Twins, plus Sehun

Baby Brother

“I don’t know how to feed a baby I NEVER EVEN HAD A BABY!”

Apparently the twins’ parents had to attend some business matters overseas and their father, Mr Wu, had managed to persuade Junmyeon to take care of their 4 month old little brother Sehun. At first Yifan refused, because  Sehun was still small and he needs his mom but Mr Wu had argued that even if they bring Sehun, she wouldn’t be able to look after him, she was his secretary anyway so she would be as busy as him. It was 8 in the morning, Mr and Mrs Wu had dropped Sehun off at the twins’ apartment -thank God they live together, Yifan prayed silently- and promised the twins they’ll try to be back as soon as possible.

Now Yifan didn’t know what he was supposed to do when Sehun cried in his baby capsule and Junmyeon told him to feed the baby because maybe he was just hungry.

“Yifan..have you ever seen a baby’s bottle? It’s in his bag. Find it. And feed him. That’s all. General knowledge, Yifan.”

“Are you sure he’s okay? He’s not sick or something? He’d been crying since dad left. I don’t want to be responsible if anything happened to him.”

“No, Yifan. I’m sure he’s fine.”

He tried carrying Sehun and damn, he didn’t even know how to properly hold a baby. In between your arm and your chest, Junmyeon had told him. And hold the bottle in your free hand. Yifan did exactly what Junmyeon had said. Phew. It’s going to be a very long day.

Yifan was feeding Sehun while Junmyeon was going through his bags and whatever supplies their mom had packed for Sehun. Tons of clothes, tons of milk formula, tons of diapers and Junmyeon sighed in relief, they can survive with this much stuff. What they need to do is feed him, bath him, and making sure Sehun was not going to get sick. To be honest, Junmyeon was kind of nervous too. They never had younger siblings, and taking care of Sehun was definitely a tough mission.

“Hey wait..if Sehun’s with us, what about our classes? I’m not taking him to my lectures.”

“Chill, Yifan. I checked our schedules and none of it clashes. Most of my classes are in the morning while yours are in the evening. So yeah, we’ll take turns.”

“Oh. You did some research. But hey! So you’ll leave me alone with Sehun when you go to your class? No way!”

“You’re 20 Wu Yifan, I’m sure the least you can do is be at home and take care of a baby.”

“I never agree on their marriage, now what? A baby for us to take care of?”

“Fan, don’t say that. He’s our brother.”

“Damn it why do they have to leave this baby with us can’t they hire a nanny or something-“

“You know dad don’t trust nannies.”

“Or they can just bring Sehun with them. Who knows perhaps they went for a honeymoon-“

“Yifan. You know how’s the company at the moment right? Appa is working hard to feed us all. The least we can do is to help them look after Sehun. This sweetie is our brother after all.”

Junmyeon picked Sehun up from Yifan’s arm when he finished his milk and softly patted his back. Perhaps Yifan looked puzzled with that gesture so Junmyeon mouthed him, to make him burp. Yifan wondered how Junmyeon knew all this. Ah! Maybe because a few years ago Junmyeon frequent Jongdae’s house, when Jongin was a baby. He had always love kids.

When Junmyeon caught the faint burp escaping little Sehun’s lips, he chuckled to himself because wow, this is his first time making a baby burp. Afterwards it didn’t take long for little Sehun to doze off to his little dreamland, perhaps Junmyeon was right, he was just hungry. Junmyeon gently put him on the baby futon they had spread over in the living room. He stared at Sehun fondly and sometimes he glanced at Yifan, as if to say he still couldn’t believe they had a baby brother now. The little bundle of sunshine, black hair that is barely there, chubby flushed cheeks and small hands. How can anyone not fond of this little sweetheart?

The image of Junmyeon taking care of Sehun made Yifan thinks.  Will he be able to love Sehun the way Junmyeon love their baby brother?

“Hey Fan.” Junmyeon almost whispered.

“Don’t forget to make another bottle of his milk.”

Nope. Never going to love Sehun the way Junmyeon did.




A/N: How is the story so far? I hope you guys like it ^^ Please do drop your comments on this story! 

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unicorns0628 #1
Chapter 4: i like it a lot!!! good job! waiting for your updates !fighting
Chapter 3: I like it...good job author nim...
Chapter 3: i like it!!! new subbieee
Chapter 2: nice story..i'm already waiting for your update..
Chapter 2: :))) can't stop smiling after reading this:)) I was a bit hesitant at first , but I finally read it:)) haha and I did not regret my descision:) made my day actually:) update soon pls and btw pwahaha on jongdae:D