
All That We Are

“How are you, Sungjong?” Kris asked politely but the bell had rung just then, indicating class was about to start.


“Good morning, students!” the teacher greeted as he walked around from behind his desk to the front of the class. “I am Mr. Shin, your Algebra II teacher. Now let’s begin class.”


“Already?” Amber whispered in disbelief to Kris as she pulled out her notebook from her bag.


Kris looked just as shocked as she. “Most teachers don’t jump right into teaching on the first day,” he whispered back.


“That’s just Mr. Shin,” Sungjong explained having heard their little conversation, “he’s like this every year. You two are first years, right?”


Amber and Kris nodded in unison.


“I forget sometimes. You two just act like second years, more so than me,” Sungjong said before he turned back around in his desk to face the board where the teacher was already writing down notes on linear equations.


“I wonder if we are the only first years here,” Kris mumbled as he looked around the classroom, paying no attention to the lesson.


“Yah, babo,” Amber whisper-yelled as she thumped his nose, “pay attention! I don’t need you failing before we even start.”


“Oh, hush child. You know I can do this with my eyes closed. Math is my best subject,” he bragged as he leaned back in his chair.


Amber rolled her eyes and continued copying down the notes the teacher wrote.


The teacher was on a roll. He never stopped teaching unless it was to answer a question or show an example problem. About halfway through the class he passed out a worksheet that was due at the end of class, reviewing what they had just worked on.


“Young man,” the teacher said as he approached Kris’s desk with the worksheet in hand. He peered down at his blank notebook with a displeased look on his face. “Do you think you can pass my class without taking any notes? These notes will help you in the long run,” he said in disdain.


“I don’t need notes. I can retain what I learn in math,” Kris said simply as he took the worksheet politely out of the teacher’s hand.


“If you don’t take my class seriously, we are going to have problems,” the teacher warned.


“Don’t worry, sir,” Amber spoke up, “Kris won’t slack off. I’ll make sure.”


Mr. Shin looked over at Amber with a confused look, that she often got, on his face. “And you are?”


“Liu Amber. A first year here,” she said as she accepted the paper he handed to her. His eyes locked with hers and for a split second, Amber swore she could feel him stare right through her. He knows.


“See that you do,” Mr. Shin said before he walked back to the front of the class.


“I think he likes you,” Sungjong chirped as he turned around to talk to the duo behind him.


“And what makes you think that?” Amber asked as she began to work on her paper.


“He was nice to you. He isn’t exactly known for being nice around school,” Sungjong explained.


“That was nice? I could feel the coldness of his heart the second he walked in,” Kris said as he zipped through his worksheet.


Sungjong shrugged and started working on his paper, leaving the conversation alone.



“Well, that class could’ve been better,” Kris said as he and Amber walked out of their Algebra class.


“You’re telling me. Sungjong is cool and all, but he can be annoying,” Amber complained as they walked down the crowded hallway.


“Ha, I can’t argue that,” Kris agreed.


After maneuvering their way down the hallway, it was time for them to part ways and go onto their next class.


“Well, munchkin, I hope you enjoy your next class with Henry,” Kris said with a wink, “and hopefully I won’t die in Chemistry.”


“It’s not that bad, I think you’ll like Sohee, she’s a good teacher so far,” Amber commented before she began to walk up the flight of stairs.


“See ya, grasshopper,” Kris hollered over his shoulder then walked off towards his class.


Amber smiled at Kris then began to make her way up the stairs rather quickly. She was excited to see Henry, but at the same time she was nervous because of what her next class was. Vocals.


It’s not that she couldn’t sing, she just preferred rapping over singing. And she would have to sing in front of Henry, most likely, which scared her the most.


Amber was lost in thought as she rounded the corner and walked down the somewhat empty hallway when two voices caught her attention.


“Daehyun! I hate you, go burn in hell!”


“Nah, man, you know you don’t hate me.”


“ off! You ate my sandwich.”


“What can I say? It seduced me.”


“You .”


“But you’d bottom for me anytime, baby!”


Amber looked at the two men walking down the hall. One was in front storming down the hall while the other followed, smirking the whole way as he argued back.


“Shut up, Daehyun!”


“Oh, Youngjae, you can’t deny our chemistry. You can’t deny this love,” Daehyun said as he snuck up quickly behind Youngjae and grabbed his waist from behind.


