Chapter 8

Paper Hearts

Standing in front of the mall entrance, Luhan realizes that he doesn't have a ride to the company. He couldn't, he wouldn't call Sehun or bother Kyungsoo and Kai and Kris is probably busy right now. Scrolling down his contact list, Luhan found a person that would undoubtedly help him right now but how to strike a conversation without sounding desperate?

Luhan?! I haven't heard from you since you went to live with Sehun! How's big boy Sehun going for you? I told you he'll fall head over heels for you! With that hair, body and personality, I wouldn't be surprised if you're no longer a anymore! Did he-



I don't... urgh! I need a ride to the company.. I'll explain it later.. I promise.. yes over my body..OF COURSE I'M STILL A !

Baekhyun practically broke ever rule in the book about driving safely to get to the mall. 

Once Luhan settled in the passenger seat, he told Baekhyun everything that happened since the visit from Mr. Kim. Throughout the entire time, Baekhyun's wouldn't stop smiling. 

So.. you like him 

I.. don't know what to do..  I feel disgusted.. He told me that he never had a girlfriend, but who is this Hyeri? You went to high school with him! Tell  me .. please

Baekhyun pulled over and turned to face Luhan

"middle school too, but he was really distant from my group. Don't get me wrong, Kris, Lay, Suho, Chen, Xiumin, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and I are normal.. more on the crazy side but nonetheless, we were like any other high school kids. What made us stood out was that most of us were openly gay, at least I was. All I knew about Sehun was that he was a regular kid that just did what ever he wanted. Kai was his friend but one day Kai came up to us, asking to join us for lunch and Sehun followed." Smiling at the old memories as he pulled the car back into the street

"Why don't we go back to my apartment instead? I'm sure Kris is busy at the moment "

Luhan nodded his head and looked out of the window. Once they arrived at Baekhyun's apartment, Luhan took off the wig and threw it on the couch. Glancing at the mirror, Luhan gets that he looks like a girl and might act like one at times but he is MANLY. By all means, he has a , he watches , he has muscles and abs! well.. they're forming .. 
He enjoys a good beer and soccer game and occasionally a sad romance film but he is a man! What more does he need to show Sehun that he is a guy ? but what good would that do.. Sehun might distance himself afterwards.. Sehun is always so touchy whenever he's dressed as a girl, would he stop he Luhan threw away the dress and wig?

Baekhyun came back with a box filled with school memories, pulling one photo out 

"Ah, Sehun showed me this photo of you! You can seriously pull off those hot pants Baekhyun. I would date you if I wasn't gay."

"I know right? Good times,  Chanyeol literally wouldn't let me go on stage without his jacket. " brushing his thumb over the photo

"That reminds me, are you guys dating? I mean.. he seems really protective of you and you never fail to mention him in conversations.." suddenly the memories of the kiss popped up, Baekhyun felt the heat rush to his face and quickly turned around to rummage through the box 

"I take that as a yes?" 

"N-no.. I mean it was one-sided for a long time.. a really long time"
after finding the photos from high school at the cafeteria

 "You like him but he doesn't like you back?"

"He kissed me a few days ago...and told me he likes me..but that was it"

"W-what?! Why not? Where is he right now??"

"4000 miles away from me. Luhan...understand it from my point of view, the man you love has a life that is so accomplished and you never want to be a burden or the cause of ruining that life. When Chanyeol kissed me, I felt .. so happy. I've waited years for it but the next day, I woke up in this empty apartment again. I haven't received a single call or even a simple note saying goodbye. I'm tired Luhan but I'm still here.. pathetically waiting for him to come around again."

There was a moment of silence that surrounded the two.

"Here, you can see Sehun and Hyeri in the background.. I'm not sure if they were ever together but I know that Sehun was never quiet himself around them. You should really talk to Sehun and ask him Luhan, I'm sure that he's worry sick about you"

Baekhyun was right, Sehun's smile looks forced to be surround by them but why would Baekhyun save a picture of this? Once Luhan found Baekhyun and Chanyeol in the picture, 

"Are you sitting on Chanyeol's lap in this picure?" Baekhyun quickly  took the picture away and awkwardly chuckled

Suddenly Baekhyun's phone started to ring 

"Baekhyun, is Luhan there?" Kris was worried that his nephew that was trusted upon him is missing. God knows what his parents would do

"Yeah, why?" Baekhyun looked at Luhan

"Sehun been calling everyone, I swear that kid make it sound like Luhan was kidnapped."

"He's fine, just a tad confused."

"I'm guessing its about Sehun? Well tell him to pick up his phone when Sehun calls, that kid was really worried."

"Okay, I-"

"and Baekhyun... I'm sorry for stealing Chanyeol away, the trip turned out to be earlier than expected. He'll be back before you know it"

Luhan picked up his phone and sees that Sehun has been calling him non stop and messaging till his inbox is full. Baekhyun went to go get Luhan's wig and handed it over

"Sehun is coming over soon, do you want to wear it or .. not? I mean you hair is growing out already, you might not need wigs anymore" 

"I'll wear it" Fitting the wig over his head, looking at the mirror one last time before Sehun came. Just two more weeks. 

There was a rapid knock on the door and a voice that can only be Sehun's, "Luhan! Baekhyun hyung! open the door."

Baekhyun went over to open it, Sehun looked distressed even though it has only been two hours since Luhan disappeared from his sight. 

Breathlessly, "Luhan..."

Luhan glanced at him before turning around to hug Baekhyung and thanking him for his time and hospitality. The car ride home was silent, Sehun's eyes every now and then would look back to Luhan's glum face.

Was he really that affected by what happened that afternoon?

