
EXO One Shot Collection: EXO as vampires

It was a normal day of college for Sehun. He went to school. He acted like a human. He didn't kill anyone even if they annoyed him and he really wanted to and then finally went home. Except today was different. Today was the day the new girl joined school. Sehun walked to his next lesson. Maths. He hated maths, infact he hated everything about college, but the others made him go so that they could blend in with all the humans. They couldn't be suspicious. He entered the classroom and took his seat in the back corner where he sat by himself, just how he liked it. Away from human contact. He had no friends in college, everyone thought he was a weirdo with social problems. If only they knew the real reason. 

"Okay class, today we're going to be learning algebra" the teacher called out to the class, earning a bunch of sighs in return. "But first, we have a new student joining us today" Sehun looked up from the piece of paper he was doodling on, curious about the new student. "Everyone I want you to be welcoming and make her time at this school enjoyable".

Sehun couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the girl, standing casually at the front of the class. She looked shy and was standing with her hands hanging loosely by her sides. Her jet black, curly hair was flowing naturally just past her shoulders. She had a simple pair of glasses resting on her delicate nose. She was wearing a batman tshirt with black skinny jeans and had a blue backpack, the strap on only her right shoulder. Sehun thought she was unbelievably cute. He couldn't help but stare at her. Sehun was brought back to reality by his teacher smacking his desk, the new girl standing behind him looking nervous.

"Nice to see you're still with us, Oh Sehun" the teacher said sarcastically, the whole class sniggering besides the girl. The teacher turned to the new girl and said "right, you can next to Sehun, maybe you can get him to pay attention" he walked away looking rather satisfied with himself, a smug smile plastered across his old and wrinkled face. The girl anxiously took her seat next to the mysterious boy. She wasn't sure what to make of him. He seemed...odd. Even though he was strange, she found him captivating. His sharp jawline and dense bleached blonde hair were very appealing. He had the most mesmerising eyes too, the deepest shade of brown with flecks of gold, shimmering under the artificial light of the classroom. She would be lying if she said he wan't handsome. 

As she sat down, Sehun turned away. He couldn't face her. She smelled enticing, the staggering scent of her perfume mixing with the tempting smell of blood. He had never had such an urge to drain somebody of their blood. Not only was she cute, but he could tell her blood was far from bitter. He felt the girl tap him on the shoulder, he tried to refrain from turning round, but he couldn't be rude to her. She seemed different to the other people around here. In a good way. When he turned to face her she smiled warmly at him. If he had a heart he was sure it would be beating very rapidly right now. 

"I'm Tara by the way" she looked back down at the desk, she was obviously a very timid person. He liked that about her though. It meant she wouldn't pester him like the other humans he encountered. Sehun smiled back at her, as softly as he possibly could. But being soft isn't exactly his strong point. They spent the remainder of the lesson in silence, not talking to each other once. But somehow, Sehun found it wasn't awkward like it would be if someone else had sat there. It was a bizarre feeling for him. 

Class finished and Sehun raced out of the classroom and to the back of the school whilst all the other students ate their lunch and did the one thing he hated most around here. Socialised. Tara was disappointed when she saw Sehun run off. She was going to ask him if he wanted to have lunch with her. He was the only person she had plucked up the courage to talk to all day.

Tara walked to the lunch hall and looked for somewhere to sit but there was nowhere. Everytime she went to someone, they put their bag onto the seat next to them. She decided to eat lunch somewhere round the back of school. She knew no one hung around there. She paced through the corridors alone, getting laughed at by people talking to their friends as she had no one. She finally got there but when she walked around the corner of the building she tripped over her own feet, she was clumsy like that, and fell into someone's arms. When she peeered up to see who it was that caught her, she saw Sehun. 

"Thanks for catching me, I owe you one" Sehun stood Tara up and found himself loosing control. He pushed her up against the wall and kissed her powerfully. She was taken aback, but didn't try to push him away. Sehun pulled away first, his deep brown eyes beaming into her own. He was surprised at himself, he'd never been so abrupt before. But he knew if he couldn't have her, then he'd end up killing her. He needed her now. Tara's cheeks flushed crimson, she had never been kissed before. 

"You should stay away from me. I'm bad news" Sehun said, staring at her.

"But I can't now, you just kissed me" Tara replied.

"Well try" Sehun said before running off. Tara found herself following him, running as fast as her legs could possibly go. Soon she had followed Sehun into the woods and noticed Sehun sitting high up in a tree. She was wondering how on earth he climbed up there. Soon he jumped down and landed right in front of Tara, startling her. "I warned you, I'm dangerous".

"I don't care. You wont hurt me" Sehun knew that was true. But what if he did?

"Fine. But don't say I didn't tell you about me" Sehun ran off further into the forest, leaving Tara stood alone, thinking about what he meant. I'm dangerous. He was certainly peculiar.

A/N: Hi :) hopefully you all liked this chapter, comment who you want next and I'll write the one with the most comments 

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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To tend and embrace the heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up.
Chapter 4: Omg i want this to be a story not a one shot ????
Alice-2002 #3
yellowpages19 #4
xiumin and kai
next pleasssssse <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: kyungsoo next please :D
Chapter 4: chanyeol next pleaseeeeee~ ^^
khaniaNYN #7
Chapter 3: Baekhyun please ^^ thx!
ForcedToMakeAnAccnt #8
ForcedToMakeAnAccnt #9
Chapter 1: Awwwessoommee
Please do Sehun's next. :P