“Ew, get away from me! Stop touching me!” Youngjae screamed as he tried to squirm out of Daehyun’s hold.


“Not what you said last night. I believe it went something more like ‘don’t stop, Daehyun-’”


“Um, excuse me,” Amber cleared and said politely. “You’re kind of in front of my class that I need to get in to.”


The two boys stopped and looked over at Amber, a smirk on Daehyun’s face and a dark red tint across Youngjae’s cheeks.


“Sorry, my boyfriend and I just can’t help ourselves sometimes, can we, babe?”


“Yah, get away from me you creep. We’re gonna be late for class,” Youngjae complained as he finally got free from Daehyun’s hold. He shot a sympathetic smile to Amber, silently apologizing. “Sorry, excuse us.”


Amber nodded feeling slightly awkward for just standing there.


Youngjae turned to the double doors he and Daehyun were blocking and walked in, holding the door open for Amber. Amber gave a small smile as she entered and Daehyun followed behind, but before he could get all the way in, Youngjae let the door close on him.


“Yah, babe, you let the door hit me!” he complained as he walked in.


“Oops,” Youngjae said without a single ounce of sympathy in his tone.


Amber was surprised to see how many people were in her class. The room looked practical from the outside but it was spacious on the inside. There had to have been 40 or more students in there, but her eyes immediately caught the man she was looking for.


Henry spotted her too and waved her over to stand next to him while the teacher was preparing.


“Long time, no see,” Henry greeted as she walked towards him.


“Yeah, seems like it,” Amber said as she found her place next to Henry. “There’s quite a bit of people in here,” she commented mildly as she glanced around the room.


“This class is pretty much the main class everyone takes. It’s a mix of all the grades together, they don’t separate until they hear everyone’s voices and decide how far along in training you are.”


“So like an audition?”


“Something like-”


“Oh. My God. You,” a sharp voice cut off. Amber cringed at the way he said you. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.




“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Henry asked confused.


“No, not you. Him,” Key said with a disgusted look on his face. Henry looked more confused than ever.


“And what about me, Key?” Amber shot back as she turned to look at the diva himself.


“You and your of a friend left me to sleep out in the hall like a homeless person!” Key yelled, catching a few other students attention.


Amber felt her blood pump a little faster, wanting nothing more than to slap the eyeliner off his eyes.


“Maybe that was because you barged into my dorm and kicked Kris out of his bed at freaking 3 AM in the morning!” she snapped back.


“Wait, you and Kris share a dorm?” Henry asked shocked, but his question was forgotten when Key talked back.


“Ugh, whatever. You guys clearly don’t know how to treat a guest,” Key said as he rolled his eyes.


“No, we know exactly how to treat pests,” Amber said.


“, I know you did-”


“You better watch your language,” Henry stepped in, pulling Amber to the other side of him to put distance between the two.


“What? Did I hurt your little boyfriend’s feelings?” Key egged on. By now a little group of students formed around them, hoping to see a fight go down between the two.


“Shut up and I won’t beat your sassy little first year ,” Henry growled. He looked beyond furious which actually scared Key just a tiny bit.


“Okay, class, sorry for the delay, but we will get started now,” the teacher said, gathering everyone’s attention immediately.


Key and Henry shared one last glare before Key walked off with his friends, leaving the two alone.


“My name is Leeteuk and these are my teacher aides; a third year, Taeyeon, and another third year, Ailee,” the teacher greeted and introduced.


“Thank you,” Amber said whispered to Henry.


He nodded and gave her a small smile then turned his attention back to the teacher.


“Now, what’s going to happen is I will put you in groups of four. You will practice the song I assign your group and sing it in front of everyone. Depending on how well you sing and how strong your voice is, I will place you into three groups: beginners, intermediates, and supremes. I will be working with the beginners, Ailee will be with the intermediates and Taeyeon will be with the supremes,” the teacher explained.


“Why didn’t you tell me you and Kris share a dorm? Is that even legal?” Henry whispered to Amber as the teacher briefly talked to his assistants.


Amber felt a pang of guilt hit her chest and her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “I-it’s kinda hard to explain.”


“Why does that guy keep referring to you as a boy?”


“Most people think I’m a boy,” Amber explained. “It’s something I’ve dealt with most of my life.”


