

You hesitated at first. But when you looked at Kai and saw a future with him, a future full of hapiness, you decided to leave with no regrets.
You both started to run, hand in hand.
You exited the mansion with sucess, but just when you were crossing the street...
Everything passed so quickly.
Suddenly some lights blinded you, then, you were lying on the floor, blood spilling out of your mouth. 
Kai was next to you and still holding your hand, while being in the same state as you.
That's the last thing you remember from that night. 

You then woke up on a hospital bed, while being connected to some machines that were keeping you alive.
Suho appeared all of a sudden with your mother walking next to him. Both of them smirked.
"W-Where... where.... where is... K-Kai..." You said. 
"Dead" Suho simply answered.
Tears started to fall from your eyes as you watched Suho walking towards you.
"And so will you"
He unplugged the machines that were keeping you alive, and as your vision was getting blurry and your body started to die you heard him say. 
"No one... escapes... from Jungmoney" 






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Chapter 4: OMG why did I choose the bad ending first TT_TT
Chapter 4: Well... that was depressing.... both of us died
ooooh alternate ending!
that's better :)
seems like a good idea!