Up and Down

All That We Are

“Holy ,” Amber whined as she hit the beeping alarm between her and Kris’s bed. “I don’t wanna.”

“Come on, sleepy head,” Kris said as she sat up in his bed, stretching his sore body and yawning simultaneously. “We’ve got school today, can’t miss the last day of the week.”

“Sure I can. I went the first day which is all that matters,” Amber rebutted as she rolled around to face the wall and snuggle deeper into her blanket.

“Yah, get up, sleeping beauty,” Kris yelled. Amber didn’t budge so Kris took it a step further and pulled her blankets off of her, throwing them onto the floor across the room.

“Yo, man! Not cool!”

“You need to get ready for school.”

“I don’t wanna!” Amber whined and covered her head with her pillow.

“No, no, no,” Kris said as he ripped the pillow from her grip. “We have to go. Don’t you want to see Henry?” Kris suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Aw, c’mon man. Don’t do me like that,” Amber groaned as she sat up.

Kris put his hands up in surrender and shrugged his shoulders. “As long as you get up and attend school, I don’t care if I have to drag Henry here to get you up.”

“Oh, no, I wasn’t meaning mentioning Henry, I was talking about throwing all my comfy stuff onto the floor. I don’t know where our floor has been, I can’t trust it to keep my blanket and pillow clean!” Amber sassed as she finally got up from bed and stretched.

“What the hell do you mean you don’t know where our floor has been?” Kris inquired.

“You never know what the previous students in here did,” Amber spoke with a shudder. Kris’s lips curved down in distaste at the thoughts of what could’ve once been on their hardwood floors. “Anyways, I’m taking a shower first.”

“I’ll make breakfast then,” Kris sighed. He wasn’t one for cooking, but he tried. He really did, even though he shouldn’t.

“What to make, what to make,” Kris mumbled to himself as he went through the kitchen. After rummaging around and finding nothing he could possibly make that would be edible after he finished the cooking process he settled for rice.

When Amber emerged from the bathroom clean and dressed for school, her stomach rumbled at the two bowls sitting on the table.

“What did ya make?” Amber asked as she walked over to the table.


“Is that all you could find?”

“That’s all I can make without messing up,” Kris said as he scooped a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

Amber peered into her bowl and nearly lost her appetite when she saw his cooking skills.

“Yah, this is burnt. Please explain to me how the hell you burn rice!” Amber complained.

“Tastes good to me,” Kris said as he shoved more into his mouth. Each time he swallowed he looked as if he was fighting the urge to vomit. “Delicious,” Kris gritted out as he continued to eat his failed creation.

“I’m not eating this,” Amber said as she got up from the small table and went over to her bed to put on her shoes. “You better hurry up and get dressed or we’ll be late.”

“After I finish eating I will.”

“Stop eating that burnt crap,” Amber sighed out. “I don’t need you vomiting in class.”

“Yah! It’s not crap, it’s rice. Delicious rice, at that.”

Amber rolled her eyes and finished tying her shoes.

“Hurry your up!” Amber yelled as she walked into the kitchen and smacked the back of his head.

“Finished!” Kris chirped as he began making his way to the empty bathroom.

When the duo was ready for school, they left and made their way down the stairs and towards the main building.

“Hey, Kris!” A voice called from behind the two. Kris turned around and was greeted by a tall blond.

“Ayo, Zelo,” Kris greeted as the younger caught up to him. “What’s up?”

“Oh nothing, I just figured we could walk to first together,”Zelo said nonchalantly.

“Cool. Well peace out, homie D,” Kris said to Amber as they went their separate ways.

“No, I told you not to ever say that. Zelo-yah, hit Kris on the head!” Amber called.

“Uh, I don’t think I should!”

“Kris, I’ll get you later!” Amber warned.

“Sure thing, home skillet!” Kris yelled loud enough for others around them to hear and look at them. Amber was going to get her revenge later.

“Good morning, Amber,” Henry greeted as he popped out of nowhere, taking her completely off guard.

“Oh, good morning, Henry.”

“Ready for chemistry?”

“Ha no. Absolutely not.”

“Why not?” Henry questioned as they walked towards their class.

“I’m not a big science fan. Science and math and history aren’t my forte,” Amber explained.

“But you’re in advanced. That means that you’re smart enough in those subjects to be above your grade.”

“Yeah,” Amber said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck. “But that doesn’t mean I enjoy learning those subjects. My mom is just really on me and maintaining my grades in my core classes.”