“Psh, can’t they tell you have a rack?” Henry blurted out then quickly regretted it. His face turned a bright shade of red and Amber looked down at her chest, inspecting if what he said was true.


“I guess not,” she answered, oblivious to the embarrassed Henry standing beside her. “They are pretty small.”


Henry became even redder as he tried to change the subject but luckily the teacher cut him off.


“Okay, now I’m going to randomly put you in groups and my teacher aides will hand you sheet music to the song you will be practicing,” Leeteuk said as he began to walk around the class, grouping people together.


“I hope we get to be together,” Amber said nonchalantly. Henry smiled and nodded in agreement.


Amber looked around and saw the groups getting paired up. She recognized the two boys from earlier were in the same group. Are they holding hands?


As she looked around some more, she recognized that Sulli girl from her first period with a group of girls who looked a grade or two older than her. Poor girl, she looks uncomfortable.


The teacher took less than a minute to get over to Amber and Henry’s area with his aides following closely.


“Um, you,” he pointed to some random guy, “and you and you,” he pointed to a random guy and Key, “and let’s see…” he said as he thought about who to put in next, “you,” he said as he pointed to Henry. Henry tensed up slightly but nonetheless walked over to his group slowly. “Taeyeon, hand them the song Mr. Simple.”


“Okay, now the last group will be you four,” Leeteuk said as he gestured to the remaining students. “Ailee, please hand them the song Goodbye Summer. I think that will be appropriate for this group,” he said with a final nod and walked off.


Amber grabbed her paper and looked at her group members. There were two girls, one skinny with long, black hair that was actually pretty attractive, and the other was kind of short with blonde hair, and one guy with plush lips and adorable, round eyes. He kind of reminded her of an owl plushie she had back in her dorm.


“I’m Sun Young but you can call me Luna!” the blonde introduced happily.


“I’m Krystal,” the skinny one said shyly.


“I, um, I’m Kyungsoo, but most people call me D.O.” the plushie said.


“I’m Amber,” Amber said and all of her group member’s heads shot up and gave her a confused look.


“You are a girl,” Krystal said in shock. “I’m sorry, but I thought you were… a b-boy.”


Amber laughed and waved her off. “No worries, I get that a lot. I’m glad you guys know better though. Most people will go on thinking I’m a boy even though my name is Amber.”


“You are very handsome though,” Luna complimented.


“Thank you.”


“What was that whole thing earlier before class started? With Key?” Krystal asked politely.


“Oh, nothing big. Just Key being a pain,” Amber explained with a small laugh to conceal her nervousness.


“Key can be that way sometimes,” Luna agreed.


“You two know him?” Amber asked in shock.


They both nodded. “We have been in school with him since second year of middle school. He’s not a joy in the beginning but he’ll warm up to you over time,” Krystal said.


D.O. cleared his throat. “Shall we get started? We don’t have much time,” he suggested.















A/N: And G is fo GAY!!! Yeah Daehyun and Youngjae are gay lovers <3 I couldn’t resist, I ship those two so freaking much!!


I see some drama going DOWN next chapter… just a little though… maybe J



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XxMewpie #1
Chapter 11: Please update!!!!!
Chapter 11: You really need to update soon author nim dont leave me another 84 years or more huhu..
Chapter 11: I'm looking forward to the next update :) I love it!!
Saniyaa #4
Chapter 11: Looking forward to reading about hang out at Jonghyun's. I have a feeling that Key would be there. Anyways love this story and I'm always happy when I see that it was updated :) just don't leave for too long..
Chapter 11: Henry... Why did u do what u did... Huh.. #sigh
Now it would be so awkward to begin with..
Kris... How i wish mom and dad really happen for krisber sake...
Anyway... No romance but still iam hoping for the least..

Thanku for updating and welcome back.. XD
llama1023 #6
Chapter 11: yes an update! glad ur back :--) thanks for this i really like this fic!
spygenl #7
Chapter 11: dude almost a year lmao
the worst thing is that I remember that I was there when u did. I really have nothing to do.
Silly_mihi #8
Chapter 10: i need more please T-T this story is so amazing from head to toe <3 i'll be waiting for your updates!
kriszti #9
Wow seriously fun story all the witty comebacks so cool
Please update soon and a lot :)
Chapter 10: I really like the way Amber and Kris are in this story! I wanna know where this story goes! Hope you update soon!