
Never Give Up


My thoughts were interrupted when someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, “Hey! Why are you ignoring me?” There was a second of hesitation before she gasped, “You’re not mad because SeungRi Oppa wanted me in his music video are you?” Brooke asked sounding horrified. “If I would’ve known I would have refused his offer!” She practically shrieked.

“Brooke,” I began but she put one hand over my mouth and the other over her forehead like she might faint.

“Don’t say it.” She said breathlessly, “I don’t think I could take you admitting you’re upset with me.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved her hand away from my face, “If you’d let me talk I’d tell you that I was thinking and didn’t hear you!” I exclaimed.

“Oh well if you put it-” She started.

But I cut her off, “Don’t! It’s my turn to talk.” I gave her a stern look to punctuate my sentence.

“Sorry Unnie.” She whispered looking down at the floor.

I put a hand on her shoulder, “Hey, I’m sorry for yelling. I just, have a lot on my mind right now.” I said softly.

She looked up at me, “He still won’t answer.”

It was more  of a statement than a question but I answered her anyways, “I’ve tried a few times since we split ways earlier, his phone goes straight to voicemail now.” I dropped my hand from her shoulder and looked down the hall we were in. “Where are we?” I asked trying to avoid another crying episode I could feel coming on.

“SeungRi Oppa said that he was done for today, he was going to go find GD when he was done changing.” Brooke said. I stayed quiet and kept staring down the hallway afraid that if I spoke I would break down. “Maybe GD Oppa will be done and we can head to the dorms,” Brooke said. I nodded in response and she grabbed my arm pulling me down the hallway, “The elevators should be down this way. What floor are we on anyways?”


Once we were in the elevator heading up, I could feel Brooke staring at me. I took a deep breath praying my voice wouldn’t abandon me when she spoke, “I’m worried about you.” She whispered.

I looked over at her in shock, “I’m not the one you should be worried about right now.” I looked at the elevator doors as they opened and a lady with black hair joined us and clicked a button a few floors below the one we were headed to. She smiled at us, we gave small smiles back as well as little bows.

We were quiet until the doors shut behind her as she exited the elevator, “Was that Gummy?” Brooke asked me.

“It might’ve been.” I said.

We rode the rest of the ride up in silence, as we were walking down the hall Brooke stopped suddenly and pulled me by the wrist, stepping in front of a display case. “What?” I asked her.

“Before we meet up with the guys, I want you to know that we’re worried about you. I know the guys won’t admit it but they are.” Brooke said slowly. I let out an exasperated breath but she raised her hand cutting me off, “I understand that you are sad and worried about Dae Oppa. But you need to be strong for him. Since you heard about the wreck you’ve been carrying yourself different. You don’t walk with your usual confidence anymore, and your voice isn’t very confident either.” She looked out the window for a minute before turning and looking me straight in the eyes, “If the roles were reversed would you want to see Dae Oppa acting like you are?”

I thought about it for a moment, “If the roles were reversed Dae Oppa would’ve already found a way to see me.” I choked out as a few tears rolled down my face. I wiped them away and looked down at my shoes. I couldn’t help but smile when Dae Oppa’s proud and smiling face flashed through my mind, he was so pleased with himself when he gave me these converses he had custom made for me. My face dropped as I looked out the window to witness the first few drops land and slide down leaving a glistening trail behind them.

Brooke turned me around and pulled me to her, “Is that why you are so mad?” she asked more to herself than to me. “I didn’t know it upset you that much. You’ve done everything you could have so far, Dae Oppa would be even more upset if he knew you were beating yourself up because of this.”

I pushed her back and saw the hurt in her eyes, “It’s because I never follow through with anything I say I will do.” I whispered looking down the hall. I started walking towards where we had left GD. Over my shoulder I told Brooke, “But this time I’m going to complete my promise. I will see him before midnight tonight!” And with that I took off down the hallway, Brooke not far behind me.

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I thought that part was funny too britt ^_^ Sheila had her reasons for what she did, but she still deserved Brooke punching her xD lol
brittlalala132 #2
I did cry....My favorite part though is when Brooke punches Sheila though :DD
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