The Accident

Never Give Up



 Breaking News, At approximately 1:40 this morning Big Bang’s Daesung was involved in a car accident. He is currently being questioned at the police station about the death of a motorist he is rumored to have run over and killed.



That’s all we had to hear. I more felt Brooke before I heard her let out a sob, “But…” was all she could mumble before the tears over flowed and made her clean pink sweater their new home. I could feel her shaking, without looking and more as a natural response, I put my arms around her and murmured that he was going to be ok. Brooke looked up at me with her red eyes, “How do you know he’s going to be ok?”

I sighed and put on my well rehearsed smile, “He’s Daesung! He’s going to be ok.”

“Your probably right.” She said and stood up, “I’m going to go call SeungRi Oppa.” And without another word she was out of the room and I heard the front door slam soon after.

I sighed and forbid the frown to show as I slowly got up. With every step I took my body ached, each step toward my room with the door that hid me from the world, hid me in my sanctuary. I could feel that my mind had millions of questions and feelings exploding through it but I was too numb with worry to concentrate on any of them.

Once I felt the hard wooden door behind me and I was engulfed in darkness I sank to the floor, but still couldn’t let myself go. I pulled out my cell and flipped it open to be greeted by a picture of Dae Oppa’s smiling face. I smiled remembering how happy he had been when we all had surprised him on his birthday with a big party. We had invited his closest friends and his family, along with 10 fans who had won a contest and got to be there. There had been a big cake and lots of music and dancing. It really had been a lot of fun, but the best part was when we had lured him into the studio. The look on his face was well worth the work to get the party ready.

When I came back to reality from my short memory, the recollection of what had happened hit and I knew I had to talk to him. I dialed his number and held my breath as the phone rang and rang. It eventually went to voicemail and I let out a disappointed sigh followed by a small smile as his chipper voice came on speaking in full Korean. When I heard the tone I took a deep breath, “Hey Oppa, it’s Sheila. I’m really worried about you and wanted to talk to you. Give me a call when you get this. Alright hope to see you soon. Bye~”

I closed the phone and sighed for what felt like the millionth time. The back of my head collided into the solid door behind me as my hand fell to the floor sending my phone skidding across the room and under my closet door. I closed my eyes and couldn’t hold back any longer. I began to shake with the first of the tears that fell to the floor. I didn’t stop until my eyes felt dry and itchy, I felt horrible for crying. I had no right to be crying, not really, but I was worried for my Oppa. I’d stand behind him always, even if this didn’t end right.

I opened my eyes and stared up into the black darkness. I heard a little hysteric laugh that didn’t sound right in the silence but there it was, hanging oddly in the air. I rolled onto my knees and felt around in the direction of where my phone had gone. My head found my closet before my hand did, I pulled back into a sitting position immediately grasping my throbbing head. When I stopped seeing stars I felt for the door handle and opened it only to be blinded by the automatic light GD Oppa had been so keen on installing in it. I shielded my eyes, quickly grabbed my phone and retreated back into the darkness closing the door behind me.

I slowly moved toward my bed letting my eyes readjust to the pitch black that was all around me. I crawled up onto my soft plushy comforter which wasn’t really doing much to comfort me. I curled up in the middle of my bed not caring how cold I was. I flipped open my phone again, no messages. I dialed his number again but it went to voicemail, “Hey Oppa, it’s Sheila again. I was just calling to check on you. If you need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you. Just call me when you get this. Talk to you soon. Ok bye bye.”

I clicked the off button and stared at my dimly lit ceiling. I moaned in mental agony and flipped my phone closed, I really wish I could get a hold of him. I pulled my phone to my chest and rolled into the fetal position on my side and closed my eyes, wishing with everything I could know if he was ok or not.


“Sheila,” I heard a familiar voice say. Someone was shaking me.

“She needs to get up.” I heard Brooke say.

“I’ll carry her out of here if I have to.” The first voice said.

“No, Brooke would be jealous if you carried her out. I’ll carry her if it comes down to it, but we need to try to wake her up first.” Said an overly familiar voice and I felt someone pick my cheek. I swatted at the hand that was poking me, “Hey I think she’s coming to!”

“GD Oppa if you don’t stop I’m going to…” I started to sit up. “Hey why are you and SeungRi Oppa here?”

Brooke was trying to hide her worry but her voice gave it away, “No one has been able to talk to Daesung since he got back early yesterday morning.” SeungRi put an arm around her and kissed her on the head.

“And we thought maybe you could get him to come out of his room.” GD said sitting next to me. I sat up running my hand thru my hair a few times. “Or at least you could get him to let us in the dorm. He’s locked the front door.” He added while fixing a few stray hairs of my unruly bed head.

I rubbed my eyes trying to comprehend the world passed my killer head ache. “Of course I want to help you guys and especially Dae Oppa in his time of need.” I said a little groggily.

“Alright then, everything is settled.” GD said ruffling my hair like I was a kid. “We’ll give you 5 minutes to get dressed then well head out.” He said getting up and following SeungRi and Brooke out the door. He paused in the door way and walked back over to me, “This is going to bother me.” He said as he attempted to fix my hair.

“Oppa I’ll run a brush thru it.” I said pushing his hands away from me. “I promise!” I continued as I pushed him out of my room closing the door behind him. “He’s crazy.” I mumbled to myself as I walked over to my closet. I put on my comfort clothes which consisted of soft black jeans with my favorite custom designed hoodie. I heard a knock on my door as I was pulling on my converse, “Come in!”

GD opened the door, “Hey.” He said softly as he walked in cracking the door behind him. He sat next to me and let out a sigh, “I wanted you to know that Daesung is a little upset. But you don’t need to worry about him. He has plenty of people worrying about him right now.” GD ran his hand thru his hair, which until then I hadn’t noticed looked like he hadn’t even bothered fixing it today. “What Daesung really needs right now is someone to help him get through this. He needs someone who cares and cares enough to force their way into his private space right now.” He was silent for awhile and looked in the direction of my slightly opened closet. “Please tell me that is NOT a knit sweater in there.” He said getting up walking in that direction.

I jumped up grabbing his arm, “Let’s go to the dorms to try to help Dae Oppa.” I said pulling him out of my room and away from my closet.

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I thought that part was funny too britt ^_^ Sheila had her reasons for what she did, but she still deserved Brooke punching her xD lol
brittlalala132 #2
I did cry....My favorite part though is when Brooke punches Sheila though :DD
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