Why Are You Doing This?

I Guess You Don't Know (모르나봐)

*Authors note: Play this for Dongho's POV ONLY. Respect the bold word ~ xD Since they are in some fancy restaurant (Well.... apparently It's not fancy enough to Dongho) play this, this & this together ~ (Thank you tumblr for showing me this xD) Ohkae..... continue reading ~

Dongho's POV:

"Why are you doing this ?" she asked. I looked at her as I fed myself. She then squinted her eyes then looked out the window. "OMO ~" she said. I looked out the window as well to find that it's raining... hard. "& I forgot my umbrella ~" She said as she sighed then pouted. "How am I gonna get home now ?" She then continued to pout & stare out the window. I rolled my eyes.

"Like pouting would stop the rain from falling ~" I said, as I fed myself more food. I then felt Minkyu looking at me. I looked at her to find her leaning back on her chair & her arms crossed. "You still didnt answer my question" she said, as she picked up her water & sipped on it. "Why are you suddenly doing this ?"

I slowly chewed my food that was in my mouth as I searched my mind for a perfect excuse. She cant find out that I'm using her just to practice for a real date with Eunmi noona....


"Another way to win a women's heart is by taking them out unexpectedly." Eli hyung said as he sipped his coffee. "Un.... expectedly ?" I repeated as he nodded. "Girls like surprises & taking them out on a date unexpected can win them over ~"

I tilted my head alittle as I watched Eli hyung sip his coffee. "Really ?" He then nodded again as he put his cup down. "You can take this mystery girl out for dinner or take her somewhere ~" I then nodded my head.

*End of flashback*

"Ya ~" I snapped back to reality & looked at Minkyu, who surprisingly finished half of her food already. "What ?" I said, as I cut more of my meat. "Answer my question ~" she demanded. I sighed. "What ? I cant take a person out to eat now ?" I said. "Is it illegal now ~?"

She then rolled her eyes. "What were you looking at ?" She asked. "Nothing ~" I said. My eyes then found Minkyu's half finish food. I then looked at my plate then back at her. "You eat alot -- you know that ?" I said.

She grinned. "Tell me something I dont know ~" she said as she fed her self. I smriked. "Fine ~ You're ugly ~" I said, as I fed myself. Minkyu then looked at me. "& you're one bitter, stuck up guy ~" she said. I rolled my eyes as I continued to eat.

Minkyu's POV:

Once we were done eating, we stood up & walked towards the cashier. She then started punching in numbers & the total popped out. The cashier looked at us. "That'll be 60,000 won" he said. My eyes grew wide. Why is food so expensive now a days ~ I sighed as I took out my wallet but a hand stopped me. I looked up to find Dongho looking at me. "You dont need to pay" he said. "I'll pay ~"

He then let go of my hand & handed the cashier a card. I then looked away, hiding my red face. Aish ~ Why am I blushing alot now ? & Why is he being so sweet so suddenly ~?? Ughh ~ This world makes no sense at all ~!!

I felt someone nudged me. I came back to reality & looked at Dongho. "Let's go ~" he said. I then nodded & followed him out the door. We exited the restaurant to find that the rain had lighted up. I sighed. "Thank god the rain had lightened up..." I said. "If it didnt then we woud be stranded here ~"

I then felt Dongho staring at me. I slowly turned my head as our eyes met. "Ummm...." i said. "Ca-- Can I help you ?" He then blinked a couple times then looked away. "Let's go before it starts raining again ~" he said & started walking away from me. I then felt my upper lip twitch. Fine.... i WONT help you ~

I then started to pace towards him when suddenly, my stomach started hurting. I then held my stomach. Ahhhh ~~ Why does my stomach hurt so much ~ I slowed down my walking speed to the point where a snail just passed by me. "Ya ~" I said. "Dongho ~"

Dongho then looked back, looking irritated as always. He should quit frowning ~ He'll get wrinkles once he reaches 26 if he continues ~ "Slow down ~" I said as I found a vacant bench. I walked towards it & sat there lazily. I sighed as I closed my eyes. Ahh ~~ My stomach hurts so much ~

"Ya ~" I heard. I opened my eyes to find Dongho's face an inch or two away from mine. My eyes grew wide as i backed away alittle. "Gwenchana ?" he asked. I blinked as i nodded alittle. "Yeah ~ I'm fine ~" I said. "My stomach just hurts ~" He sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Stay here ~" he said. "I'll be back ~" He then went somewhere as I sat there, holding my stomach.

