New Kid

First Love

"Joonmyeon! Quickly! You'll get us late!"

"Wait, Hyung! I am still putting up my shoes! Wait a second!"

"Oh, please! Hurry up, will you?!"

Joonmyeon gritted his teeth. He tied his shoes quickly, fastening the process who had already been in flash. The shoe laces ended up being really messy but it was not his priority to make them look neat right now for he had to rush now. He had to run to a car whose owner was honking it impatiently.

"Come on! Get your here asap! God!"

"Yes, Hyung! I am locking the door!"

Joonmyeon was also frustrated now. He quickly sealed the door, pulling it once to make sure it was completely secured. He spun himself and dashed, almost tripping in the process, but he managed to straighten himself and reached the car before he landed on the ground. Panting, he he was able to finally shove himself inside the car. He hadn't even finished buckling his seatbelt when the car jolted upward, nearly throwing him off of the seat.

"Hyung! I am not finished with my seatbelt!"

"Quit complaining, Joonmyeon! I am late right now! Gosh! I told you, I told you not to sleep late last night! You are always slow in everything and I am okay with that so long as you provide yourself with the time! I don't care if it takes centuries for you to clean up and get ready for school if you wake up early! But today, you got up late and you practically throw me into this madness as you are doing your things really slowly! Now what? This is the first day of my internship and your first day of your third year! What would your teacher think of you? Spoiled brat? What would my advisor think of me? A late jerk on his first day? Gee!"

Joonmyeon had already opened his mouth. The need to argue had risen but at the end he finally clamped his lips together. As much as it sting his ears to hear his brother's rant he knew it was his fault. He was up way too late last night reading the new Harry Potter novel he bought last week. He was on the last chapter already and he knew he couldn't sleep before he finished it. Thus, despite his brother's warning to sleep earlier, he continued reading the novel until the end. As predicted, he woke up late and his brother almost splashed him water to get him up. Now he was reminded of it, he felt nothing but guilty while eyes trailing at his mad brother.

"Hyung, I'm sorry ...."

No answer. His brother was really, really angry now.

"Siwon-hyung, please forgive me ...."

And as usual, he put this somber expression on his face, with the hope that it would be able to melt his brother's heart. He knew the pout would become less and less effective as he aged but this was the last chance of his to conquer his brother. He prayed in his heart that his effort would be given a shot today.

Joonmyeon heard a sigh from his side. Apparently, his prayer was heard today.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, Myeonnie. I was just ..., upset! I am really hooked up with this internship and I just wanna make my best for it. I am serious, however, with what I said, Myeonnie. You are almost and adult now. It is a step closer for you to graduate and with that I expect you to change your behaviour. You need to learn how to behave like an adult.  You are not a child anymore. I shouldn't scold you like an elementary student anymore."

His brother heaved a sigh and Joonmyeon couldn't help but being more guilty. He nodded, head down on his laps.

"I'm sorry ...."

One more sigh before he felt a short pat on his knee.

"It's okay then. Just make sure it doesn't happen again in the future. Chin up. We're almost at your school."

Just a minute later they arrived at the schoool gate. Joonmyeon snatched his bag and quickly got out of the car.

"Gomawo, Hyung! Have a nice day! Fighting!"

"Hwaiting, Shortie!"

The car turned around with a screeching sound and flashed like crazy. Joonmyeon never liked it when Siwon-hyung drove that way but he realized that he was doing so because of him. Joonmyeon sighed, at least he call me 'Shortie'.  He hate being called like that but at least Siwon-hyung's feeling was not that bad if he chose to call him so.

"Joon-ah! What the hell are you doing there! Get the hell out of your to the class! The bell is ringing now!"

It took a while before Joonmyeon realized that the shove was from his bestfriend, Kyungsoo. When he finally grasped the fact, he had already been scurrying down the hall with Kyungsoo, hoping with his heart that the teacher would come after they safely arrived at their class.


*   *   *


"So, you did wake up late again."

Joonmyeon frowned. He did, indeed, but the way Kyungsoo spoke it sounded like as Joonmyeon had committed such horrifying murder. Kyungsoo smirked though, knowing that he hit the spot perfectly.

"I told you to buy the novel earlier! That stupid novel was released over a month ago and you should have bought it so you could finish it during the holiday. You didn't her what I said and here comes the result."

"I told you I didn't have the money! I needed to wait for my parttime job salary to cover its expensive price."

"And I told you you could use my money."

"I don't like borrowing other's money. It's against my personal principle."

Kyungsoo scoffed. Joonmyeon and his personal principle. Sometimes he could not comprehend how his friend's mind worked. Joonmyeon was really rich, damn rich. He might be an orphan, but his wealth was like hell. His brother of course showered him with luxury but it didn't make him a spoiled brat he was supposed to be. Instead, Joonmyeon used most of his money for donation to an orphanage near the school. He opted to work parttime in a bookstore to earn money for his personal use. Despite his noble act, Kyungsoo still couldn't figure out if Joonmyeon was simply weird or brain-wrecked. Nonetheless, it was his kindness that made Joonmyeon his bestfriend since he met him.

