Chapter 1


Ring! Ring! Ring!

The alarm clock went oss at 6:30 a.m. Nicole poppedout from underneath her covers slamed her hand on the clock, swinging her arms in the air and smiling.

"Now I have to wake up the guys and make breakfast for everyone." she told herself while still trying to wake up herself.

Dragging her sleepy body to the guys room.

knock! knock!

No answer.......

"I'm coming in!"she yelled. she look around than looked at the guys sleeping faces. A smile spread across her face.

Nicole thought to hereself 'still the same sleeping faces.' laughing quitly before she woke them up.               

"Han Geng oppa, Minho oppa." she whispered into their ears. No response. Nicole starts to tug at hteir shirts.

"Nicole!" Han Geng and Minho called out together. "Its to early to get up. Go back to bed ok?" Minho got up and jumped on Han Gengs bed pulling Nicole into the bed with them.Han Geng covered her with the blanket, "20 moe minutes ok?"

Nicole sat up and stared at the 2. "Fine. You guys can sleep for 20 more minutes, but I need to make breakfast for the kids." with that Nicole jumped off the bed and out the door.

"Man we gotta help her her with the food." hitting Han Gengs arm lightly, letting him know its-time-to-get-out-of-the-bed-and-help-out. They got up and throw on some closes and headed to the bathroom to fix themselfs up.

Han Geng was making eggs and ham. Minho was setting the table up. While Nicole made the rice and wole up the kids and helped them get ready. One after another the kids came in yawning and still streching.

Han Geng jumped in front of the kids with a spatchula in his right hand as if it was a mic, and yelled into it, "Ok you men and young ladys its now time for the most important meal of the day!" HanGeng looked at the cute faced of the kids who just woke up. Minho took the 'mic' from him and hit Han with in on the head. everyone started to laugh at the to.


sorry for the small chp.

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i hope you can still update??
Awww, Jiyong is slowly falling for Nicole.<br />
And he doesn't even know yet ^^!<br />
More Nicole and Jiyong moments please?<br />
Update soon :)!
Although the title is very typical I still clicked on it xD I love this so much and poor nicole D;
New reader here ~<br />
I cannot wait to see what happens next!<br />
Please update soon :)!
kepohtrix #5
keep updating...thanks =)
kepohtrix #6
keep on...cant wait for it...thanks =)
keep update please..cannot wait 4 da next chapter..
kepohtrix #8
welcome...keep updating...hehe...still reading =)
kepohtrix #9
of coz i am reading it...its like a new couple...hehe..and its awesome..continue updating =)