Only U

Slave to a Doll

<><><><> My close friend introduced me to a girl, I guess he felt bad for me <><><><>

Leo's POV

It's been three days. Three days since we were told about the filming.

And I'm dreading it.

Because of the one-on-one partner layout, that meant that none of the members would be able to save me. The worst part was that I would have to be the teacher of a KPOPSTAR winner! I've heard of In-Young before, but because of VIXX's schedule, I've never had hte chance to hear her sing. What if I can't think of any pointers? How the heck is this show supposed to run for five episodes?

I thought it was suspicious when the company gave us such a nice break last week, saying that they needed to finalize the details of our next comeback and still make up the choreography. They were usually ready to go as soon as we were done with the last one, maybe because it was the end of the year and they wanted to give us a real holiday.

That was total crap. Every time N come us with an excuse to say the company's being lenient, it usually means that they're gonna dump something on us that we (or just me) really don't like.

I hadn't said anything out right against it because it was already a set decision, there really was no chance of me changing it.

Just great - I can't remember the last time I had a one-on-one conversation with a girl before, fansigns don't count because I'm with them for less than a minute each. Maybe the last day of high school?

VIXX was in the practice room right now, filming VIXXTV. But they were supposed to be here any minute.

<><><><> Without knowing I'm talking about you <><><><>

In-Young's POV

I winced, hearing a squeal right next to my left year.

"Hakeyon-oppa is so hot. How do you think he'll give me pointers? He's supposed to be my dance tutor!" I gave a look to Yeo-na and Yuna.

"How many times have I told the two of you. They're your sun-bae-nims. Good thing the managers aren't here." We were currently walking to the practice studio that VIXX was recording at. They were in the middle of recording their internet show, which we were supposed to make a "surprise" visit and then promote the reality show via youtube.

"Aigoo, Leader. You're no fun. What are you going to call Leo-sunbae then?" My face instantly blushed at the mention of my favorite sunbae. Just thinking about those mesmerizing eyes and broad shoulders, I had to bring my scarf up more to freezing face and hope that it was already red from the cold.

"Oh, shut up. Don't you dare mention a word." I should never have bought that Leo poster, and I should never have hung it in the room that I share with the two of them. Even if the two of them were the oldest in the group at 22, they gossiped like they were still in high school. I was a senior myself, and I think that they gossiped more than my classmates.

"You're so lucky, I wish I was with Hyuk-oppa." Nina pouted at me for sympathy.

"Don't you have more to worry about? Now that you'll be juggling this, debut prep, AND junior year of high school?" Nina was one year younger than me and in her second year of high school (three year high school system in Korea). It was usually more stressful for them because by my year the students had already decided what area they wanted to pursue and applied to colleges already.

"Nope!" She grinned at me, "because Hongbin-oppa and I are going to do some of the recordings at school! So that counts for my hours and I already know what I want to do so I'm excused from counselor meetings." I was the one sighing now, I forgot that we had recordings at school.

"Leader-nim! Leader-nim!" Yeo-Na suddenly started using her aegyo voice. I looked and saw her pointing at a bubble tea cafe, the one next to SM Entertainment's Audition center. "Can you pwease get us some bubble tea?" She asked me in the sweetest voice ever. the one she used of the guy trainees at Jellyfish when she wanted a drink from the vending machine.

"Fine, go buy it. If you want to freeze your fingers off." She pouted at me,

"I don't have my purse though, you said only to bring our training bags." I sighed, I still didn't understand her fixation with using a different bag for each occasion. I took out a 50,000 bill. It was the smallest one I had on me since I haven't gone shopping in a while.

"Get some if you guys want too," I told the rest of the members. They all squealed happily and went with Yeo-Na inside. I stayed outside for a little, but then felt awkward standing in the street by myself so then I followed them inside.

"Oh Leader, did you want one too?" Yuna asked when she saw me. I shook my head, sitting at the first chair by the door.

"You know that I can't have milk." I was lactose intolerant and couldn't have most dairy products. Though, sometimes I would sneak in a frappe on days that I didn't have to go into public.

"Wah! Our Leader-nim's signature!" Nina pointed out my poster after the five of them had ordered.

Back during the buzz right after I won my season of KPOPSTAR, I had a bunch of commericals and other endorsements. Embaressingly, my most famous one was of weightloss products, due to the extremem weightloss I went through while on the program. I literall dropped from 60kg to 54kg. That was in the span of about three months. Right now I weighed about 52kg and and 175cm tal. I didn't really have to diet, despite the endorsements, after cutting out all dairy and the practices I had everyday the weight seemed to disappear naturally.

The one poster of me hanging in the store was a blown up picture of my last stage from a magazine publication that covered my win (JUNIOR was it?) and the store owner was apparently a fan. I had gotten to sign it about a month or so after my win, stopping in the store by chance to buy a bubble tea for Yeo-Na and Yuna on my way back to the dorms.

It was strange, I hadn't expected them to still have it. I wasn't really an SM Entertainment artist which was what the majority of the cafe walls were covered with.

"Come on girls," I said. They had their drinks and now were just stalling in the cafe to stay out of the cold.