"I told you that I could give you interest if my kindness was too burdening for you.That simple!"

"And that was the last, last thing I would do!"

Rolling his eyes, Joonmyeon successfully made Kyungsoo laughed. Kyungsoo was so amused with his friend's antic but before he could made a snarky comment the class went dead silent as the teacher entered the room. They, along with the rest of the class, stood up and greeted the teacher.

 "Annyeong hasseyo, Songsaengnim."

"Annyeong hasseyo, everyone. Sit please."

The class made some noise as they got themselves at their seats.

"Sorry for being late. We teachers were just after our morning inspection, conducted by our principle. Similar like you, we teachers are also intimidated by Cho-sajangnim."

The class chuckled. This was shy Jae Sang-songsaengnim was one of school's favorite teachers. He was funny but respected by all students. Luckily, Joonmyeon's class got him as their homeroom teacher this year.

"Well, that's a joke, of course! Don't tell her, I willl be fired right away. Anyway, welcome to the first day of school! I know you have been biting your nails anticipating for this day to come, haven't you?"

The class groaned in unison.

"Ah .... You lay brats! Well, you're normal though. When I was at your age, I was like you too."

Jae Sang-songsaengnim flashed his smiled to student.

"So, this is it. You have finally reached this stage. This year is your last year of your education. This is the final year before you leave school and leap to your own destination. After this, you will decide your path and walk on your very own way. Therefore, I want you to give your best shot through this year. Studey hard, keep your mind focus, enjoy every single thing, every single day before you proceed to the real world. Some of you will go to university, some of you will work, and some of you might end up being an idol."

Everyone chuckled.

"Whatever you d later, keep in mind that you have to do the best. Be a great person in whatever field you choose to stand. Be a person that spreads kindness to those around you. Make yourself proudm I do wish and pray that you all will become successful in the future."

None of them was not having their eyes glistening upon listening to Jae Sang-songsaengnim's words. Joonmyeon's eyes were watery. He knew exactly that this year would be his final year, one of the most meaningful periods in his life. He felt terrified of what would happen in the future but he was also excited to go on his own way. He could hear a clear voice in his head, that no matter what happened, he would do his best. He looked around his class. He was going to miss this room so much.

"Alright! Enough with the tears! You will bear to see me for another year before --"

Knock, knock.

The knock on the door made Jae Sang-songsaengnim halt. He turned to see the door and saw someone there.

"Aah .... You, boy! Come on in!"

Everyone's eyes were on him, including Joonmyeons. Framing around a hundred eighty centimeters or more, he was towering like a lamp post. His eyes were like hawk's, sharply scanning the entire class. With skin that looked so soft, decorated with face that was smug but deeply handsome, he was drop dead gorgeous. The girls couldn't contain their squeals as he stepped closer to the teacher.

"So sorry I forgot to tell you all that we have a transfer tudent today. So, boy who looks like me in my younger years, introduce yourself, please."

The boy nodded before speaking in a husky voice.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kris. I am from Canada. I hope we all could be great friends. Thank you."

He bowed to the class. His Korean was good a bit accented. His face when saying that was rather cold, contrary on what he wished in his speech. Nonetheless, Jae Sang-songsaengnim nodded and asked him to sit at the only empty chair in the class, a chair right behind Joonmyeon.

The kid walked past him but Joonmyeon sensed that the new kid was staring at him. He acted as if he dropped his pencil, casually turning his head around and pretending to search for the fallen pencil. As he lifted his eyes, his eyes met with the new kid's.

Thud, thud, thud ....

Something weird was going on him. Why did his heart beat so fas? Why did he feel that he could not really breathe? Why did he feel like his cheeks were burning?

"Kim Joonmyeon,I know that you want to befirend him, but hold on 'till later, okay? We have to start the lesson like right now."

Joonmyeon turned himself again with face red as tomatoes.

"Someone has a crush .... Someone has a crush ...."

Joonmyeon glared at Kyungsoo, who was wiggling his brows playfully.

You're muffled song will be my reason to kick you later, owl eyes!


*   *   *   *   *


August 9, 2014


Phew, I almost thought that I wouldn't continue this story. I just felt that it was lame and bad. However, being a very lazy to write lately, this was the only story that could move me to write again. Sigh. At least I am writing again. Trying to make this as good as possible. Drop by some comment to encourage me to wrtie more, please.



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2448 streak #1
Chapter 3: awww... how i wish this was continued! would've loved to know what happened to them... did Kris die or did he take off some time ago? why does Jun love him so much still? ughhhh, we'll never know
lunaluna #2
Chapter 3: omg i love love this story but don't tell me its gonna be a sad ending. waaaaa i want suho to end up with kris