“Oh, I understand. It’s the same with my parents. Hey, if you ever need a study buddy, feel free to call me up and I’ll study with you,” Henry offered with a big smile on his face that made Amber’s heart flutter slightly.

“O-okay, will do.”


“Ow, ow, ow, Amber please let go!”

“Not until you apologize for calling me Homie D,” Amber said firmly as she dragged Kris by his ear to their second class.

“Fine, I’m sorry!”

“And promise you won’t do it again,” Amber added. When Kris didn’t promise immediately, she pulled his ear a little harder making him yelp in pain.

“Okay, okay! I won’t do it again!” Kris gave in.

“Good,” Amber said smugly as she let go of his ear when they entered their next class.

“Yah, do you have to pull so hard when punishing me?” Kris complained as he rubbed his bright red ear.

“Did you have to ruin my reputation?”

“What reputation? You’re a loser.”

Amber smacked Kris on the back of his head as they sat down in their seats to which Kris growled and threw a scowl in her direction.

“Stop abusing me.”

“I will if you do.”

“How am I abusing you?! You’re the one who keeps hurting me!” Kris exclaimed quietly as the teacher walked in.

“Verbally. You’re verbally abusing me while I physically abuse you,” Amber hissed quietly.



“Good morning class,” the teacher greeted, ultimately ending their feud and beginning their class of variables and graphs.


“Almost done with the first week!” Luna chirped as she and Krystal met Amber and Henry at the doors of the vocal studio.

“Yeah, and I’m about ready to quit,” Amber groaned then yawned. “One week and I’m already tired of learning.”

“Aw, it can’t be that bad, my little llama,” Henry encouraged as he patted her back reassuringly. One week and he already had a pet name for her.

“What are you doing tonight?” Krystal asked with a tilt of her head and a sparkle in her eye.

“Breathing. It’s a special talent of mine,” Amber replied with a wink. She had a feeling Luna and Krystal had a night of excitement planned out.

“Hey me too! I thought I was the only one who could do that!” someone said from behind as they entered the studio.

“Yah! Shut up, Youngjae,” Daehyun commanded with a small slap on the back of Youngjae’s head.

“You know it’s true,” Youngjae rebutted with look towards Daehyun. “As soon as I get back to my dorm, I flop down on my bed and do nothing but breathe,” Youngjae explained to Amber while nodding his head.

“I can breathe through my nose,” Amber bragged, going along with Youngjae.

“Aw man! I haven’t gotten to that point yet. Damn, here I thought I was amazing at it,” Youngjae sighed with a little shake of his head. “Oh wise one, teach me your ways!” he whined as he got down on his knees and clasped his hands together in front of Amber in a begging way.

“Are you done?” Daehyun asked with an exasperated look on his face.

“One day you will learn, young grasshopper, but it isn’t something I can teach you,” Amber answered with a serious look on her face.

Youngjae dropped his head in defeat. “I guess I shall practice more!”

“I’m so done with you ,” Daehyun complained before walking away from the crowd, leaving his lover behind.

“Yah! Baby, don’t leave me!” Youngjae yelled as he jumped up and went after Daehyun.

“I worry about those two,” Henry commented as he stared at the two love birds.

“Anyways,” Luna politely redirected to conversation, “there’s a party being thrown off campus tonight. It’s like a celebratory thing for surviving the first week of school. A good majority of the school is going, we were wondering if maybe you and Kris wanted to come with.”

“Absolutely. Though, I think I’ll need to keep a leash on the old man, he kinda gets wild at parties. Especially if there’s alcohol,” Amber said as she began to walk more towards the class and away from the entrance of the studio.

“Well then bring your leash, there’s always alcohol at these kinds of parties,” Henry warned as he walked alongside Amber.

“Are you going as well?” Krystal asked. Henry and Luna and Krystal weren’t exactly friends, but they did talk when they had their mutual connection with them: Amber.

“Yep. I go to most of the parties around here. They’re actually a lot more fun than people think and a lot of crazy goes down. Excuse my language,” Henry spoke with a slight bow at the end in apology for cussing in front of the youngers.

“Do you know who is throwing it?” Amber asked.

“Nope. I think his name is Jonghyun, but I’m not sure if it’s his house or not. You see how it works is a first year usually throws parties at their house off campus, typically the rich kids, and they continue throwing parties until their third year. When they graduate they pass the torch onto an upcoming first year and the cycle starts all over again,” Henry explained as the ladies listened intently.

