CHAPTER 02. How It All Began

Idol Enlistment



Dara suddenly got anxious and kept pacing by the door. Five minutes later, she heard Atty. Kang’s car by the entrance. She held her breath; not knowing what to expect from her lawyer.


She welcomed Atty. Kang and let him take his seat opposite hers. She, then, offered him some drinks but he refused.


“Before I tell you everything, I would like to ask you to calm down. I know you’d be surprised but rest assured I’m doing everything to resolve this matter.” Atty. Kang started.


“What is it? I’m cool.” She replied innocently.


“Your cousin, Jay Park...”


“Oh! What about Jay? Did something bad happen to him?” Her forehead creased in confusion.


“Nothing happened to him. He just did something real bad.” The lawyer waved his hands.


“Your point is?” She raised a brow.


“He ran away.” His palms now against each other.


“Ran away? What’s so bad about it?” She, then, relaxed.


“He ran away taking with him $20 M worth of cash and properties you own. He just robbed you, Park Dara-sshi. I’m so sorry but you’re all broke.” The lawyer said as a matter of fact.


She wasn't able to reply immediately, too shocked by the news her lawyer just said. When it dawned to her, she reacted, “What?! I own $20 M worth of cash and properties?! I was that rich without knowing it?” She clenched her fists in anger.


“He was that good to keep it from you. He was your cousin, I know, and you trust him but he was slowly transferring your accounts to his name.” Atty. Kang crossed his arms across his chest.


“Well, then, I’ll just stay in this house until you catch him.” Dara replied nonchalantly.


The lawyer raised both his eyebrows. “This house, Park Dara-sshi, is now under Jay’s name.”


“Oh...(raised her right hand with only her index finger pointing upward) I’ll stay at my rest house in Jeju Island instead.”


“Uhm... Your rest house was also included.” He sighed.


She scratched the back of her head. “Wait, then, what’s left with what I own?” 


Atty. Kang got his leather attaché case and took a folder containing documents. “I believe that will be the dress that you’re wearing, that purse and everything inside it, and the car that you loaned two weeks ago. That’s what’s left with you now. I’m really sorry. However, the authorities are tracking down your cousin, Jay. I’ll inform you as soon as we have news about him. Your agency also has received information about this matter and will keep everything confidential.”


Though disappointed, Dara dismissed the conversation. “Thank you so much, Atty. Kang! I’ll just head off to Tae Hwan’s tonight.”


“Be careful, Park Dara-sshi and pray that everything’s going to be fine.” The lawyer felt concerned and sees Dara as his own daughter.


“I will, Atty. Kang. You may go now. Have a safe trip back home.” Dara, in turn, replied.


Before actually leaving her now-formerly-owned house, her mind was battling between calling her family or not. She just wanted to know if they’re okay. Though she would like them to know of her present crisis, she doesn’t want her family to worry about her that much. They’ve been having problems of their own, I don’t want to add up. However, she found herself dialling her family’s phone number and held the phone opposite her ears. It’s ringing...


Yoboseyo? (Loud music) Excuse me... (Covering the mouth piece) Sanghyun, could you please lower the volume of your player?! (Breaking glass) Umma, I told you not to go to the kitchen! (Back to the phone) Sorry, who’s this?”


“Uhm...(Hesitant) It’s me, Dara.”


“Why did you call? (Her eyebrows met) Are you going to whine about the showbiz life again, Dara?”


“Durami, it’s not that. (Sigh) I just want to check on you guys. Are you all doing okay?”


“Dara, you know that I’m a busy person. I don’t have time for this.”


“Oh... (Sigh) Okay... Just want to tell you guys that I’m doing fine... and I miss you, guys. Bye.”


Once the phone call ended, Dara left the house with a heavy heart and not knowing what to do.




– 0 –




Dara started the car’s engine mindlessly. Her thoughts were floating away to somewhere. She, then, realized all the fruits of her effort were now gone. Goodbye home. She drove her way to Tae Hwan’s flat, needing some comfort and a temporary shelter.


Upon arriving, she immediately noticed that the lights were on. He’s home! Without any hesitation, she went to the door and knocked.


“Tae Hwah-ah! Tae Hwah-ah! She called him out twice.


Sensing he heard nothing, she called out again. “Jagiya, it’s me Dara. Please, open up. Else, I will.” She can no longer keep up with her patience.


After about 5 minutes, she turned the knob and was surprised to find it unlocked. The atmosphere was romantic. The floor was full of scattered rose petals which lead towards the stairs going to Tae Hwan’s room. She could hear love songs playing along the background. By the lobby, the center table had a bottle champagne inside a bucket of ice. Is this for me but why is the ice already melted?


