Chapter 7


"Hi. Are you guys Big Bang?" Nicole asked the 5 guys hopping it was them, and she wasn't making a fool of she self.

"Ye." They said together, looking at her.

"I'm Nicole, Jung Nicole. nice to meet you guys." bowing in a 90 degrees.

"Nice to meet you, Jung nicole. We're Big Bang." Ji-yong introduced their group to her and boews to her as well.

"You guys can call me Nicole."

"Ok, ummm....... this is Dong Yong Bae but you can call him Taeyand. His  is Lee Seung Kang but we call him Seungri. This guy is Kang Dae Sung but just call him Daesung. The scary looking one here is Seung Hyun buy just call him T.O.P for short. And I'm the leader, Kwon Ji Young but this guys and everyone else calls me G-Dragon or GD for short too."

Nicole just nodded her head taking it all in and trying to remembering their names.

"Well, the van is parked over there. Do you need any help with carrieing your stuff to the van?" pointing to the van then to their luggage.

"No we can carry them." Daesung told her with his eye smile.

They picked up their stuff and head to the van. Nicole opened the back door and helped put their stuff in. She opened the side doors so they could get in. In less then 5 minutes they were on the road heading to the orphange.

"So, how was your guys morning?" nicole was trying to start a convirsation with them.

"It was ok. We didn't really do anything." Seungri chirped out.

"Did you guys have breakfast?" worrie thaey didn't.

"Yeah we did, we had ramen." T.O.P telling her cause he payed for it all.


nicole started to think ti herself. 'Ramen for breakfast? I hope it wasn't becaues they had to rush to meet me outside.

The car ride was quite for a long while.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"yabosayo?" Nicoel yelled out to her phone, which was on speaker.

"Hi Nicole! Hows everything going?" Han Geng asked.

"Ah! Oppa, everything is alright. How about you guys?"

"About that......Park Ji Bin woke up a little bit and went looking for you. So he started to cry and we can't caml hin down. Minho and the other kids are with him right now, but he really wants you Nicole.: Geng explained everything to her.

"Omo! Hey, oppa, put him on the phone will ya?" Nicole was a bit sad to hear this.

"Hold on. Jin Bin, Nicole on the phone for you." jinBin grabbed the phone.


"Hi honey, whats the matter?"

In the back the guys were listening to Nicoles convirsation. They turned away from what they were during.

"where are you?"

"I'm on the road right now, but I'll be home in like 20 minutes. Would you like to stay on the phone with me till we get home then?"


"Ok! Ok!. Hey you remeber that when i get home there will be some other people with us right? Theirs going to be staying with us for a while."

"Yup! you went to go pick them up. Thats whay you weren't there when iI woke up."

"That's right. So you can't cry while their there right?"

Big Bang thought that their little convirsation sounded cute. They couldn't wait and get ho the orphanage.

 "Yes! I'm a big boy now!!"

"Thats right your a big boy now Ji Bin, but your still my little boy right?" Nicole waited for an responce as she moved into another lane.

"Yes, I'm!! I will always be Cole's little boy!!! Hahaha!!" ji Bin yelled into the phone. He realy loved Nicole. He was a shy little boy with a bad temper. He would glare at the other kids or scare them for no reason. But he would cry himself to sleep, thinking about the day his mother left him on the street saying she would be back later that night. To him Nicole was his realy mother.


Thanks for waiting!! Also thanks for reading!! see you soon

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i hope you can still update??
Awww, Jiyong is slowly falling for Nicole.<br />
And he doesn't even know yet ^^!<br />
More Nicole and Jiyong moments please?<br />
Update soon :)!
Although the title is very typical I still clicked on it xD I love this so much and poor nicole D;
New reader here ~<br />
I cannot wait to see what happens next!<br />
Please update soon :)!
kepohtrix #5
keep updating...thanks =)
kepohtrix #6
keep on...cant wait for it...thanks =)
keep update please..cannot wait 4 da next chapter..
kepohtrix #8
welcome...keep updating...hehe...still reading =)
kepohtrix #9
of coz i am reading it...its like a new couple...hehe..and its awesome..continue updating =)