Make your choice!


That same night, you returned home to Suho's mansion and went to sleep with him. But you just couldn't. Once Suho fell asleep while surrounding your body with his arms, you started to cry in silence, like you did every night.
Suddenly, you heard someone knocking at the window. You opened your eyes and saw Kai looking at you desperately. You escaped from Suho's grasp and thanked god that he was a heavy sleeper. You opened the window and went with Kai.
As soon as you were out of Suho's possible sight, Kai hugged you tightly and cried desperately.
"I saw the bruises in your arms, and I couldn't leave you after that. He doesn't deserve you" He cried on your shoulder. That made you cry as well.
"But neither do you! You avandoned me!" You shouted.
"I avandoned you because I wanted to earn money and live a happy life, together!" He shouted as well. "I'm so sorry I took so long!"
"Oh Kai" You buried your head on his tonned chest, and inhaled his manly scent. "You should have told me, I could have helped you"
"You know my pride would have never allowed me to let you do so" He looked to the side. 
You both remained in silence.
"I looked for you, believe me that I tried, I went to your mother's house but she told me it was too late, that you were already taken, and felt my world crushing into pieces" He said.
"Then, I saw you in that restaurant, and I couldn't believe it was actually true, but why him? Why did you choose such an evil man?" He added while staring at your eyes.
"I had no choice, my mother forced me to" You cried in despair.
"Let's run away now, you and I, we'll start over" Kai tried to pull your arm so you could escape that place, but you resisted.

Now it's YOUR choice. What will you do?

Escape.                                                                                Stay.

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Chapter 4: OMG why did I choose the bad ending first TT_TT
Chapter 4: Well... that was depressing.... both of us died
ooooh alternate ending!
that's better :)
seems like a good idea!