"...are you hungry? Should I cook for you later?"

 Luhan gave him an awkward smile and didn't look at Sehun

"no thanks.. you don't have to. You did enough today"

Once Sehun opened the door to their apartment, Luhan went straight to the room. Sehun was going to follow but Luhan locked the door. 

The young lad came out with a loose fitting t shirt and basketball shorts. He didn't have any makeup on or extensions.

Luhan was about to pass Sehun to get to the television but Sehun grabbed his wrist.


"10000 won." Luhan stood frozen with Sehun's grip on his wrist tightened

"..what.. you're going to fine me now?"

"If you continue to hold me, the price is going to get higher, so please let go. This is the contract we agreed on."

"If you haven't noticed Luhan, the contract never stand between us. You're only fining me because you're mad."

"20000 won. Sehun let go." Luhan tried to pry Sehun's hand off him

"..Luhan.. no, I won't." 

Sehun pulled Luhan into his arms. Luhan struggled to be released, he can't do this anymore. 

"Let. Me. Go."

"Why are you distancing yourself from me?"

"No one is looking Sehun, you can drop the act and stop being so nice to me." he broke from Sehun's embrace and walked to the kitchen. Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up to the island counter.

"W-what. LET ME DOWN SEHUN!." he clung onto Sehun's shoulders as the man placed him down

With Luhan's leg on each side of him, Sehun brought his hand up to Luhan's face, creasing it gently.

"It's not an act,... it was at the beginning but it's not now. I didn't want people interfering into our lives and I know those people back in the cafe Luhan, they're not good people. That's why I was hesitant. If it'll make you feel better, I'll call them up for dinner and introduce you as my wife. I know I forced this whole marriage thing on you when you could be doing something more with your life right now, but I just thought.. because you chose me, I felt special... I'm selfish and possessive of you but that's because I'm afraid of you leaving."

"You.. you don't understand Sehun.. If I wasn't a girl, you wouldn't even look my way would you? You told me that you never had a relationship but then those people at the cafe spoke of someone like Hyeri and then you didn't bother introducing me, like you were ashamed of me.. I felt disgusted Sehun! I don't mind dressing up as a girl because I felt if I did it, I would be useful to you and you would look at me but then I realised that you're straight and you wouldn't even consider me if I wasn't in my girl get up." Luhan's eyes because to tear up and Baekhyun's words repeated in his head.

"I'm tired Sehun."

Wiping Luhan's tears away with his thumb, he looked at Luhan's eyes and  he was drowning in them. Bringing Luhan's face close, with no resistence, he needed Luhan to feel safe and loved at this moment. 

Their lips met, Luhan was surprised but as Sehun continued to kiss him, he let his hands tug Sehun's hair and wrapped his legs around the older's waist to pull him closer.  Luhan's lips slightly parted, taking his chance, Sehun let his tongue slip in and coax the other to do the same. Shy at first, Luhan later fought for dominance. They pulled apart, with a string of salvia connecting the two, to catch their breath. Luhan sees the glimpse of lust in Sehun's eyes.

"If you haven't caught on, I'm gay." Sehun breathlessly said with their forehead pressed together

Luhan smiled and pressed his lips softly against Sehun's 
Dragging his hand up and down Sehun's arms and sensually kissing Sehun's lips, nibbling and tugging on the bottom lip
Sehun closed his eyes as Luhan continued to kiss him like this, slightly grinding on Luhan, the friction was killing them both. 
Luhan let out a moan, causing him to stop kissing Sehun for a moment. Sehun dropped his head to Luhan's shoulders. 

"D-do you want to continue.. I'm warning you right now.. this is my first but I'm Kai's friend and he has well informed me of his wet dreams of Kyungsoo and ... I won't be able to stop myself Luhan, if you don't want to continue, tell me now.."

Luhan tightened his legs around Sehun and bit the taller's neck, leaving a purple mark that earned him a soft moan from Sehun's mouth. 

"I hope that answers your question Sehun"

Author's note 
this is horrible. 
I didn't think this deserve a m-rating because they didn't do anything.. I mean like ... yeah.. 
next chapter would be m-rated :D
Kris, Lay, Suho, Chen, Xiumin, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are all 25 years old
Sehun, Tao,Kai are 24 years old
and Luhan is 20. 
I have to give props to all those writers because this is seriously hard. (no pun intended)
I think I need to read more and like watch or something. 
Thank you for commenting, subscribing (126 subscribers, LET ME LOVE YOU.), and upvoting ~~~!
yoosuhunhan HunhanInNeverland
Miyukisau Clariza -armii  Muntaha720 meisme


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xiaolin98 #1
Chapter 16: Awwww I'm squealing because of the fluff
xiaolin98 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my God!!! Who is saying that?? I guess it Sehun.. I'm excited already
Chapter 17: Awwww this story was so cute. =^.^=
296 streak #4
Chapter 17: I am so relieved, Luhan's mother accept them and Sehun's work is saved~~~
and they're waiting for the wedding~~~ <3
296 streak #5
Chapter 16: wahhh hunhan~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
their confess each others, so sweeeeeeeeeeet couple <3
296 streak #6
Chapter 15: wow this is like their honeymoon~~~~
propose him already, Sehun~~~
296 streak #7
Chapter 14: HunHan so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D
Sehun want to propose to Luhan <3
296 streak #8
Chapter 13: KaiSoo confess their feeling :D Thats good~
296 streak #9
Chapter 12: Obviously..that jung jimin is liar!! Sehun's future're dreaming girl!!
I want hunhan sweet moment moreeee
296 streak #10
Chapter 11: Wahh baekyeol...I hope baek don't be sad again...chanyeol love him