Christmas Day

Miracles In December

"In the long and cold season
Only you are the warmth that remains inside my coat"

Christmas Day

August 4th, 2013 

I grinned like an idiot when Jessica was calling me from afar. I snickered and ran towards her, "yeah?" "Let's go!" She patted my back and we both walked outside the building. I liked it when she did that. I've always liked it. She was older than me and it felt good being treated like I was loved. I've always hated it when someone treated me like a younger one but it's.. it's different with her. I've always liked it whenever she did that. When we reached her manager's car and was about to open the car door, I thought that I could act like an older one and a gentleman at the same time so I stopped her. "S-so, you'll drive?" And then I found her staring at me with a raised brow, "Bwoya?[1]" And at that moment, I felt like I was sweating. "N-no.. I just.." Good going Yixing. You're stuttering. Nice move. Before I could even try finding words to explain, she giggled and smiled. "I'm just messin' with ya. I'm a bad driver anyways. Feel free to take the wheels." She started walking towards my direction and I sat on the driver's seat. She really is something.

"So, what do you think?" 

"It's pretty nice." She replied with a plain face and followed me to the nearby tree. When we settled down, I took a deep breat and exhaled, "So, what words do you know in Chinese?" I asked her eagerly. She rested her head on her hand and pondered.. "Mmm.. Ni Hao... Xie Xie... Wo ai ni..." She paused and I blushed. I knocked my head, get it together Yixing! You're teaching her! "Go on?" I asked. "Um.. any Chinese words right?" I nodded in response. "Da tou!" She replied enthusiatically and broke into a series of laughter. I blushed and smiled. Do you see how different I feel whenever she says something? That was one name I hated. I blushed so hard because I got angry back then. But I just blushed and smiled shyly. She must've noticed the silence because her laughter died down. She then blinked, "Bianhe..." I snickered. "I wasn't upset. I thought it was.. cute" Yixing you dumbo! What have you said?! She grinned and scratched her head.

"Ahhh! I got it now! Yes!" She cheered for herself and smiled. I looked at her messy handwriting written in Chinese. Her first time writing chinese and the word was Jessica. Well, can't blame me for doing that. "Thanks" She flashed a smile at me and laid down on the grass. "You're not gonna teach me Korean?" 



"Use banmal with me, Yixing. I've told you many times" She flicked my forehead lightly. 

"I'll try..?"

"Because it's cute." She said bluntly. "What?" I asked her. "Your Korean. It's already good but you're only worried about your pronounciation. I find it.. cute. That's why I won't teach you, pabo" She wrinkled her nose and smiled again. "O-oh." That was all I could say. She actually said that! Yes!

Oh god Jung Jessica, why did you have to be so blunt! Now I have to cover my blushing face with my cap. That was just so embarrassing, damn. Suddenly Yixing stood up and grabbed my hand. "Let's go play basketball" He said when I stood up. "Whaaaaaat?" I complained. "I thought you wanted to 'exercise'?" I pouted but I followed him anyways. I wanted to do this, ugh.

"Ahuh? Are you that confident?" Jessica smirked. "Well, yes I am." Yixing replied while placing his hands on his waist, waiting for Jessica's move. Jessica scoffed and rolled her eyes, hugging the ball, "You think I'm that weak?" Yixing raised a brow and shook his head, "We'll see" He shrugged. Once Jessica bounced the ball twice, she immediately jumped and threw the basketball up in the air, aiming towards the hoop... and in went the ball. "WOO!" Jessica jumped and cheered for herself. Yixing gazed at her and chuckled. "Get down, my horsey." She demanded and Yixing did what he was told to do. Jessica got on his back with a victorious smirk and he slowly stood up. "Wow, you're not too heavy." Before he knew it, his head got knocked off. "Meanie." And Jessica broke into a series of giggles before contemplating wether or not she should  rest her chin on his shoulder. But she was really really tired to the point where she found herself biting her lips. "You know you can lay your head on my shoulder if you want, you're tired aren't you?" 

