The Wallflower




"Hey, isn't he handsome?"

"Try talking to him!"

Sehun clutched the plate in his hand and squeezed a considerable amount of dishwasher on it then he scrubbed the plate with a sponge a little too roughly. He was starting to get annoyed by all the girls who came to the restaurant he was currently working in. Sure, more people should mean more customers but these girls were only here to stare at him and talk about him. They never order anything, they would just giggle over him.

"What time do you get off work?"

"You're so forward."

Sehun could practically hear every word they were saying. They didn't even make any effort to minimize their voices. It was like they wanted him to hear them.

Ugh... Don't they realize how pathetic they seem?

Sehun tried to control his anger. He needed this job and more importantly he needed the money. Just a few more hours and his shift would end. For now, he couldn't do anything else but crush the little yellow sponge in his hand and pretend he didn't hear anything.

"But, doesn't he look younger than us?"

"How old are you? Why don't you come play with us?"

Most of the time, it would only be high school and college girls who would visit him but now even women who were much older than him would come and stare at him openly. As if squealing young girls weren't bad enough, now noonas were after him too.

And as if to add insult to the injury, the restaurant manager noticed this and realized he could make a profit off of Sehun.

"Sehun, go talk to the customers. It's okay to go show them some hospitality," the restaurant manager purred in his ear.

Sehun didn't like the way the manager was standing dangerously close to him. It took a lot of his patience not to push him away. Then suddenly, he felt a hand grab his and squeeze it.

Oh God he's gay.

No wonder Sehun would always catch him staring at him.

"It's not a big deal... You've got something good, so you should use it. Right?" the manager whispered in his ear.

The manager made one final over his before he sauntered away.

"That's what we said," Sehun couldn't help but overhear one customer puff in annoyance, "If that guy doesn't come out, then we won't order."

"I'll be taking your order," Bommi answered. Bommi is a 32 year old female co-worker of Sehun.

"Then I'll take him to go!" the customer persisted.

"What sort of vulgar thing are you talking about? I'm only asking what you want to drink," Bommi shouted, suddenly losing all her cool.

"Be quiet, you old hag. It's none of your business," came the customer's reply.

"Old hag? OLD HAG?! What part of me is an old hag?!" Bommi challenged.

Sehun didn't even realize it but he was suddenly walking out the kitchen and over to the table where Bommi was currently serving. There were four high school girls sitting around the table but Sehun didn't care. He pounded his fist on the table which caused it to break and the whole restaurant to turn silent.

"You've said whatever you wanted since you came in, haven't you?" Sehun started to say but then he shouted, "Then all of you should just be quiet!!"


The restaurant manager who was standing not too far away, immediately came to his side and quickly apologized to the customers.

"I'm so sorry..." he addressed to the girls then turned to Sehun, "What are you--"

But before he could even finished what he was saying, Sehun suddenly broke from his grasp and planted a punch on his face. The manager who was caught in surprise was immediately knocked to the ground.

Sehun was so done with this place.

He turned around and walked off while untying the apron around his waist then threw it towards the direction of the kitchen. When he was only a foot away from the door, he heard the manager stood up and shouted, "You're fired!"

I don't care. I'm planning on resigning anyway.


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[04/03/14] The next chapter's almost finished. Just a few more additions and it will be up soon. :)


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Chapter 4: bad Hunie bad bad hunie, and we had dealt with that kid for 2 years already aish, update soon
Chapter 3: update please
Chapter 2: Omg I used to watch the animation back when I was younger:)) it was my absolute favorite:)) eee hope I'll get the same feelings back then:)) though I'm sure i'll have more cause of Exo:P can't wait:))) fighting