
Slave to a Doll

(FYI, double update for chapters 4 and 5 as of 12/27/2014 12:07 AM)


<><><><> If only you are next to me, I don't care if it's a nightmare <><><><>

In-Young’s POV

“Unnie, I know that the guys asked us out to dinner and I really want to go but first can we go shopping for manager Shin’s birthday? She’s done so much for us this year, we need to pay her back.” Nina pulled on my arm, pleading with her eyes.

Manager Shin was our main manager and is the only one who lives withus in the dorms, which means she rarely has free time to treat herself or rest because of taking care of us 24/7. Since this year would be herlast taking care of us (she was a trainee only manager and we would be moving out of the trainee dorms inless than a week, we would only see her for thenext month at most before fully switchingto artist managers), some of the girls decided itwould be rightto give our “second mother” a birthday present before we moved out.

“Yeah, I’ll go buy it, are you sure you don’t want to go eat with them? You don’t get to see Hyuk-sunbae much outside of recording, and I know you’ve barely eaten today.” Nina, easily the skinniest out of all of us, usually was the most hungry, and she’s been a fan of Hyuk since his trainee days. “I can go by myself, the managers know we’ve been trying to do something for Manager Shin so it’ll only take 30 minutes at most.” Nina seemed torn at the idea of eating with Hyuk versus coming shopping with me, “I insist, you can only see him so much off camera, go while you can.”

“Manager Kim, can I go to one of the shops nearby and get our present before coming to eat? I know how to get to the restaurant from here.” I debated a little with our second head manager, he was less strict than Shin, but alsomore fearful for our safety as girls.

“What if you get recognized? It’s not like you’re completely unknown, someone might recognize you even after two years.” I haggeled with him, cutting downmy shopping time down to 20 minutes and a promise to call whenI bought the item.

“Crap, now I have to figure out what to buy her” I’ve always been bad at this, I walked into the nearest mall, it was less than a minute away from our filming location and I had left before any had started to leave for the restaurant.

<><><><> I had such a scary and bad nightmare, you left me forever <><><><>

In-Young's POV

I was in there for maybe 10 minutes, trying to narrow down my present choices between cosmetics and handbags, until someone called my name,


I turned around, instantly recognizing the soft voice.

“Leo-sunbae? What are you doing here?” He was carrying a small bag, but I took note ofhis clothes more.

Dark shoes, dark jeans, a white shirt, dark jacket, dark cap, he was dressed to not stand out but what he was wearing only highlighted that he was pure model material.

“I-I was buying a present for my friend.” He said quietly, tucking the small bag into his pocket, “and you don’t have to call me by my stagename off camera.” He said quietly, “Or call me sunbae . . .” looking at me quickly with piercing eyes so intense and attractive that I blushed with absolutely no modesty and had to look away so I didn’t look like a tomato in front of him.

“Tae-taekwoon-oppa.” I almost jumped out of my skin with happiness at calling him that to his face, wait till I write this in the fan forum, wonder what people will say (yes, I, a trainee who actually saw idols on a somewhat regular basis, took part in fangirl spazzy forums), “I’m actually here for a present too, the girls wanted to get something for our trainee manager since she’s been like a mother tous for these past few years and it’s her birthday this weekend.” I picked up a skin care set, 245,000 won, yikes! Our limit between the 6 of us was 180,000 won, 30,000 each. But to be honest, I wouldn’t be opposed to throwing in an extra 20,000 because as a trainee I was still the most well off because of my past endorsements.

“That’s nice of you, but why is it just you here? Shouldn’t the maknaes be doing something like this? Definetely not the leader,” I shrugged,

“Technically I’m second maknae, but I volunteered to tell you the truth Nina was really disappointed she didn’t get paired up with Hyuk and the dinnerwas a chance for her to really meet him off camera.” I picked up another skin care set, it had less items, 300,000 won flat. Hell no.

“Why don’t I help you find something for Manager Shin? That’s who it’s for, right?” I looked at him, wondering how he knew which manager, “We had Manager Shin before our debut too, she taught me how to do laundry.” He smiled, as if thinking of a good memory.

I laughed, “Same as Yeo-na and Yuna, she taught the two of them how to cook for us too. Before her, we were living off raw vegetables and cereal.”

“How about this?” He asked, handing me a huge pink box, I checked theprice, ready to wince, 150,000. I did a double take, no way.

“This set is on sale, but it doesn’t look bad. Manager Shin has the same taste as my sisters and liked the cosmetic set we gave her,” Taekwoon went into a deep explanation of the product, somehow familiar with the set. I listened but at the same time, merely mesmerized by his voice. It was just so soft, gentle, and real, I couldn’t remember the last time I had feltso soothed by someone’s voice.

“I think this is an excellent choice, if I get this and a small wallet, that’ll be exactly our budget.” I smiled, happy that the present situation could be resolved that quickly.