Once he came back, he handed me a bottle of lemon lime soda. I looked at it then looked at him. "Take it & drink it~" He said. "It'll go away once you finish drinking this ~" I then accepted it, opened it then drank some of it. "Gomawo ~" I said as I held on to my stomach. "Feeling better ?" he asked. I looked at him & shrugged my shoulders. "It still hurts ~" I said. I then heard him sigh. "Can you walk ?" he asked. "Because I dont want to stop every 5 minutes just for you to sit down ~"

"Sit alittle longer ~" I said as I drank some more of the soda. He then grabbed the soda away from me & put it next to him. He then stood up & looked at me. "Stand up ~" He said. I then stood up as he turned around & crouched. "I guess I'll carry you home ~" he said. I didnt do anything. I just stood there. Should I ? I mean -- according to Chunji..... I'm pretty heavy &--

"Ya ~ Get on my back already ~" Dongho commanded. "My legs are freaking hurting." I then got on his back & he piggybacked me. He grabbed the soda & gave it to me. I took it & we started walking home.

Dongho's POV:

I piggybacked Minkyu most of walk home. When we were almost at the apartment, she said that it went away & that she'll walk the rest of the way. I put her down & stood up start. My lower back start hurting alittle -- but I didnt really mind it. Wow ~ She's really heavy for a skinny girl ~

Once we reached the entrance of the apartment, she looked at me. "Thanks for dinner & carrying me home ~" she said, with a small smile. I smirked. "Dont think that this will happen again.... because it wont ~" Her smile then faded as she began to slightly glare at me. I smiled alittle as I remembered something. "Oh yeah ~" I said, then took out my phone. "Cellphone number ~"

"Why ?" I heard Minkyu asked. I then looked at her. "So I could remind you to get my frap tmrw morning ~" Her shoulders then as she gave me a look. "What ?" I said. "You totally forgot that you still owe me ~? Adding the things I did for you tonight counts too you know ~ So you owe me big time ~" Her jaw dropped & I closed it for her. "Didnt I tell you to closed your mouth ? Flies will go in & make their eggs ~"

She then let out a heavy sigh & took out her phone, we switched phones to input our numbers & returned them. "There ~" she said. "Happy ?" I then sticked out my tounge as she rolled her eyes. "Well ~ I should get going ~" she said & waved. "Annyeong ~" She said as she entered the building. I gave her a weird look & entered the building as well. 

I then found her standing in front of the elevator & I walked & stood next to her.

Minkyu's POV:

I was standing, waiting for the elevator when felt someone next to. I looked to find Dongho standing next to me. "What are you doing ?" I asked. "You dont have to actually drop me to my apartment" He then smirked then looked at me. "Idiot -- are you forgetting something ?" he said. I tilted my head as he pointed up. "I live here too ~"

I then mentally faced palmed myself. Ohh yeah ~ He lives the same floor as me............ I then awkwardly looked away as the elevator doors opened. We went in as I pressed the number 5. The elevator door closes & soon we were going up & for the whole time we stayed quiet. 

Once we reached the 5th floor, the door opens & we walked out. We then walked towards our doors. We unlocked our doors & we I was about to go in, his voice stopped me. "Dont forget my frap tmrw ~" I heard him say. I looked at him as he entered his apartment, closing the door behind him. I sighed as I closed my door, the lights & put my bag on the floor. I sighed as I kicked it towards the living room. I then laid on the couch & closed my eyes.

WHY ME ?!?!?!?! WHHHHHHYYYYYYY ~?!?!?!?!


This is like the LONGEST chapter I've ever written ~ So..... BE HAPPY ~!!!!!! xD

Ughh ~ I didnt even notice that I made this chapter long ~ ;~; Also.... school starts again on Monday ;~; So it's back to 'whenever-I-feel-like-updating-this-fanfic' phase again ~ xD

Dont worry ~ It's still the beginning of the fanfic ~ Once summer comes -- watch me finish this fanfic ~ (Yeah ~ I'm guessing with the rate I'm going with this fanfic... it'll take me forever to finish this fanfic ;~;)

... I think I should answer some of those comments below ~ xD

@chxrlene3: I already did ~!!! :O You're turn to update ~ GO ~!!! xD

@JessicaAbtw: I'm sorry they didnt kiss ;~; they will.... but not now..... oh damn it ~ I gave information away ~ BUT he did piggyback her home -- so It still counts as something cute & sweet right ?? & You would do anything ? Hmmmm ~ xD

So yeah -- Anyways Ignore all the grammar & spelling errors that I'm so lazy to even fix it ~

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This is like heartstrings right?? Nawww how cute!!!~~
chxrlene3 #2
hahahahaah! I did! I updated tonight! But really late. XD Hahaha, just a few minutes ago.. or was it an hour?! OMO HE'S DOING THIS TO GET THAT NOONA!? *tear*
chxrlene3 #3
hahahah! I love it! Thanks for updating! I know I kept bothering you, but hey you did the same to me! xD I love it, UPDATE AGAIN! XD
DAEBAKK and this cliffhanger... You owe me.
chxrlene3 #5
Okaee since you pushed me to update twice in one day, UPDATE AGAIN!? LIKE NOW!? :DD I demand it! XD