
First Love


It is what he liked most in life. Drizzle, thunderous rain, sea pouring, they were all amazing. So amazing. He could just stand under the rain for hours, admiring how wonderful these water droplets came down to earth after dancing in the sky with wind and clouds. Rain was purifying, rain was sacred.

And everytime rain poured down, there would be another memory that rushed down to his mind. The memory he was so fond of. Even though it was not happy, he could even call it sad, it was lovely. For it was the only thing that meant the greatest in his life, for it was the precious memory he had been trying to keep for his whole life.

The memory was distant, years had passed since the moments happened. But for him, it was crystal clear, just like yesterday. Just yesterday.



"Doctor Kim?"

He jumped, literally. He looked at a nurse who was looking at him with a third dumb, a third crazy, and a third confused smile. He couldn't help but grinning to the nurse who was now looking in awe at him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sunny. The rain was refreshing. I was caught by the drizzles outside. How could I help you?"

The nurse gulped. It seemed that she was trying to make herself conscious in front of this man. She shook her head twice and smiled sheepishly.

"I just want to bring you this, Doctor."

Nurse Sunny gave him a folder. dr. Kim received it to examine it attentively.

"Ah, the file of Byun Baekhyun. I forgot that he would have his periodical examination. It is tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Yes, Doctor. I have given him a call to remind him that he should come here tomorrow at 9 am."

"Yes, yes. Thank you, Miss Sunny. I would have forgotten this had you not reminded me before. Well ..., wait, I don't see his x-ray photograph we had in his last check-up. Where is it?"

"Oops, um ..., I'm sorry, Doctor. I guess I left it in nurse room ...."

dr. Kim sighed. "It has happened many times, Miss Sunny. I really hope you would try to lessen your carelessness. It sure is fatal to leave the confidentiality of a patient wherever. I don't want this happen again, alright."

dr. Kim was not speaking in a harsh way or raising tone but his firm voice sure made the girl's face in front of him reddened as tomato. Scolding people was not his favorite thing but he would come off so. He tried to get the code of medics obeyed by everyone, not excluding him or his favorite nurse in front of him.

"Okay, look, I accept your apology but please make sure this will never, ever, ever happen again, okay, Miss Sunny?"

Nurse Sunny peeked an eye for him. He was smiling gently and warmly, the very same smile that had made her sleepless at night thinking of it. She shook her head again.

"Yes, no, I mean, yes, dr. Kim. I will never let myself repeat this again. I promise." She bowed.

"Great. Now, take this with you and insert the x-ray picture within the folder. After that, please just put in in my room."

"Are you gonna go somewhere?" she asked, rather curiously.

"Well, this is lunch time already. Kyuhyun, I mean, dr. Cho is here already right? He will stay here until night. I will go home and come here again tomorrow."

"Ah, I see." Nurse Sunny looked disappointed. "Do you want to have lunch with me? I, I made, my mother made me lunch but it is too much for me. I am wondering if we could share a meal together."

dr. Kim startled. "Well, that's very nice of you, Miss Sunny, but apparently I have to go now."

The face of Nurse Sunny turned sour.

"Do you want to meet someone."

"No, I just want to walk around for a while. I am kind of stressed. I just want to walk and move my feet and relax. Haven't got that chance much lately. Um ..., is everything alright?"

Nurse Sunny quickly put a poker face and smiled.

"Nope, that's fine, Doctor. I guess I will have it by myself then."

"I am sorry. Next time, I promise I will have lunch with you. For the mean time, why don't you ask dr. Cho to eat with you. I think he'd love to try any meal you made, or bring."

He winked at Nurse Sunny and left, leaving the latter bugged her eyes out and grumbled silently. He walked through the door, bowed to several people who greeted him. He stopped at the terraceof the hospital, gazing towards the sky which was now dropping light rain.

"Wanting to go home at this kind of weather, Doctor?"

He turned his head and smiled to the security beside him. "I think so, Mr. Chan. It is a great weather anyway."

"Oh, please, how many times I told you to call me 'Jackie'?"

dr. Kim laughed and patted Jackie's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Jackie. It is just hard for me to drop the honorifics even though people keep telling me to be more intimate with them. Sorry Mis ..., Jackie!"