“I’ll come with you, it’d be better to stick together since we have to go to dinner in the same place anyway.” I nodded, grateful to have someone with me whenI’d try to bargain down the price. I got the set and turned to Taekwoon,

“I was going to get that wallet for 50,000 how much do you think I should ask for it?” I asked him, whispering so the kiosk owner nearby wouldn’t hear my voice or my accent.

“You do know how unlikely it is that you’ll get a discount with your accent.” He stated, I sighed, nodding. The girls always did the bargaining for a reason, I couldn’t be taken seriously with my light American accent.

“How much do you have?” He asked me, spying the shop owner coming closer, sensing we were interested in a good.

“30,000 but I can ask the members to make up the extra 20,000 later if I need to-”

“Give me the 30,000.” I pulled outmy wallet, wondering how would possibly manage to bring down the price by 40%, but then he shooed me away  telling me to stay onthe other side he came over.

<><><><> I wanna go to you, I wanna go to sleep again <><><><>

Leo’s POV

Usually I hated doing this, but In-Young was missing dinner for this, and Manager Shin probably spent more hours than money can makeup for those girls.

“Excuse me . . .” I walked up to the kiosk owner, she looked like she was about my mom’s age, “I don’t really know how to do this Miss, but I forgot to get my little sister her birthday present and she really wanted this wallet. Is it really 50,000?” I asked her, trying to look bashful and embarressed as possible to incur sympathy like my older sisters had taught me.

“Omo omo, what a handsome young man,” she cooed, coming right to my assistance after she got a look at my face, “You look like an idol, so tall.”

“Thank you.” I answered giving a small bowed, “but my sister is really the idol, do you see her?” I asked, pointing at In-Young who was across the sales floor, looking at some shoes, but looking beautiful none the less. “She was on KPOPSTAR,”

“Omo omo, really? She’s very pretty.” She looked at me, “And she’s your little sister?” She asked me, looking between the two of us.

“And it’s her birthday but I only brought 30,000, she’s turning 20 this year too, I wanted to get her something . . . ” I trailed off, trying my best to seem to be at a lost.

“Just for you young man, I think I can bring down the price for your sister.” I thanked her multiple times, giving her the money and wallet to be wrapped.

<><><><> Reality without you is like a dream where you are running away <><><><>

Leo's POV

“But are you sure you aren’t an idol young man?” She asked me, looking me up and down again, “I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

“OMO! MOM!” A girl that looked like she was in middle school came out from behind the counter, “You’re Leo from VIXX! Right? I’m right!” She was ready with a camera and pen.

“From VIXX?” The kiosk owner asked, looking confused from her daughter to me.

Then ensued 10 minutes of the three of us talking, with me apologizing to the owner for trying to pass off as not being anidol. Then me taking a picturewith her daughter and her, and signing the picture. In the end though, she gave me an extra pair of men and women’s wallets, telling me to have one for me and my other siblings.

“We should go quick. They figured out I’m from VIXX.” I told her before she could asked me how I got three wallets. She nodded, understanding my wish to get out of there as fast as possible.

We were out of the building and before she could ask me how I got my purchases, her phone rang.

“WHERE ARE YOU?” I could hear the voice even when it wasn’t on speaker, it sounded like one of the managers.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry Manager Kim. We’re honestly less than a minute away, I just finished shopping.” She hung up, “I was supposed to be done in 20 minutes, he was upset since it’s been 30,” I nodded, understanding.

“We better go then, Emma-shi.” She looked at me, smiling as I handed her the present.

“Off camera I’m In-Young, oppa.” For a second, I was honestly scared. Her smile stopped my heart, and for a second, I didn’t know if it would restart.

“Then In-Young-shi . . .” I faltered, even just saying her name, doll, it made me realize how innocent and precious I thought she was. “After you,” I held open the door of the restaurant for her and followed her in.

Looking at her walking ahead of me, Hakyeon’s words from after the shooting rang thru my head.


“I like her, I’ve liked In-Young for the last 2 years. I know you don’t really like her or anything, but I thought you should know since she’s your partner. After the end of this program, I’m going to ask In-Young out.”


I hadn’t answered, since he didn’t expect one, but now the declaration ran through my head, especially after the heart-stopping smile I’d just seen.

Choi In-Young.

Soft-spoken almost as much as me despite the public idol image.

Kind-hearted enough to give up dinner time despite the lack of a meal earlier today.

So beautiful she could make my heart stop - I didn’t think this would happen.

I like the Doll.

<><><><> Because I knew everything about you, I was confident <><><><>


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Chapter 8: Omg. Now they both gonna fight for her VKAJCHWIXBQICB I have a feeling she's gonna lean more towards Leo since she's liked him in the first place. *sighhh* This is so hard!!! Great work so far author-nim! Leaving my feels all jumbled up ><
Chapter 6: OMG. Okay i love taekwoon, but this us heartbreaking for N. Obviously she would pick leo if she had to choose but i feel so bad for N! He's been looking over her for so long while Leo just srarted liking her. *sighss*
Chapter 2: This is really interesting and cute!!
Update soon~! ♥
Chapter 1: I really like the first chapter, hope you update soon~~.
AngelMode #7
Write Author-nim ! >..<