“Do you drink?” Luna asked Amber.

“Uh, not really. Kris usually does and I usual drive him home. I’m not a fan of alcohol.”

“Me neither,” Luna said with a small smile on her face. “Krystal drinks a little, but it only takes a little for her to get tipsy. She’s a lightweight.”

“Hey! I’m not a lightweight,” Krystal pouted. “Plus, I don’t drink often, just those few times in the past.”

“So I take it you’re going?” Amber questioned Henry as Krystal and Luna bickered amongst themselves about the past.

“Yeah. I like parties.”

“Cool,” Amber replied then the bell rang and class began seconds later.


“Want to go to a party tonight?”

“ yes!” Kris responded to Amber as they walked down the crowded hallway to the cafeteria.

“Pablo, can’t you tone it down a bit?” Amber sneered as she averted her attention from the students that looked at them as they passed by.

“Nope. It’s Friday, we’re going to a party, and I’ll bet you anything there’s going to be alcohol,” Kris said with a big smile on his face.

“Please don’t act a fool tonight. Or get too drunk. I can’t deal with a hung over giant,” Amber shuddered as she remembered the first time she had to deal with Kris hung over. She didn’t think someone could vomit as much as he did and it didn’t help that he was y because his head was constantly pounding. “Plus, you’re underage and I really don’t want to deal with any legal issues.”

“I promise I will try to limit myself,” Kris said as he placed his hand over his heart.

“Limit what?” Zelo asked as he appeared next to Kris in the lunch line.

“His drinking,” Amber stated plainly as she grabbed food and placed it on her tray.

“Oh at the party?”

“You know about it?” Kris asked with wide eyes.

“Mhm, I heard some kids talking about it in my last period. They said anyone and everyone is invited. It sounds kinda lame to me though,” Zelo answered.

“Amber and I are going,” Kris said indifferently.

“So you guys are going for sure?” Krystal asked as she appeared next to Amber with her tray already full of food.

“Hell yeah, parties are my thing!” Kris responded.

“Please ignore him. He forgets he’s a loser sometimes,” Amber teased.

“You’re going?” Zelo asked Krystal quietly.

“Yep. Luna is driving me there. We heard it’s supposed to be fun,” Krystal smiled, making Zelo blush a deep red.

“Are you not going?” Luna asked as they all made their way to their lunch table outside.

“Well… I, uh… wasn’t planning on it,” Zelo mumbled as he shuffled his feet along.

“You should come! I can drive all of us!” Luna offered.

“I don’t think there will be enough room…” Zelo said quietly.

“Her car seats five so she can fit all of us,” Kris said before digging in to his lunch like a pig.

“Oh what a beautiful sight,” Amber groaned as she watched Kris eat across from her.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Kris returned with his mouth full.

“I would but you might break the camera.”

“Eh, you already broke my mirror. It’d be payback.”

Amber glared at the blond male across from her, wishing she could smack the back of his head, but instead she ate her food.

“I wonder if he’ll be there,” Luna thought out loud without realizing it until after she had said it.

“Who?” Amber asked nonchalantly.

Krystal smirked and gave a sideways look towards Luna who blushed slightly and looked down at her food.

“Just someone she’s been good friends with since middle school days,” Krystal answered.

“Ah, you’re long time crush,” Kris said plainly.

“Yah! There’s no need to say it out loud,” Amber griped. “Can’t you see she clearly didn’t want us to announce it?”

Kris shrugged and kept eating his food.

“I swear you’re an idiot at times,” Amber spoke while rolling her eyes.

“He’s just someone I’m very fond of,” Luna said softly with a small smile on her face.

Krystal smiled knowingly but said nothing as she finished her food.

“So, you’re going to come with us, right?” Krystal asked Zelo after they all had finished eating in silence. Well, everyone except Kris.

“Uh, y-yeah, sure,” Zelo stuttered.

“Do you ever stop eating?” Luna asked in amazement as she watched Kris scarf down the food Krystal didn’t finish.

“He does when he sleeps,” Amber answered.

“Must be nice to have such a high metabolism,” Krystal muttered enviously.

Luna looked over at her then patted her leg underneath the table comfortingly. Amber felt something spark in the back of her mind, but she decided not to pay too much attention to it.

Kris had finished eating just moments before the bell rang.

“Hey, Amber. You should come to our dorm room after school so we can all get ready together. We can meet the boys afterwards,” Krystal offered as she walked arm in arm with Luna.

