Chapter 13

Paper Hearts

Kaisoo {2/18/2014}


Kyungsoo was walking back home when someone called out his name, turning around he sees one of Kris' model waving his hand excitedly at him, Hongbin.

After accepting Hongbin's invitation for coffee, Kyungsoo finds himself listening to Hongbin's offer. 

"So, are you willing to do it?" 

Kyungsoo looked at his cup of coffee in deep thought and smiled back at Hongbin


When he arrived back at the apartment, Kyungsoo plopped himself on the couch without taking off his shoes or changing his clothes and buried his head in the pillow. He laid there lifelessly before the door bell start buzzing. After a while, the sound of the door opening and steps into the living room, Kai must be home. 

"Why didn't you open the door? I was wait-, are you okay?" Kai walked closer to Kyungsoo's lifeless body and ruffled the shorter's hair. Carefully taking off Kyungsoo's shoes, coming back from the bathroom with a warm towel, start wiping Kyungsoo's hand, how fragile and pale it looked compare to his. 

"why did you rung the bell if you had your keys" Kyungsoo said with his muffled voice

Kai looked surprised to see Kyungsoo awake, "Yah, you were awake?"

"you're ignoring my question.."

"I..I haven't used my key in a long time.. because I like hearing 'welcome home' and seeing you answer the door.. it feels nice to have someone welcoming you home.."

Kyungsoo squeezed Kai's cheek and playfully smacked it, "such a baby"

They stare into each others eyes before Kai's stomach start growling, "Soo.. what's for dinner?"

Kyungsoo chuckled and poked Kai's forehead, "some times I wonder how you lived before I came"

Kyungsoo left his jacket on the coach and disappeared into the kitchen to start making dinner. Placing two bowls of rice on the table, he sense Kai in the room and looked at him 

Kai was holding a piece of crumbled paper, "what is this Soo?"

Kyungsoo's eyes widen and bit his lip, he wrapped his hand around Kai's wrist and pulled him down to sit on the chair.

Grabbing his own bowl, Kyungsoo starts eating as Kai stared at him for an answer. After a while, Kyungsoo took a deep breath 

"You know.. about my problem right.. I'm really uncomfortable around people and find it hard to please them and that reflects on my work.. when my dad introduced us at Kris' studio, I was really worried that you might get fed up and leave the project but you didn't.. In fact, in those three months, I never been so comfortable with someone before... I'm glad that I met you and-"

Kai took one of Kyungsoo's hand into his and the other to have Kyungsoo look at him in the eye, "why does it sound like you're leaving.." Kai's eyes were glossy and his lips were quivering

Kyungsoo looked at the piece of paper on the table and freed himself from Kai's hold, reluctantly

"You know Hongbin's project right.. he offered me a job for it and ... "

"That project goes on for five months.. out of the country" Kai said, his anger slipping a little 

"I know.. and I was considering  it.."

Kai looked confused for a moment, "you .. didn't decide yet?"

"no...b-because I wanted to consult you first.. "

Kai sat frozen in his seat, Kyungsoo went out of his way to even include his opinion ... who is he to act self fish right now.. 
Kyungsoo needs this opportunity and even if it's six months.. he must bare through it, for Kyungsoo.

"You should go.."

"w-what.. " Kyungsoo was taken back by Kai's reply

"It's for six months... how, who's going to take care of you?"

Kai showed a small smile and ruffled Kyungsoo's hair, "I'll live, you need this opportunity.. "
Sliding over the crumbled paper with Hongbin's number, "call him and tell him that you accept.."

After dinner, Kai went to the living room to watch a documentary on fried chicken as Kyungsoo went to his room to get ready for his shower. He picked up his phone and dialed the number 

"He said what??" Baekhyun screamed into the phone

"he wants me to go."

"I thought he would oppose it.."

"I thought so too... maybe ..I don't know Baekhyun..."

"..Kyungsoo.. he adores you."

Gripping his phone, " then why would he let me go for five months to travel with another man."

"Take it from me, I don't like seeing Chanyeol go but I let him and told him to because he needed it-"

"that's what Jongin said but what if I need reassurance instead??"

"Kyungsoo, remember you're really not going on this trip. You rejected the offer didn't you?"


"you rejected it right?!"

"yeah! but Hongbin asked me again and I told him I'll think about it"



"Kyungsoo! This was suppose to be a joke!"


Walking out of the shower, he stepped into the living room and sat next to Kai, who was immersed in the documentary

"Kai.." no response

"Jongin" he whispered into the taller's ear, leaning over to do so

Kai wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's waist and pulled him down to sit down on his lap, flailing around, Kyungsoo squealed. Kyungsoo was about to scold Kai but the taller's embrace tightened, "let me act like this... "

"Why are you acting like this.." Kyungsoo softly asked

Kai frowned and flicked Kyungsoo's forehead, "because I'll miss you pabo"

" too" 

"when are you leaving ..."

"In two weeks" sporting a small sad smile​

" you have to go" Kai asked as he buried his face into the juncture of Kyungsoo's shoulder

Kyungsoo sighed and lift Kai's face close to his, "you told me to go."

"but I really don't want you to go!" Kai whined 

"and why is that?" Kyungsoo's eyes bore into Kai's, waiting for those three words to be voiced.


"because I like you too much and five months will the death of me!"

eleven words too many but still good

Kyungsoo leaned in to kiss Kai fully on the lips before the taller could do anything else, pulling away, Kyungsoo looked at Kai's face for some reaction

"You have no idea how long I waited to do that" Kyungsoo smiled and pecked Kai's lips once more

Regaining conscience, "Does that mean you like me too?" Kai asked dumbly

Kyungsoo dropped his head on Kai's shoulder and sighed, deciding whether or not to punch Kai right at this moment

Lifting up his head, he looked straight into Kai's eyes and spoke clearly as possible "I like you Kim Jongin."

With that said, Kai kissed Kyungsoo's lips hard to convey all his feelings he has been keeping inside for too long. 

Thank you.


(A/N) yes Kyungsoo is going on this trip with Hongbin, leaving poor Kai by himself for five months. 

Thank you for subscribing, reading, commenting and upvoting! 

This fanfic has over a hundred subscribers and I can't be any happier and grateful for you guys. I know I haven't been the best at updating in a timely manner but I am trying my best. 
(.___.) I'm failing school right now LOL 
I must stop this madness if I want to go to college :p 


GOT7's Jackson <3, He speaks cantonese like Kris >_<


How do you not like this dork like Kkaeb-Song ~!

I hope I got the message clear, I have no life outside of the Internet.. mainly Tumblr (._.) 
 I'm working on the Hunhan, please bear with me T ^ T

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xiaolin98 #1
Chapter 16: Awwww I'm squealing because of the fluff
xiaolin98 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my God!!! Who is saying that?? I guess it Sehun.. I'm excited already
Chapter 17: Awwww this story was so cute. =^.^=
296 streak #4
Chapter 17: I am so relieved, Luhan's mother accept them and Sehun's work is saved~~~
and they're waiting for the wedding~~~ <3
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Chapter 16: wahhh hunhan~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
their confess each others, so sweeeeeeeeeeet couple <3
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Chapter 15: wow this is like their honeymoon~~~~
propose him already, Sehun~~~
296 streak #7
Chapter 14: HunHan so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D
Sehun want to propose to Luhan <3
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Chapter 13: KaiSoo confess their feeling :D Thats good~
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Chapter 12: Obviously..that jung jimin is liar!! Sehun's future're dreaming girl!!
I want hunhan sweet moment moreeee
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Chapter 11: Wahh baekyeol...I hope baek don't be sad again...chanyeol love him