She called for him again, still there was no answer. She went to check all the rooms in the ground floor, nobody was in site. Maybe, upstairs...


Jagiya, I’m coming up!” She shouted as if asking for permission.


The second floor was dark and silent. The only light illuminating the entire floor was coming from the half-closed door of Tae Hwan’s room. She slowly walked towards his room, wanting to surprise him.


Jagiya, SURPRISE!” She pushed the door open.


She gasped.


What she saw surprised her more. Is this the Tae Hwan she knew? How could he do this to me? Her boyfriend, on his bed, was sitting on his knees with just boxer shorts on while holding a woman who’s half as as he is.


“Ack! What, on earth, are you two doing?!”


Just then they’ve realized they weren’t alone. Tae Hwan scampered to his feet, dropping off the woman in the process. It is as if she can burn him alive. The woman landed on the floor with a loud thud.


“Dara, it’s not what you think! Really!” He tried to defend himself.


“You!” She pointed at the woman. “I trusted you and you just backstabbed me!” It was her personal assistant, Park Shin Hye. (I didn't want to purposely make Shin Hye a , SORRY!)


“How could you?!” She threw a deadly glare at Tae Hwan.


“She seduced me into this trap! I don’t love her, Dara... I love you!” He explained.


When Shin Hye heard this, she turned Tae Hwan’s face to her direction and slapped him hard. “I thought you said you love me than her because she could never give you what you wanted! You tricked me!”


Pabo! I never said that, you !” Tae Hwan held his sore cheek and rubbed it. “Dara!”


Dara couldn’t take it anymore. She ran off, deaf of all the excuses her now-former-boyfriend has to say. Tae Hwan tried to run after her but he was stopped by Shin Hye. She even closed the door to prevent him from leaving the room.


Dara’s tears were blurring her sight. With too much depression, she took the champagne from the bucket and slammed the door shut behind her. She wanted to wash away everything she knew about this day. It was supposed to be a happy day to her but it turned out otherwise as soon as the day was close to its end.


She opened the bottle of champagne and drank its contents to empty. Still, her sadness didn’t sober down. She kept on crying while driving. She kept on following the road even though she wasn’t sure where she’ll be going. Suddenly, her cellphone beeped and saw Tae Hwan calling her. Unknown to her, there’s a tree a few meters ahead. “Curse you, Tae Hwan! Na noh meewo! I want you out of my life!” She cried out loud and switched her cellphone off.


When she returned her sight back to the road, she almost bumped onto a tree. She successfully dodged it off. However, it turns out she was heading towards a steep slope and crashed over a big rock. It was fast enough that all she could do was blink. The airbag inflated just in time to protect her from smashing her head on the headboard.


“Park Dara-sshi! Park Dara-sshi!” She heard someone calling or her head’s just feeling dizzy from the impact. “Park Dara-sshi, gwenchanayo?” There goes the voice again. She was turning her head from left to right, trying to find the voice calling her. “Where are you?” She finally gave up.


“Yoohoo! I’m here at your GPS (Global Positioning System) device. I saw a signal that your car got into an accident. Gwenchanayo?” The voice said.


“Oh... Gwenchan-sumnida, just a little dizzy. Who or What are you anyway?” She asked.


“I’m Mr. Start, at your service, working through a satellite system. I’m here to help you out.”






An update for my dear readers..

Hope you didn't lose your patience..keke ^^

Please anticipate more on the next chapters.. Kamsahamnida!



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as much as i would want to update this fic.. i think, i can't do it sooner.. hmm. still hopes i can finish this. for myself and for my dear readers :)


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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 4: This is a beautiful story authornim ,..soo please keep on writing more chapter,..thank you authornim
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 4: ◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ jaedy... subscribed authornim update please
Chapter 4: update soon please, love your story :)
sonotu #4
Chapter 4: update soon please...^_^ what will happen next..:(
EveDay #5
Chapter 4: i love how you do this
favoriteboy #6
Chapter 4: pamakaguraokako manbo aki na1
this is niCe i wanna read the "i'll be hOme alive with a wife and a child!!!kyaaaa hahahah pls update as soon as yOu can...kamsahamnida!!!
i think i won't be able to update this fic soon.
thank you for readers who still drop by..^^
when are you going to update? :(
kamsahamnida to all those who subscribed ^^ it's an honor that you've grown interested on my fic.. hopefully, i could update more often. please be patient with me~ keke.