chapter three

Fated to Love You (Previously 'Room 519')

ℭhapter Three

Sehun wrinkled his nose at Kai, a very very very happy Kai, which was odd because he was never happy on a Monday. “Dude…what the hell?”

“What? It’s a great day to be alive.” Kai chuckled to himself and shoved his hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth. “Such nice weather.”

Sehun looked up at the sky and eyed the umbrella he was holding. “Nice?”

“It’s the perfect storm, really.” Kai looked around; he nodded at the puddles of water and the dark clouds. “Wonderful.”

“What the …” Sehun backed away.


“You’re happy on a Monday; I’ve known you since pre-k, that’s never happened before. And, you hate rain! You also have a math test today, WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY.” Sehun waved his hands around. “It’s a great day to be alive.” He mimicked him. “You sound like my grandpa!”

“Sehun ah…”


“The bus is coming.” Kai said before closing his umbrella, he backed away and let the bus arrive in front of him. “But seriously, life is great.”

Sehun raised an eyebrow. A Kai who was in love was indeed a very weird Kai.


“Yeah, and then he was like wonderful, the puddles are wonderful. The grey skies are so amazing.” Sehun said as he sat in the middle of the table. Kyungsoo scratched his head. “…It’s about time this topic comes back up anyway- Guys do you think Kai smokes weed?”

Suho rolled his eyes. “Come on! Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of bed today and caused all of this to happen.”

Baekhyun looked around just to see a bunch of students in the lunchroom, their gemstones glowed accordingly, and however, he couldn’t find the notorious dancer himself. Baekhyun remembered this one time Kai danced for a math teacher just to get his grade up. This wasn’t fair because he actually flunked algebra during freshman year of high school. Oh, did I mention he started going through puberty in sophomore year? Yeah, so the part in puberty when you go from ‘I’m not ugly, I’m pre-debut’ to Channing Tatum didn’t happen yet. Baekhyun couldn’t dance for the love of Jesus and he left that class with a 65. Whereas Kai? This kid walked out of algebra with an 80. NOT FAIR.

“Speaking of Kai, where is he?”

Sehun looked down at his phone. “Trying to get Ms. Lau to raise his test score, where else?”

Chanyeol sat up. “What if he’s with that girl?”

“Chloe?” Suho asked.

Chanyeol shrugged. “Maybe he is, after all these years of having an arid love life, don’t you think he’s…desperate?”

Kyungsoo chuckled. “Well…I-I can’t back Kai up with that one, it’s kinda true.” He admitted.



Kai stood in the locker room and stared at himself in the mirror. He had just changed from his gym attire to his normal clothing; a t-shirt and skinny jeans. Don’t forget his favorite nikes.

He clenches his fists. “Oh God, senior seminar starts in like ten minutes…God help me please.” He whispered to himself as he slammed his locker close.

Kai grabbed his book bag and walked out of the boy’s locker room.

“GACK!” Kai stumbled back a few steps when a poker faced Sehun appeared at the door.

“Is that…Is that cologne I smell?” Sehun sniffed the air. “OH MY GOD, ARE YOU FINALLY TRYING TO SMELL NICE?”

“What?! I always smell nice!”

Sehun leaned forward. “Holy crap, DID YOU DISCOVER DEODORANT?” He gasped before doing a little dance. “Like a …being touched for the very first timeee…” Although he was in the chorus team at school, Sehun honestly didn’t excel in singing. If anything, he was a rapper and dancer at best.

Kai wrinkled his nose at the sight of Sehun dancing. “If Minhee saw you right now she’d dump you right on the spot.”

Sehun froze and cleared his throat. “Anyway, why ya so …happy for? Is it for that girl? Chloe?”

Kai shrugged. “That’s for me to know and you to wonder.” He said before walking past him. He padded his shoulder. “See ya afterschool.”


He walked into room 519 a few minutes early to see Chloe already there with her red headphones on. She was sketching something in her notebook while she waited for the bell to ring.

Kai blushed and stood outside for a few minutes. She is so…beautiful.


He stepped in when the bell rung and took a seat next to Chloe who was in a state of oblivion. She drew in her notebook and only looked up to see the guidance counselor who had tapped on her desk.


She looked up. “Ah, sorry.” Chloe smiled slightly when she took her headphones off.

She looked over to see Kai again.

“Smile more.” Kai said softly.

“Huh?” Chloe leaned over a little.

“Smile more…it’s pretty.”

Chloe looked away and pulled away, she looked down at her drawing of a ballerina hoping Kai would pay attention to the guidance counselor. What would they be discussing today?


“Where’s your gemstone?” Kai asked.

Chloe shrugged. “At home, I don’t wear it.” She said.

“Why not?”

“I don’t believe in this stuff, the fact that people have soul mates? Bull .” She said as she picked up her pencil to perfect her sketch.

Kai bit his lip. “Well…yeah. Oh and by the way, maybe you shouldn’t play your music too loud. It’s not that good for you.” He said.

Chloe looked over and raised an eyebrow. “And why do you care?”

“If you’re gonna be my senior seminar partner until June, I might as well care. I don’t want to be screaming into your ear three weeks in.”

She chuckled. “Whatever.”


Chloe had to admit, she found Kai’s amiable nature attractive.

She looked up when the bell rung. Chloe stood up and grabbed her books.

“See ya next week.” Kai said before leaving.

“Yeah…see ya next week.” 


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Chapter 5: annyeong~ I am a new reader and i like this story *pouts* when are you gonna touch this story T^T :3 i will wait <3 ^_^
Chapter 3: "I'm not ugly, I'm pre-debut" <-my new life motto
Chapter 5: Ahhhh~ So good, I love this story so far :) Please update soon:)
ycloud #4
Chapter 5: Lol @ the turnitin reference xD
angel41195 #5
Chapter 5: my feels are going crazy for the couple!!! I seriously hoe that the mom wonlt be a huge problem in the future for them, though :/
when r ya gonna update? *pout*
bapsfan #7
Please update soon authornim I really love this story,,, cant wait for the next chapter
please update soon!!!!
sarahmerve #9
Chapter 4: This is soooooooo cute and fluffy. I have the same feelings like baekyeol
soo cuute
Update soon please :) Thank you