
Never Give Up


“Annyeong” GD said into his new phone. He waited a few minutes listening, “But we need…” But he was obviously cut off, it was plain by the upset look on his face. “Ok.” He said hanging up and mumbling something to the driver.

“Where are we going?” SeungRi asked, looking a little worried.

“We’re being called to the studio to work. Sorry there was nothing I could do about it.” GD said with obvious pain on his face, “Girls, looks like you two are going to have to come with us. We can go try to talk to Daesung afterwards.” And with that he turned back around in his seat and stared out the front windshield.

“It’s ok Oppa.” Brooke said leaning forward putting her hand gingerly on his shoulder, “It’s not your fault. We don’t mind a little detour.” She said softly as SeungRi put an arm around her shoulders. From my seat behind the driver I could see the edges of GD's mouth turn up into a small smile.


When we pulled up to YG the four of us were immediately rushed into the building, which was surrounded by a crowd of reporters and worried fans. “I can’t believe… So many people.” Brooke whispered to me when we finally got inside.

We were all riding the elevator up when it stopped about halfway up and a girl looked surprised, “SeungRi! I was fixing to head up to the studio to find you. We need you on the set.” She said grabbing his arm and pulling him out off the elevator. Brooke tensed and looked like she was going to tell that girl off, when SeungRi moved her hand off him.

“I’ll catch up to you guys later.” He said smiling as the door closed.

“Well I guess I’m the lucky guy with two pretty girls then.” GD said as he put his arms around our shoulders and guided us out of the elevator.

“Why thank you!” We both said as we threaded our arms behind his back.

We walked down the hall but passed the room we normally went to, to watch them rehearse. “GD Oppa, I thought we were going to the studio?” Brooke asked looking behind us at the door we had passed.

“Well, Teddy is going to help me with a song I’m working on so we’re going to go to him.” He said with a small laugh.

Brooke grabbed my arm and I grabbed hers back letting out a small laugh. Brooke has never been comfortable around Teddy, I don’t know why but she just can’t stand to be around him for prolonged periods of time. I’m not best friends with Teddy but I don’t really have an opinion on him, so I don’t mind being around him.

When we got to the studio GD stepped forward and opened the door walking inside holding the door open for us to enter. Brooke immediately took the seat next to the door and grabbed my wrist when I went to follow GD to talk to Teddy. She gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes, “Please, don’t leave me.” She said in a hushed voice.

I smiled, “I was just going to say hi.” She kept a hold on my wrist but looked down. “Ok but he’s going to think we’re antisocial. And I doubt you want GD to pull us both over there.” She looked panicked and instantly released me, pushing me in the direction of Teddy and GD. I stuck my tongue out at her and smiled beforeI turned to go talk to them.

Without looking GD pulled up a third chair on his opposite side Teddy was sitting on. “Thanks Oppa.” I said taking the seat while I looked at the complicated looking program Teddy was messing with.

“No problem,” GD said, “What if we did this?” He asked as he pointed to the screen and explained his idea to Teddy.

“Sounds good!” Teddy said as he fixed it. “And what about this?”

“Ummm…” GD said moving to be more infront of the screen, “Yea, but try this too.”

They kept talking and changing things like this for awhile so I got up and started to walk back towards Brooke, “Ok, well Brooke and I are going to go find SeungRi Oppa.”

“I’ll call you when I’m done here.” GD said only spending a second to look over his shoulder at me to smile before he got back to work.

I walked over to Brooke who had been checking her facebook via her cell phone, “You can check that later. Come on I got you a way out of here.” I said lightly pulling on her arm. She quickly got up and followed me out of the door.

“That took awhile.” She stated, “And hey, where are we going?”

I rolled my eyes at her comment and decided to ignore it, “I thought we could go exploring since they wouldn’t let us before.” I gave her a mischievous grin.

“I love the way you think!” She grinned back at me.

Brooke started to make a list of places she wanted to find, but I couldn’t help but pull out my phone and worry about Dae Oppa. I opened it and dialed his number as I stepped next to a window. Brooke stopped walking and looked back at me, “What are you-“ She began but stopped when she answered her own question. It went to voicemail and my heart sank. “Hey, we can try again later.” She said as she put her arm around mine, “Let’s go scope out the studio and see who all is here.”

I nodded and let her drag me down the hall back into the elevator.

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I thought that part was funny too britt ^_^ Sheila had her reasons for what she did, but she still deserved Brooke punching her xD lol
brittlalala132 #2
I did cry....My favorite part though is when Brooke punches Sheila though :DD
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