“Sounds good. I’ll meet you guys in the girl’s dorm lobby after school.”

“Okay. Bye!” Luna said as she fluttered off towards her class.

“Peace loser. Bye Krystal,” Kris said before walking off with Zelo.

“I swear, sometimes I wonder how I’ve lasted this long with that alpaca lover,” Amber says with a shake of her head as she walks off with Krystal by her side.


“Hey, dorks,” Key sneers as he approaches Amber and Kris in their last period.

Key had been good at keeping their interactions to a minimum, which made Amber and Kris a little more tolerant of him, especially since he seems extremely dedicated to dancing.

“Yes, loser?” Amber answers.

“Cute,” Key says with his signature eye roll. “I’m pretty sure you guys know about the party tonight and I assume you two are both lame asses who won’t go-”

“Who says we aren’t party animals?” Kris asks with his eyebrow quirked.

“I highly doubt people like yourselves are party animals.”

Amber wasn’t in the mood for an argument to she urged Key to continue on with his business.

“What do you want, Key?”

“Are you two going tonight?” Key asked flatly.

“And if we are, what’s it to you?” Amber responded with a bored expression on her face.

“Look, I know we haven’t been on the best of terms-”

“All because you’re a whiny little brat,” Kris pointed out.

“Will you let me finish?” Key gritted out.

Amber looked at Kris and he nodded in defeat.

“I’ve heard from some third years that… you’re little boy,” Key said as he turned his attention more towards Amber, “Henry was it? He likes to party… I’ve heard some things so I’m just warning you to be careful.”

“What did you hear?” Kris asked with knitted eyebrows.

“Just some things. You two should be cautious around him. I heard he’s not… the same when he drinks.”

“Well no one is,” Amber pointed out with a shrug.

“Just take my advice, nit wit,” Key snapped, obviously frustrated with their lack of trust in him.

“And why should I trust you?” Amber asked.

“Because I know you’re really a girl and you’re staying in the boy’s dorm. It was a mishap and you could’ve easily gone to the office to fix it… but you didn’t.”

Amber and Kris both froze. Yeah, no one knew they shared a room. A few people knew Amber was actually a girl, but they didn’t know her sleeping arrangements. It’s not like her and Kris are ually active with one another.

“If you hate us so much, why haven’t you told someone already?” Kris pondered.

“One word: Blackmail. You know if the principal finds out that you didn’t fix the mishap and you continued to room with a male when it’s against school policy you will get kicked out without a chance to tryout again the following years,” Key said with a smirk plastered on his face and arms folded across his chest.

“So, that’s why we should trust you?” Amber asked confusedly.

“You should listen to me either way, but now you know not to cross me when I say to do something because I won’t hesitate to go straight to Mrs. Han to let her in on your little secret.”

Key walked away before they could say anything else and left them more confused than ever before.

“Do you think he’s bipolar?”

“He’s something that’s for sure. But why the hell would he warn us about Henry when he doesn’t even like him?”



























A/N: I’m a terrible person. I procrastinate wayyyyy tooooo much .-.

I’m so sorry for not updating sooner :3 I just procrastinate sometimes and begin other stories when I should be focusing on the ones I have going already >.<

I think the next chapter will definitely be a surprise for you guys :)  I’m excited for it!


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XxMewpie #1
Chapter 11: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 11: You really need to update soon author nim dont leave me another 84 years or more huhu..
Chapter 11: I'm looking forward to the next update :) I love it!!
Saniyaa #4
Chapter 11: Looking forward to reading about hang out at Jonghyun's. I have a feeling that Key would be there. Anyways love this story and I'm always happy when I see that it was updated :) just don't leave for too long..
Chapter 11: Henry... Why did u do what u did... Huh.. #sigh
Now it would be so awkward to begin with..
Kris... How i wish mom and dad really happen for krisber sake...
Anyway... No romance but still iam hoping for the least..

Thanku for updating and welcome back.. XD
llama1023 #6
Chapter 11: yes an update! glad ur back :--) thanks for this i really like this fic!
spygenl #7
Chapter 11: dude almost a year lmao
the worst thing is that I remember that I was there when u did. I really have nothing to do.
Silly_mihi #8
Chapter 10: i need more please T-T this story is so amazing from head to toe <3 i'll be waiting for your updates!
kriszti #9
Wow seriously fun story ...love all the witty comebacks so cool
Please update soon and a lot :)
Chapter 10: I really like the way Amber and Kris are in this story! I wanna know where this story goes! Hope you update soon!