"I can't wait to see Ravi-oppa!" Ji-Young told me excidely, being the first out the door.

"Ji-Young," I said her name with a warning. Even though she was the only other person to be paired with her bias, that didn't mean I could giver her slack and let her address her sunbae-nim like that.

<><><><> Because I only think about you <><><><>

Leo's POV

"KEN TV! WHY WON'T YOU AIR KEN TV?!" Ken was shouting again, part of the script where he interrupted Ravi and Hakyeon. JaeHwan, as always, enjoyed inturrupting their little exposes and interviews.

"Excuse us-" A girl suddenly opened the door.

We all looked over to the door of our practice room. A girl wearing all black except for chocolate brown boots, a white scarf, and a pink beanie was at the entrance. Behind her there were some other girls also wearing their winter clothes and in the back, there was a girl that was obviously taller than the rest. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her but couldn't see much.

"ANNDD CUT! PERFECT EXPRESSIONS EVERYONE!" The director of this week's VIXXTV drew all of our eyes, and then all the girls poured in.

I recognized Yeo-Na and Yuna. They had been with Jellyfish since even before VIXX's debut two years ago. I think at one point I had dance practices with Yeo-Na. The two of them were Jaehwan's and Hakyeon's partners.

There were two newer trainees that I didn't know since I rarely actually saw company trainees, the girl who opened the door and the girl right behind her. I usually tried to stay in the individual practice rooms as much as possible if VIXX didn't have any group practices. I got tired of seeing them scurry away, afraid of greeting me.

Taeyeon I knew right away because she was in one of our music videos. She played the lead in our remake of Only U, a special version that our fans wanted to see how we would act with a real girl. Of course I barely said more than three words to her because she had obviously been scared of me. I mean, two seconds after meeting she ran away with the excuse that she needed to fix her make-up, right after coming from make-up. She was partners with Hyukn I think.

And then there was my partner, Choi In-Young. The former KPOPSTAR winner was easy to choose out of all of them, she was a good three or more centimeters taller than the rest of the girls. Her outfit also stood out from the rest because of its simplicity. She was wearing a dark felt coat, an oversized gray scarf, black skinny jeans, and black boots.

She and I made eye contact and I immediately looked away, before realising that a blush was starting to form on my face. I looked down at my phone again, but the director called us over to explain how the rest of the filming would go. I kept my head down so that there was little chance of the two of us making eye contact.

"I totally saw that mister," Hakyeon came up behind me and slung an arm around my shoulder. "So, actually interested in your partner?" He asked, forcing my chin up so that I was looking in the direction of the girls.

I looked at Choi In-Young, it looked like one of the other girls was talking with her, she didn't look at me.

<><><><> The more we talk, the lonelier I get and I'm in danger again <><><><>

In-Young's POV

"Oh my gosh! Neo is real!" Nina told me, pulling me towards the boys. I was taking my boots off ad purposely stalled because of what had just happened. The eye contact that had just happened between us was the most best thing of my life, and the most embaressing. I should have accepted Yeo-Na's offer to do my make-up. I probably looked like an idiot, and my lips are chapped! I patted down my hair, I could only imagine the mess it was since I hadn't worn a had. Now I was starting to hate the dorky glasses I wore instead of my contacts.

When all of us had gathered around the director, I hoped it wasn't just my imagination but I saw Taekwoon looking at me again. Darn it Emma, it's Leo! Don't you dare call him his name. It would be so embaressing if I ever called him by his real name, like as if we were actually close.

"First it's going to be Hong-Bin and Nina who are going to act like 'art masterpieces' while Ravi and Ji-Young are going to be MCing" One of the writers told us. "Then it's going to be N, Ken and their partners. You four will be trying to take the spots of the other four by pushing them out or finishing their sentences annoyingly." The writer then turned to the remaining four of us. "Hyuk and Taeyeon will then be doing their Troublemaker dance, which will ultimately turn out being taken over by Leo and In-Young who will finish it and introduce the time and synposis of Idol-Hakwon(Tutoring school)."

I gave a quick glimpse at my partner and saw he was looking down. He must be disappointed, I hope I don't let him down.

<><><><> What do I like to do? What is a normal day for me? I really hope she doesn't ask me <><><><>

Leo's POV

I forgot we had to do that. Troublemaker. Because we had learned the dance for the stage with Girl's Day, they had told us to use the same choreorgraphy and that the gil's would learn the exact part so that we wouldn't need to spend time practicing together.

I wasn't sure how this would go.

<><><><>Because my answer is you <><><><>





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Chapter 8: Omg. Now they both gonna fight for her VKAJCHWIXBQICB I have a feeling she's gonna lean more towards Leo since she's liked him in the first place. *sighhh* This is so hard!!! Great work so far author-nim! Leaving my feels all jumbled up ><
Chapter 6: OMG. Okay i love taekwoon, but this us heartbreaking for N. Obviously she would pick leo if she had to choose but i feel so bad for N! He's been looking over her for so long while Leo just srarted liking her. *sighss*
Chapter 2: This is really interesting and cute!!
Update soon~! ♥
Chapter 1: I really like the first chapter, hope you update soon~~.
AngelMode #7
Write Author-nim ! >..<