CHAPTER 01. What Happened Earlier

Idol Enlistment



They had to go to lunch together. She has been constantly checking on her watch; like every 30 seconds. She’s that anxious to time’s every tick. She was afraid that she’ll be withstood again by her boyfriend. Complaining for the nth time, she wanted to feel very special even just this once. It was the day of her album launch, her first solo album – Wishing Star. Her dream has been materialized and she wanted to share it with the person she really loved.


“Where did he say was he at this moment?!” Dara panicked.


“Relax, Dara. He said he’s coming in a short while.” Park Shin Hye, her personal assistant, said trying to soothe her.


“Where is he?! I need to know his exact location!” Dara couldn’t contain herself and just got frustrated by how her assistant answered her question. It sounded without assurance.


“He’s here. I told you he’s coming.” Shin Hye said as she heard a loud bang from the door. She sighed heavily and couldn’t stand Dara’s tantrums that moment.


Dara pushed all her anxiety aside and began moving across the room to meet up with her boyfriend. Before coming fully to the arms of the man she loved, she glared at her tired assistant. I’ll deal with you later. When their bodies come in contact, her boyfriend hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. He started apologizing for his tardiness since he was the one who arranged for this appointment. He felt deeply guilty.


“Sunshine, I’m very sorry. I was caught up in traffic and couldn’t avoid it.” Park Tae Hwan, being an apologetic boyfriend that he is, explained his unfortunate tardiness to his loving girlfriend.


“It’s okay, Sugar-bun! What’s important is that you made it.” She beams with a smile.


“How will I ever make it up to you?” He hugs her more tightly.


“Ooh~ I like that! Stay with me until the album launch party then.” She meets up with his gaze; matching his nose with hers.


His smile faded a little. “I’m sorry, Sunshine but I can’t.” He pulled away and turned his gaze from her to the window.


“But why, Sugar-bun? Is it business again?” She looked at him with concern.


“Unfortunately, yes...” His gaze went from the window to the floor.


“Oh. I understand. I know how important your business is.” She wanted to sound okay but she feels deeply saddened.


“Are you okay with it, Sunshine?” He wants to find reassurance from his girl; grabs her from her shoulders.


“Don’t worry, Sugar-bun. I’ll be sure to enjoy this day and be thinking of you.” She grabs his hands from her shoulders and lowered them. “C’mon, Sugar-bun, accompany me to the dressing room. I should always look beautiful when you’re around.”


He chuckled softly and pinched her nose. “Sunshine, you’re always beautiful in my eyes.”




– 0 –




“How do I look? Is it okay? Is my makeup too much? My dress is too short, isn’t it?” Dara was too nervous.


“Sunshine... (Sigh) Would you relax? I understand that you’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. You should be happy rather than feel anxious. Relax, okay?” Tae Hwan holding his girl’s hand; while the other caressing her cheek.


“I know. I just wanted to make things perfect. Anyway, thank you.” Dara stilled and just hugged his boyfriend tight.


Holding each other’s hands, they went inside the reception. This is it. Confident and stunning, the couple entranced looking great. The cameras just loved them. Then, Tae Hwan ushered Dara towards the long table by the platform where Dara’s Manager, President Yang Hyun Suk, and Producer Teddy Park await them. Wow, they’re here!


“I can’t leave you alone on this special day. Congratulations!” Teddy said with a big smile, hugged Dara, and whispered. “Sajangnim, too, got a little nervous.”


(Cleared his throat) “I can’t just stay in the office waiting for updates; might as well go with the flow and see this event myself.” President Yang defended himself and in return Dara bowed in respect.


“Thank you very much, Sajangnim!” Dara couldn’t contain herself; she blurted her feelings of gratitude and hugged him.


The picture taking extended 5 minutes more. Teddy Park, Dara’s Manager, and President Yang left the platform and went to the side table. Soon as all of them were seated, the host of the album launching started with the introductions. A video presentation was then shown of Dara’s past activities with 2NE1 and the preparations done in completing her first solo album – Wishing Star. Afterwards, the press people were then allowed to ask questions.