Jackie rolled his eyes. "No problemo, Doctor. Just remember that."

"Sure buddy! I will."

"Wait, you still wanna get through the rain? You will catch a cold, my boy."

"Na-ah, I'm fine. I love rain. I never get sick by it. I even get healthier."

"Nonsense. If you still want to go through the rain, here, use my raincoat."

"No, no, you dont have to. It's okay. I hate wearing them. It is sticky and hot. The rain is not hard. I will find a shelter once it goes harder."

"But ...."

"See you later, Jackie!"

dr. Kim took a step ahead and walked past the terrace, walking through the dropping rain. He just smiled at him when he heard Jackie shouted to him, trying to prevent him from going under the rain. He kept walking, amazed by how cool it was to let rain drops hit his face, his hair, and his nape. He felt refreshed. It was really beautiful, walking down the street in this rainy day. He couldn't keep but noticing that flowers, grass, trees were all happy with the coming of the rain. They were happy to finally get their thirst erased.

If only his thirst could also be erased.

"Kim Joonmyeon!"

He stopped at his track and let a sigh. He waited for a few second before he turned around and saw a handsome man approaching him with a very disturbed look. The man almost slipped twice, making him visibly more upset than before.

"Kim Joonmyeon, how many times should I tell you that you must never walk under the rain anymore! You could get sick! Look, you are wet already! What if you catch a cold?"

"Relax, Lay. I am fine. I am not that wet and I am not gonna be sick. I'll be healthy. I'm a doctor."

"That's what I am talking about. As a doctor you should give a good example to people. What if they follow your step?"

"They won't, Lay. Don't be too much. You're like my mom already."

Lay breathed heavily.

"Alright then. You can keep doing that, I don't care, but when the rain gets heavier, find a shelter and stay under it until the rain is off. Okay?"

Joonmyeon half pouted half winced.

"I just can't see you sick, Myeonnie."

Joonmyeon smiled at him. and he was really surprised when Lay suddenly hugged him.

"La, Lay! What are you doing?  We are still in hospita area! People will see us!"

Joonmyeon struggled to let himself away from Lay. Lay laughed seeing Joonmyeon pouted.

"I am sorry. I just can't keep myself not feeling happy when I see you or when I'm with you."

Jlebbb. Joonmyeon's heart was paralized.

I am sorry. I just can't keep myself not feeling happy when I see you or when I'm with you.


Joonmyeon came back to reality. He looked at Lay who was looking back at him worriedly.

"I'm fine. I'm fine, Lay."

He was far from fine. What Lay just said was like knife, stabbing his heart deeply.

"Are you okay? You looked pale."

"I'm fine, okay! I just need some time alone. I, ummm, I'm kinda stressed. Walking will free me from the stress."

"But you have promised to have lunch with me today. I have been waiting for a week to have lunch with you."

"Just go to the place by yourself first and I will be there later."

"But ...."

"See you, Lay."

Joonmyeon walked off past Lay.

I am sorry. I just can't keep myself not feeling happy when I see you or when I'm with you.

Those words belonged to him. He whom Joonmyeon could never forget. He whom Joonmyeon always thought. He whom Joonmyeon no longer knew where he was now. He whom Joonmyeon longed till his heart hollow and bleeding.



* * * * *






Alright, this is the first of unknown following chapters later. To be honest I ddn't know how to start this story. I intend to make it somber but I couldn't help making it a bit comedic. I guess I would just follow the rhythm. Anyway, next chapter is in my mind already, just needing to be typed down. I will try my best to continue, even though I have to stand against the wave of drowsiness during the typing (curcol gue). Anyhow, enjoy and please comment. Will be glad to know how you feel about this story. :)

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 3: awww... how i wish this was continued! would've loved to know what happened to them... did Kris die or did he take off some time ago? why does Jun love him so much still? ughhhh, we'll never know
lunaluna #2
Chapter 3: omg i love love this story but don't tell me its gonna be a sad ending. waaaaa i want suho to end up with kris