She's Crying
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- Minha POV -

I spent my noon with walking around before go to my parents house. Me and Kyungri eonnie decided to live separately with our parent and rent an apartment nearby our offices since last year. It's been few weeks since i visit them so i chose to go to home today. Usually, Kris will go along with me but today, he can't. He said he feel a bit unwell today. When i said i'm gonna go to his place, he said no need to, Suho already there. I immediately dialed Suho. The first thing that i heard is, his cursing. He must be trapped his leg again.
"Yes Minha?" i still can hear his hissing.
"Kim Suho.. which table now?" i rolled my eyes.
"hehehe how did you know? it's a sofa actually.." he just chuckle with my sigh "so.. why did you call me?"
"Where are you now?"
"Home.. why? you wanna come?"
"Yeah.. home.. my home.. you know.. why?"
"Not with Kris?"
"Kris? no.. why?" i take a deep sigh and try to keep think positively.
"Nothing... He said he's unwell and i think i misheard him that you're at his place now."
"Kris? unwell? you not going to check him?"
"Yeah... i'm about to.. then.. see you later..." he just reply me with a yes. 'Let's make a surprise visit then..'

The weather is getting cold and i'm thinking to get a hot tea or maybe hot choco when i passing a Tea Shop. When I'm waiting my hot choco to be done, i see two familiar figures. Luckly I wear my hoodie and glasses today so I can disguise myself a bit.  I grab my hot choco and walks to a table behind them.
“Kris… Kris!!” I see Tiffany hit his hand lightly as I passed them. “What’s wrong with you babe?”
“N-Nothing.. Just….” “are you thinking about her?” Tiffany cut off his words. I can hear Kris let out a deep sigh. “Kris…” she called him. Kris take a deep sigh, “well I just, not sure about what I’m doing now…”
“You love her?” she asked him.
"you don't wanna know about it... Let's not talk about.."
"really?" Tiffany cut his words.
“To be honest.. I don’t  know.. I’m not sure about it… never sure about it..”
 “why you date her then?”
 “you.” His short simply word successfully break my tears. “I thought I can forget you if I date her.. but it’s useless.. all things that me and her did together are that we’ve done before Tiff…”

Without thinking twice, i grab my phone a dial a number and start to walks out from the café
"yes babe?"he answer my call. Heard him calling me ‘babe’ make me sick and hurt.
 "Have you eaten? take your medicine already?" trying to make my voice sounds natural and nothing happened. i still keep my eyes on him from a far.
"uh-huh.. already babe.. well.. i..." "should i drop by to your place?" i cut his words.
"no no no no.. no need babe.. i-i my condition isn't that bad.." he's stuttering.
"ah,, that so.. Suho still there with you?" i can see he's nervous.
"Suho? yes he is.. W-why?"
"Nothing... so you both are finally getting better now?"
“well.. something like that… I guess..”
“I see..” i walked out from the cafe and stop for a while "anyway, enjoy your drink Kris.. also tell to Tiffany that she have a cream on her left side lips." i end the calls and see Tiffany in shock when her eyes see me looking at them. I walk away from that cafe as fast as i can.

I keep asking my self "why?" as long as i walks to home. The cold weather feels colder. No matter how hard i try, the tears that i hold finally runs on my cheek. And I realize something. ‘yeah.. it’s my fault anyway…I knew it from the first..he will never love me..’

“Kris! Seriously dude! You have to stop drinking and get a hold for you life! Ho

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Chapter 6: Oh the end already ? i wa so umdfounded , anyways i really loved your story, Suho really deserves a good girl =)
Chapter 5: ohmyyyy. Kris serve you right.
Chapter 4: omg i totally love this story, Minha is such a angel and Kris need to be hurt badly, but the best vengeance is to show how happy you are without the personn that left you ... anyways keep up the good work ;)
and you write about 9Muses and oh my good i freakin' love them !!
Chapter 4: Kris....why you...aaaa
yellowgirl #5
Chapter 4: omg kris !!!
Chapter 4: Love the story so far please update soon !!
Chapter 3: *typo I mean hot dudes xD
Chapter 3: Kris is such an idiot. Ugh. It's okay Minha. There gonna be a sea of hit dudes chasing you later.

yellowgirl #9
Chapter 2: Please just keep on update
Chapter 2: stupid Kris. Stay strong Minha, there gonna be a bunch of hot dudes gonna chase you after this. Haha.