Questions such as why was the first solo album titled Wishing Star, about the album theme, stories behind the songs, to pursue acting or not, future plans and the like were asked. Something predictable and just sprung out from everyone’s curiosity. However, there was one particular individual who seem can’t find the decency and ask some sensitive and hurtful questions to Dara. 


“Good Evening, Park Dara-sshi. I’m a reporter from Gossips Korea and I have a few questions to ask.”


“Yes, please.”


“I noticed nobody had took courage to ask these questions, so here I am wanting to be enlightened. First off, back in 2NE1 you were responsible being the Fresh Vocals of the group. However, some also commented you’re just a pretty face without talent. What can you say about this?”


“Uhm... (A bit hesitant) At that time, even though I had the shortest training period, I strived hard in order to reach 2NE1’s level. I never contented myself with average performance. I practice more than other 2NE1 members do. I did and gave all the best that I had. There’s more that I can give to the group than just a pretty face. It wouldn’t give justice to 2NE1 at all. I don’t think I could’ve made it to 2NE1 without talent, couldn’t I?” The last statement made the press people laugh.


“Here’s the second question. Can we expect you to show a “hotter” and “ier” image now that you’ve gone solo; like in those y photos you did for a local magazine in the Philippines?”


“Sir, excuse me?” The host butted in.


(Getting uncomfortable) No, it’s okay.” Dara looked at the host with assurance and continued. “I must say, I am in this period of transition wherein I am trying to revive a career. Sometimes, drastic changes are needed to fit in and to stay up with the trend. The y photo shoot I had in the Philippines was a mistake and the rest is history. In what image I was introduced to this industry will remain. I want to preserve the dignity that’s left of me.” One after another, the press people nodded their heads as the answer of Dara sunk in to their minds.


“Thank you for being honest. For my third question, you had an acting career in the Philippines, right? If you were not the best, you were at least good at acting at that time. A lot of people have been awaiting for your comeback as an actress due to your experience in the Philippines. Will you consider acting after promoting your solo album since, as they say, you do well in this aspect than in singing?”


(Awkward laugh) Oh. That. I just made a cameo role in Return To Iljimae back in 2009. The MVs and CFs during my 2NE1 activities also helped a lot in my acting. However, I’m still a novice when it comes to the Drama Industry. I have nothing to brag. I have still a lot to learn in acting. But to all those people who believe that my skills in acting are quite better, well, thank you. It’s such an honor for my acting skill to be recognized. (Pause) Is my singing really that bad?” Again, the last statement made the press people laugh but a little louder this time. Dara, then continued, “I don’t think I could give up my singing career that lightly. (Sigh) Whatever offer comes up in the near future, I’m open. That can be negotiated.”


“Now, for the last question, do you think you deserve to debut solo first than any of the 2NE1 members? And a follow up, don’t you think President Yang has favoritism over you since you were the first to debut solo?”


The questions came overbearing. Sajangnim, help me! It was obvious that the guy was determined to make Dara feel cheap, embarrassed, and incompetent an artist that she is. She could only look at President Yang and back to the press people. She got pressured. She can’t even answer these questions herself. The host of the event made excuses to stop the particular individual from ruining Dara’s album launching event as ordered by President Yang himself. Finally...


“Excuse me. I see that everyone’s a little bit restless already. It’s already past 6:30pm and the dinner will now be served. Please wrap up all of your questions to Park Dara-sshi. I know everyone doesn’t want to get hungry, right?” 


Everyone was silenced when they heard of food. All the questions that have been wanted to ask were erased from their minds.


“It seems the questions have all been asked. Thank you so much for everyone’s participation! Please take your respective seats as your dinner will be served in a little while. Bon Appetit!”


When everyone was busy with finding their seats and waiting for their food to be served, Dara excused herself from the crowd and went to the lobby of the hotel to meet her boyfriend.


“Sunshine, I have to leave.” 


“Can’t you stay for dinner? Just eat before you leave.” Dara begged her boyfriend with a hug.


“My client’s waiting for me. I can’t let him wait any longer, can I?” 


Arasso. I’ll see you outside then.” She escorted her man towards his car.


