied sarcastically with a laugh. JiHyo continued to greet everyone.

 She took a little extra time to speak with BoA and Ryu Seung Bum whom she didn’t know very well. She eventually settled in between himself and Gwang Soo. She and Gwang Soo immediately started going at it but it was all in good fun. Their relationship off camera was close and dysfunctional, completely opposite of how they portrayed themselves on Running Man. It was because they were so close that they were able to act like that on camera. Gary was content to sit and drink in her presence next to him; he watched as she interacted with everyone, pouring drinks and taking shots of soju herself. He ordered extra food to cover the appetite he knew JiHyo possessed.

[4 hours later]

It wasn’t even midnight and Gary was intoxicated. Everyone was having a marvelous time. It was nothing but smiles and laughter all over the room. For the last hour they had gotten Jongkook tipsy and forced him to randomly serenade ajummas in the restaurant and watch them latch on to him for pictures, hugs and kisses; one even tried to pinch his . It had everyone in tears because Jongkook so shy in the midst of any woman’s presence. But when he was drunk he would get even more shy and start stuttering or hiccupping when he sang; truly hilarious. JiHyo was truly enjoying herself; hadn’t stopped laughing since she arrived. She was able to hang with Gil’s wit and GwangSoo’s attempts to frame her, she acted lovey dovey with Gary and matched his cheesy words with ones of her own. She got dared to sing one of her favorite songs and totally surprised everyone when she started rapping the female part from Leessang’s “TV turned off” and got a leading to a standing ovation from everybody. Gary was indeed intoxicated; truly intoxicated in her presence. Well the soju he had helped him along the way but having her here, in his restaurant, with his friends completely at ease had him drunk. He stopped seeing anyone or hearing anyone a while ago; right now no one mattered but her. Gary realized he had to get control of himself; he was on a high right now and with his emotions like this, he may say or do something he shouldn’t. While he zoned out into his own thoughts, JiHyo poked his cheek to get his attention.

JH: “Hey Gary, I gotta go. I have some things to do tomorrow, so I can’t stay out too late tonight.”

“Oh no problem JiHyo, I’m so glad you came. I’m happy you enjoyed yourself.”

JH: “Yeah Oppa, well I’ll head out first. Please enjoy the rest of your party.” She said as she started to stand up.

“Wait. Let Oppa walk you to your car. You’re ok to drive, right?”

JH: “Yes I’m good. I didn’t drink a lot tonight because I had a schedule tomorrow.” JiHyo said her goodbyes to everyone and Gary let them know he was walking her out to the car and would be right back.

As Gary walked with her to her car, he tried his best to get his emotions under control. He was on a high he hadn’t felt in a while; this evening had been everything he hoped it would be. JiHyo was so comfortable around his friends; almost felt like she was comfortable in his life. They finally reached her car which meant it was time for her to go. He didn’t want to waste the moment, he was feeling too good right now. As she looked up to him to say goodbye, he noticed a loose eyelash resting on her left eye. “JiHyo hold still, you have an eyelash” as he reached to pick it up.

 JiHyo laughed and moved her head back and said “Oppa what are you doing?! That is the oldest line in the book.”

Gary was determined to get it though. “JiHyo do you trust Oppa?” He looked at her earnestly in the eye; alone with her at her car, had him feeling a little bolder. He really needed this excuse to touch her; everything in his body was screaming to be near her, it was too hard to stop now.

“Of course Oppa” answered JiHyo.

“Ok, stand still. It’s too close to your eye for me to use my finger. So I need you to close your eyes for me to get it.” JiHyo closed her eyes and waited for Gary to get the eyelash. Gary moved towards her and cradled her head to get closer to her face. It was an intimate pose; anyone passing by would assume they were in an embrace. Gary breathed in her shampoo once again [mmm almond and green tea]; it had been weeks since he was close enough to her that he could smell it so strongly. He took in a deep breathe soaking it all end with the scent almost sending him over the edge; she was in his embrace and her lips were right there, if he just moved his mouth a little to the right he would taste them; the nectar of his dreams. But he steeled his will and moved toward her left eye. He got close enough to almost land a small kiss on her eyelid but simple blew a small dainty breathe to dislodge the eyelash. He felt her shiver once he blew on her and smiled to himself. He took manly pride in the fact that she responded to him like that; meant that he wasn’t the only one feeling something. She may not be feeling anything as strongly as he was but she was still affected by him; JiHyo wasn’t indifferent to him; that was enough to leave him on a high for the rest of the night. He would dream of how that shiver felt to her, he could let his fantasies take over just for tonight. Standing there with her like this was enough to test any man’s control; he had to let her go now before he did anything more. “Well, JiHyo-ah drive safe, text Oppa when you make it home.” Gary tried to coolly back away from her, willing his emotions and body to calm down before the other Gary tried to make himself known. JiHyo told him she would text him when she got home, got in the car and proceeded to drive off. Gary turned around and walked back towards his restaurant; happy and content albeit a little hot under the collar.



For a second she thought he was going to kiss her. Unconsciously she turned up to meet his. The soft way he held her, like when they had to share Pocky sticks pointed towards a kiss. She held in her breathe awaiting the kiss to happen, unsure of what to do; part of her wanted to push away but part of her wanted to know what it felt like. But when he moved away from up to her eye, she felt a small bit of disappointment until she felt his small breath on her eye and her knees almost went weak; it was so unexpected and it sent a shiver up and down her spine so strong, she wondered if he felt it. She had never reacted to him like that before and to have a shock like that from just blowing on her eyes bespoke a truth she hadn’t admitted to herself yet, she was strongly attracted to Gary. She thought she was over it but being in his arms like that had her feeling some things that she hadn’t felt in a long time. It wasn’t anything to worry about; she was attracted to a lot of guys she convinced herself. Gary was gentleman and an artistic soul, all things she really liked; of course she would feel some attraction. JiHyo told herself not to read too much into it, he was just being a good Oppa to her; did as he said he would and removed an eyelash. [Just don’t read too much into it] was all she thought but she couldn’t help replaying the moment he blew on her eye over and over again in her head; left with just the remnants of the tingle that crawled up her spine just moments ago.




Author's Note: Hey guys don't worry 'm just building things up. I really want it to be as real and believable as possible. When people are trying to convince themselves of something else, it takes a while for them to realize the truth. But I promise once I get the ball rolling, it will get really good. Just stick with me a liitle longer. Also continue to write comments, they really help me develop the story better. Make sure to leave comments everyone. They really do help me write better. Did you like it, not like it? Was it believable? Was the pace of the story too slow or too fast? Whatever you feel, write it down. All is appreciated. Thanks. Hwaiting!!

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Marcella90 #1
Still knockin and hopin hehe
Chapter 19: i love this fanfic!! update as soon as possible, please^^
Micalbautista #3
Chapter 19: Huhu currently dying for an update. I hope you can continue this fic soon :)
Marcella90 #4
Chapter 19: Your ff is actually really interesting. I hope you think back to continue this =)
Marcella90 #5
Please update =)
esined-rm #6
Chapter 19: Pls update!!!
circle_ #7
Chapter 9: omg i can't believe i only started reading this gem now??? after subscribing for quite a while now.
damnd3utch #8
Chapter 19: it really looks like you've been busy and doesn't have time to update this.. we are all left in a cliffhanger here .. hopefully you can update soon.. i like how you lay it out, step by step.. thank uo
KangAzmi #9
Chapter 19: i realllllly hope you will continue this authornim!!
KangAzmi #10
Update please :D