Why me ?

I Guess You Don't Know (모르나봐)

Minkyu's POV:

He dragged me to the cafe near school. We walked in & went straight towards the counter. "One large vanilla bean frappuccino ~" he said. The guys nodded & started pressing things on the computer. "Anything else ?" the guy asked & he shook he's head. "Ohkae ~ That'll be 10,000 won." the guy said. The guy with anger issues then looked at me. "What ?" i asked.

"Pay the man ~" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes & started diging in my bag for my wallet. "Where did i put my wallet ?" i asked myself. "OMO ~" i heard him say. I looked at him as he took out his wallet & paid the guy. The cashier then took a cup & a pen. "Name ?" the cashier asked.

"Dongho ~" I then looked at him as he put his wallet back on his pocket. So.... he's Dongho -- One of Kevin & Eli's friends...... I give them props for putting up with this guy ~

The cashier then nodded & started making his drink. Dongho then looked at me. "From now on ~ You'll have to buy me that frappuccino every morning ~" My jaw dropped alittle as he walked away & sat at a window seat. I followed him & sat in front of him. "Why do i have to buy that every morning ?" i asked, shocked. 

"You owe me ~" he said. "First you dropped my drink that someone gave me & now you forgot your wallet & i ended up paying for it ~ Do you think money grows in trees ?"

This.... bish ~ "Yah --" i was about to say something when someone cut me off. "Dongho ~" We both looked at the counter. "Your drink is ready ~" The cashier said. Dongho then looked at me. "Meet me at the water fountain at the center of school to drop my frap tmrw ~" he said then stood up. "Yah ~" i said as he walked towards the counter & soon he walked out the cafe.

I sighed as i put my head down. "Ahhhh ~" i said to myself. "I'm going crazy ~"

Dongho's POV:

I walked towards where me & others always met. Eli hyung & Kevin hyung were there already having an English conversation. "Ohh ~ Dongho-yah ~" Kevin Hyung said in korean. "Did you sleep good ?" I then nodded. I then noticed Eli hyung staring at my drink. "Yah ~" he said. "Where did you get that ?"

"At the cafe across school ?" I said. "& You didnt get me one ???" Eli hyung said then shook his head. I then shrugged as i sat next to Kevin hyung. "You can have some ~" i said as i handed Eli hyung my drink. He then took it then drank it. "Ahhh ~" he said. "This is so good ~" he then began to fake cry & soon he stood up. "I want to go buy one ~" he stated.

"Do you have money ?" Kevin hyung asked. Eli then looked at Kevin. "Yes Kevin ~" he said & handed me my drink back, which was already half empty. It was full when i got it -- did he take that long of a sip ??? "I do have money for you information" Eli hyung continued. I pouted as i continued drinking my drink. I then looked around & saw Eunmi noona walking. I then looked at the hyungs. "Hyung... I have to go somewhere -- uhhh...." i said. "I'll see you at lunch ~"

They were tilting their heads as i waved at them & walked away from them. Once they couldnt see me anymore I went to Eunmi noona who was walking towards the library.

"Noona ~" i called out. She turned around & smiled. I walked towards her. "Ohh ~ Dongho-yah -- Wasseo ~" she said as i blushed alittle. "Noona ~ Where are you going ?" I asked even though the answer wasnt obvious enough. "Ohh ~" she said, & pointed the library behind her. "The library ~ I needa finish a few things ~"

"Ahhh ~" I said as i nodded my head. "I'll follow you since you'll get lonely ~" She then chuckled alittle. "Wont you get bored ?" she asked. I wont get bored as long as I'm with you ~ I shook my head. "Ani ~" i said. She laughed. "Arasseo ~" she said. "Gaja ?" I nodded as we entered the library.

Minkyu's POV:

I walked to school all irritated. Ugh ~ I cant believe i have to buy him that damn frap every day now ~ Gosh ~ You know how expensive that thing is ~??!?!?! & Damn it ~ I have to pay half of the damn rent ~!!! Ughhh ~~~ Why me ??? WHY ~?!?!?!

I then felt someone touch my shoulder. i then flinched alittle as turned around. I then touched my chest as Yejun looked at me worried. "Are you ohkae ?" he asked. "Chaejin's been calling out your name but you just kept walking away ~"

"Ohhh ~ Chincha ?" i asked as Yejun nodded. "Is something bothering you ?" Yejun asked again. I quickly shook my head. "No -- nothing's bothering me...." i said. "Maybe tmrw but you know ~" i said quietly. "What did you say ?" Yejun asked. I looked at him. "Nothing" i said, then quicky changed the subject. "Where's Chaejin ?" 

"Ohh ~" Yejun said. "Chaejin's right --"

"NOONAAAAAAAAA ~!!!!" Chaejin said, as he ran towards me. He then hugged me. Yejun then looked at Chaejin weirdly. "Did he just run ?" he asked himself.

"Noona ~~!!!" Chaejin said as he pulled away from the hug. "Why were you ignoring me ?? You never ignore me.... Where's Chunji hyung ? Is Sungyeol hyung still at your apartment ? Did you --" Yejun then covered his month & all you can hear is Chaejin;s muffled voice. "Chaejin -- you're asking to many questions ~" Yejun said. "Calm down ~"

Chaejin then nodded as Yejun let him go. Yejun then looked at his palm in disgust. "Eww ~" he said then wiped his hand on Chaejin's shirt. Yejun then looked at me. "Let's go sit so you can answer all of Chaejin's never ending questions." I nodded as we started waking towards the nearest bench. I then saw Dongho talking to a girl & they soon started waking in the library. 

"Noona ~" I looked at Chaejin. "Are you coming ?" he asked. I nodded as I looked back at the library. I sighed as i remembered what i have to do tmrw. I then walked towards Yejun & Chaejin.


Wooooo ~~~ Another update ~!! Now you're probably wondering when are they gonna start falling for each other... Oh... You're not ? Well nevermind then ~ xD

I mean -- It's still the beginning of the story since i havent updated this fanfic much ~ so... yeah ~ You have to wait ~ xD

Anyways, ignore all the grammar & spelling errors ~

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This is like heartstrings right?? Nawww how cute!!!~~
chxrlene3 #2
hahahahaah! I did! I updated tonight! But really late. XD Hahaha, just a few minutes ago.. or was it an hour?! OMO HE'S DOING THIS TO GET THAT NOONA!? *tear*
chxrlene3 #3
hahahah! I love it! Thanks for updating! I know I kept bothering you, but hey you did the same to me! xD I love it, UPDATE AGAIN! XD
DAEBAKK and this cliffhanger... You owe me.
chxrlene3 #5
Okaee since you pushed me to update twice in one day, UPDATE AGAIN!? LIKE NOW!? :DD I demand it! XD