Playing With Ketchup Packets

I Guess You Don't Know (모르나봐)

Dongho's POV:

For the whole the whole class period, I've been thinking with what Alexander hyung said to me.


"Yah ~!!!" he said. I turned around. "Study hard if you want to have a girlfriend ~!!! Girls likes smart guys ~"

*End of flashback*

I then sat there as I looked at the wall clock. There was only 5 minutes left for the period to end. Smart guys huh ?? I can be smart. I then hear the bell ring signalling it to be lunch. I then got up & walked out of class & made my way towards the cafeteria. As I was walking towards the cafeteria, the same old 'girls-looking-at-me-like-I'm-their-first-love' thing happens.

"Hi Dongho ~" A couple girls said. I looked at them as I continued walking & they started squealing like no tmrw. "OMO ~ Did you see that ~?? He looked at us ~" I heard them spazz. I sighed as I continued walking towards the cafeteria. 

Once I got there I scanned the room. "DONGHO ~" I then looked at the table next to the window-like wall to find Eli waving his hands on the air. I then quickly made my way towards the table. I put my bag down on the table & sat in front of Eli hyung.He then sat down. "Where's everyone ?" I asked. Eli hyung then shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know ~" he said, "They're usually here before I am ~"

I then nodded when I thought of something. I awkwardly looked out the window. Should I ask Eli hyung on how to get a girl ? I mean... He did say to come to him whenever I have girl problems ~ & I do have girl problems. I then looked at Eli hyung who was playing with the ketchup packets. He then giggled at the packets. I gave him a weird look. What do girls see in him ~?

I then shook that thought away & decided to just ask him. "Hyung ~" I began. "Can I ask you something ?" Eli hyung looked at me then back to building a fort with the ketchup packets. "Sure ~" he said. "What's on your mind ~?"

"Do girls like smart guys ?" I asked. "Depends on the girl ~" he said. I then nodded my head alittle. "Ahh ~" I said quietly. "Why do you ask ?" He asked. "No reason ~" I said.  He then stopped what he was doing then looked at me, grinning. "Are you trying to get a girlfriend ?" he asked. I could've sworn my eyes grew wide. "WHAT ?" I said. "WHA-- NO ~~"

Eli then gave me that 'Sure-whatever-get's-you-through-the-day' look. I then sighed in defeat. "Maybe ~" i said quietly. Eli hyung then grinned as he messed up my hair. "Ahh ~~ Dongho's gonna find love ~~" He said aloud. I then took one of the ketchup packets he was using & threw it at him. "Shut up hyung ~" I said. "You're too loud ~"

He smirked as he leaned forward. "So ~" he said. "Who's the lucky girl ?" I backed away alittle & glared at him. "I'm not telling you after what you said earlier ~" Eli hyung then backed away. "That's fine ~" he said. "I dont need names anyways ~ I already know what makes every girl's heart flutter ~"

He hit my arm as he wore his bag & stood up. "Gaja ~" he said. I looked up at him. "To where ?" I asked. He's shoulders then sunk. "Do you want me to help you with this mystery girl or not ?"

"Yes ~" I said. He's eyes then widened. "Well then hurry up & stand up ~" He said. I looked around the table then back at him. "What about the others ?" I asked.

"I'll just text Kevin something ~" he said. "He believes in everything I say ~" I then shrugged as I took my bag. "Ohkae then ~" I said. We then left the cafetera to only Eli knows where.

Minkyu's POV:

I put my bag on the table as I put my head down. Chunji then looked at me as he chewed on his food. "Long day ?" he asked. I nodded my head then sighed. "What time is it ?" I asked. He looked at his watch then back at me. "5:45" he said. I looked at his food then back at him. "& You're eating this early because ?"

He then smiled as he pinched my cheeks hard. I slapped his hand away & rubbed my cheek. "I have extra classes today remember ?" he said as he took another bite of his food. "Oh yeah ~" I said as I continued to rub my cheek. I then pinched his arm which made him flinch alittle. "Then why'd you pinch me then ?" I asked

He chuckled. "That's your punishment for forgetting I have extra classes ~" He said as he got up & threw the wrappers away. He then sat back down & looked at me. "Well you could've told me about your extra classes then pinch me ~" I said, still rubbing my cheek. "You pinch hard" I pouted. He grinned. "Well ~ You did teach me how to pinch hard not to long ago ~" he said.

"Still...." i said. "I think your pinches hurt more then mine now ~" He laughed alittle as he looked at his watch. "I should get going ~" he said, then looked at me. "You'll be fine at home alone for alittle right ?"

I sighed. "I guess ~" He smiled as he stood up. "I'll be home at around 11 ~" he said. I chuckled alitte. "You sound like my mom ~" I said as I sat up straight & held on to my bag. "Well ~ you act like my dad ~" He said. I looked at him & sticked out my tounge. He chuckled as he waved at me. "See you later ?" he asked as he opened his arms.

I nodded as I stood up & hugged him. "You be careful ohkae ?" he said. I nodded as I pulled away from our hug. I got my bag as we waved goodbye & walked our seperate ways. 

I was walking towards the school entrance 'till my phone rang. I got my phone out. I was about to unlock it when I heard......

"Ya ~"

My head shot up & I looked around. "Behind ~" The voice said. I turned around to find Dongho walking towards me. Ohh great -- What does he want ~?

Once he reached where I was at, I looked at him weirdy. ""What do you want ?" I asked.

"I'm taking you out ~" he said. "Let's go ~" He started walking away. I then just stood there like a rock, replaying the words he just said to me. I lhen looked at him as he walked away.

"MWO ?!?!" I said.


This is a good enough cliffhanger ? Or.... Is this even considered a cliffhanger ? Ehhh ~ At least I updated right ? xD

Also, I dont know what's up with my chapter titles lately. It's so random & some doesnt even have anything to do wih the chapter ~ For example -- This chapter ~ xD Ahhhhh ~~~ Speaking of chapters -- How was the chapter ? Was it good ? Bad ? Boring ? Tell me what you think by commenting ~ :D xD

I would've updated earlier..... but I was hungry ~ xD

Anyways ~ Ignore the grammar & spelling errors ~

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This is like heartstrings right?? Nawww how cute!!!~~
chxrlene3 #2
hahahahaah! I did! I updated tonight! But really late. XD Hahaha, just a few minutes ago.. or was it an hour?! OMO HE'S DOING THIS TO GET THAT NOONA!? *tear*
chxrlene3 #3
hahahah! I love it! Thanks for updating! I know I kept bothering you, but hey you did the same to me! xD I love it, UPDATE AGAIN! XD
DAEBAKK and this cliffhanger... You owe me.
chxrlene3 #5
Okaee since you pushed me to update twice in one day, UPDATE AGAIN!? LIKE NOW!? :DD I demand it! XD