“Take care, Sugar-bun. I love you.” Tae Hwan bade his girlfriend goodbye and kissed her cheek.


“Love you too! Annyeong!” And off the car went.


Before going back to the reception, Dara took a short trip towards the comfort room to let loose and freshen up. She went inside one cubicle and struggled with putting layers of tissue paper above the toilet seat. She was afraid of contaminating herself ofStaphylococcusE. ColiShigella, and even Gonorrhea. Sitting down, she then heard the door open and footsteps inside the comfort room.


“Hey, Girl! I have something to tell you and it’s about Dara.”


“Oh! What is it?”


“Did you know that Dara isn’t that talented at all?! Everything about her is all made-up, fake. Hah! Some guts of that woman to debut solo first among the members of 2NE1. She doesn’t even deserve it! And that face of hers? It’s not even beautiful! She’s just covering up those fine lines all over her face. Trash those Miss Tangerine and Aloha Girl commercial she made last year. She really !”


Chincha? That’s awful! You know... You really know these kinds of stuff well.”


“Of course, I’m Dara’s makeup artist. You just have no idea, Girl. Com’on let’s move out before somebody might hear us here.”


Inside the cubicle, Dara’s temper raised to her boiling point. I can’t believe that makeup artist! Dara... Patience! This is your day. Don’t let some makeup artist ruin your day. Okay, so, I will let this pass but the moment I’ll hear her say those words again, I won’t have second thoughts to skin her alive.




– 0 –




“I bet everyone’s digested from tonight’s dinner and have witnessed a musical session showcasing Park Dara-sshi’s album. Today’s album launching has been concluded. For those interested, we’ll be also having an album signing event at the hotel lounge. Thank you and good evening!” The host said at the end of the album launching event.


The album signing just passed by and ended as soon as it started. Not long after, Dara was escorted by her Manager towards the elevator and pressed the 22nd floor, the topmost floor of Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel where the after-party will be held. Various YG artists gathered there to celebrate and congratulate Dara including Big Bang, Psy, Gummy, CL, Minzy, Bom, Koo Hye Sun, Yoo In Na and Se7en. The after-party was kept simple yet elegant; not as grandiose since Dara wouldn’t have want it that way. All attendees had dinner together and had a few drinks while having their chit chat.


It was 9:30pm when Dara decided to retire to her flat. She couldn’t explain it but she felt so tired that night. She took a glass of wine from the bar counter and marched down to her study. She placed the flute on the coffee table and jumped off, literally, on the couch. She took time to relax while sipping some wine. She closed her eyes; reminiscing the day’s events. Thus, it reminded her of her diary on her desk. She dragged herself from the couch towards the leather swivel chair behind her desk. She took her fountain pen and opened her diary to today’s date – April 21, 2012. Hmm, let’s see... Where shall I begin? Suddenly, at the middle of the night, her phone rang breaking the silence. Who might this be?




Annyeong hashimnikka! This is Atty. Kang.”


“Atty. Kang? What are you doing; calling me this late at night?”


Mianhamnida, Park Dara-sshi but this is urgent. I’m driving towards your house right now. I have to tell you something very serious.”






Here's the first chapter of the story..^^

Hope you liked it..




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as much as i would want to update this fic.. i think, i can't do it sooner.. hmm. still hopes i can finish this. for myself and for my dear readers :)


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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 4: This is a beautiful story authornim ,..soo please keep on writing more chapter,..thank you authornim
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 4: ◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ jaedy... subscribed authornim update please
Chapter 4: update soon please, love your story :)
sonotu #4
Chapter 4: update soon please...^_^ what will happen next..:(
EveDay #5
Chapter 4: i love how you do this
favoriteboy #6
Chapter 4: pamakaguraokako manbo aki na1
this is niCe i wanna read the "i'll be hOme alive with a wife and a child!!!kyaaaa hahahah pls update as soon as yOu can...kamsahamnida!!!
i think i won't be able to update this fic soon.
thank you for readers who still drop by..^^
when are you going to update? :(
kamsahamnida to all those who subscribed ^^ it's an honor that you've grown interested on my fic.. hopefully, i could update more often. please be patient with me~ keke.