Sehun in the House!

Baby Brother


Yifan frowned when the sharp voice hit his eardrums. It was just 8 and he didn’t have classes until 2 in the afternoon. He brought himself up and walked out of his room squinting his eyes at the bright surrounding. When he was out he saw Junmyeon running around the house, with a toast in between his lips and he stumbled over trying to wear his shirt at the same time. He obviously woke up late.


Sehun cried at 3 in the morning forcing Junmyeon to wake up and tend to his baby brother, who was sleeping with him in his room. He quickly warmed up the milk he already made before and feed Sehun. He only started sleeping at 12, taking care of Sehun because that kid couldn’t sleep. Now he was woken up because Sehun cried at 3. Yifan was still asleep though, because he was in the other room.

When Sehun finished his milk he looked like he was ready to sleep again. Junmyeon put bunch of pillows at the edges of the bed to stop Sehun from falling over if he wakes up before Junmyeon. Junmyeon patted him lightly to prompt him back to sleep and thank God Sehun was a good kid.

*End of flashback*

“Sehun’s on my bed. He’s still asleep though. Go and sleep with him. Later please bath him and feed him okay. I’m late for class. Bye Fan.”

Yifan nodded sleepily, acknowledging Junmyeon’s words. He was about to go back to sleep when Junmyeon called for him.



“That’s your room.”

“Well where else am I supposed to sleep?”

“What did I just told you?”

Yifan sighed so loud and thought for a while and then he went, ‘Oh..yeah, right.’  Yifan changed his direction to Junmyeon’s room and he just turned the door knob when Junmyeon called for him again.


“Just..don’t forget we have Sehun with us now, Fan.”

With that, he left the house, and Sehun, to Yifan. And Yifan went back to sleep, but not before glancing at little Sehun who was still sleeping at one side of the queen-sized bed. He crawled onto the bed and immediately drifted off to sleep.




Soft and light flesh pinched his face. Yifan frowned. Giggles can be heard so near to him. Yifan frowned deeper. The flesh now hit his face sharply. Yifan shot his eyes open and saw half of little Sehun on his chest.

Right..I’m alone with this kid.

Yifan  carried him off his chest so he could sit up and wonder about his life. What am I going to with you? Yifan sighed so loud, as if trying to ease a little bit of burden he was having on his shoulder. He was still blinking his sleep away when an indescribable stench hit him right at his smell receptor. It was slight at first, but later the smell became more significant and Yifan deep frown got even deeper.

“You poop.”

Sehun let out a series of happy giggles at his hyung and Yifan was sure the little satan was mocking him. Yifan screamed internally, rubbing his eyes vigorously as if it could make the nightmare ends. Yifan was so deep in his thought when another soft slap landed on his nose.

He opened his eyes and glared at Sehun with the gaze that would have anyone turned their eyes away from him. But na-ah. Not Sehun. Because that little boy was bouncing happily on Yifan’s torso it pulled a choking cough from Yifan.

“No no no you don’t hop like that on me kiddo.”

Yifan sat up while softly trying to put Sehun on the bed and it seemed like what Sehun could do was just to giggle at his oldest brother. Yifan stared at the little bundle of annoyance and how he rolled on the bed trying to find Yifan again.

“Now what? need to bath.”

Yifan inhaled sharply because hey! How to even bathe a baby?! Yifan cried..yeah, internally. Because Yifan was manly. But Sehun clapped his hand and his manliness crumbled.

Wu Yifan did not know how to bathe a baby.




A/N: I'm sorry, damn sorry to neglect this fic for like..what, 4 months? school is harsh man and I'm damn bad at multitasking haha. So right now is my study week, I'm supposed to be revising for my finals but noooo little Sehun is shooo cute I just had to update this. The temptation is too damn high.

I can't promise you the next update will be as soon as possible though. My finals ends at the end of June. Maybe you can expect something by then? :3

Have a nice day peeps! ^^

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unicorns0628 #1
Chapter 4: i like it a lot!!! good job! waiting for your updates !fighting
Chapter 3: I like it...good job author nim...
Chapter 3: i like it!!! new subbieee
Chapter 2: nice story..i'm already waiting for your update..
Chapter 2: :))) can't stop smiling after reading this:)) I was a bit hesitant at first , but I finally read it:)) haha and I did not regret my descision:) made my day actually:) update soon pls and btw pwahaha on jongdae:D