Jessica's eyes grew bigger than golf balls, did he just read her mind, or was he just too much of a gentleman? Her face grew red as she slowly laid her right side of her head on his shoulder.

4 weeks later

Yixing laid her body on her bed as gently as he could and smiled when she reached for her pillow. He tucked her in and found himself gazing at her face. He noticed it. How beautiful she slept and he also took the time to memorize her features again as what he did when Jessica first fell asleep for the first time while getting piggy-back rided by him. When the thunder struck loud outside, he sighed. "Raining again?" He mumbled as he grabbed a mattress and threw it on the floor. "Good night Jessica."

2 weeks before

"Wah.." Jessica mumbled when she saw how many snapbacks there were hanging on the wall of the store. She smiled as she tried them one by one and found herself buying five. Each with a different design. When she was about to grab another one, her eyes caught the figure standing beside her. She blinked and called him with a whisper. "Hm? O-oh!" He replied with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice. "Well, well, well.." she chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You're supposed to be at work aren't you?" She smirked. He froze and blinked at the floor before facing her, "Aren't you supposed to be at work too?" He smiled. "Wow then." and in a matter of seconds, they both laughed and left the store. 

"Yah..." Yixing sniffed and wiggled in his place. "Hngh..." He mumbled in his sleep. "Wake up..!" She whispered sharply. She sighed, "looks like I'm not the only one who's having a hard time waking up.." She stared at him from his left side of his face and kept gazing for a little bit too long. She slowly averted his eyes from his face to his arm rest. He's really handsome.. Everyone else in the cinema room left and they were the only ones there because Yixing wasn't too fond of the movie so he slept. "Oh!" She leaned in to his neck and slowly blew wind on it, causing him to jump on his seat and open his eyes immediately. When his eyesight was finally clear, he found Jessica on the floor, looking like she was literally going to die from laughing so hard. He rubbed his eyes, exhaled and shook his head whilst chuckling, staring at the girl.

Their feelings for each other had developed and grew stronger each and every day. Their schedules had clashed together so they couldn't even meet for 2 months straight. They had greeted each other in between music shows and that was just about it. But their separation taught them something. It was something called, love? 

Nah, nonsense.

But what if I do love him?

What if I do love her?


This is ridiculous.. They both shook their heads and laid down on their beds. 

Yixing took out his phone and stared at her phone number. 

His contact picture was the one she took a while back at the cinema, earning a giggle from her. 


Beep.. Beep.. Beep..

"Number busy"

"Aish" They both sighed.

Jessica stood up and walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth. "It can't be 'love' pssht- AH!" She slapped her face as hard as she could before nervously turning the tap water off. "SSSS" She cursed in English. A sharp gasp escaped from when she stared at her iPhone. That's it. It's gone. No no no, she can always buy another phone if she wants to but his number. She stayed silent at first before whining. "Pabo pabo pabo!!" "SICA!" Hyoyeon called out, barging in the toilet. "What!" She replied angrily, making Hyoyeon's eyes pop. "Woah, chill. Someone wants to talk to you." She handed her phone to Jessica. "I have no mood to talk to anyone!" She threw a tantrum. Hyoyeon, who did not want to stay any longer, pressed the phone against her ear and said, "Yixing ah, she's not in a good mood" Jessica's eyes popped and she grabbed Hyoyeon's hand forcefully, snatching the phone away. "Uh.. hi" 


So, uh, let me explain some things if you don't understand the first part. So Lay and Jessica started hanging out (don't know when. will be revealed later ;) ) So the first time when he carried her home, it was raining and so he had to sleep over at Jessica's, and it happened for the 2nd time 4th week later. so yea. sorry for the ish chap tho.


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Chapter 3: OMOOMO I wish you continue this!!!!!!!!!!!!
thelostwishes #3
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD.
yixing and jessica.
the last one is so sad :--(
Chapter 3: My Turn To Cry is my favorite song from the album, I actually listened to it while reading this chapter. It fits really well. But I suggest digging even deeper with a song with such sad lyrics, I tip my hat to you though for hitting my feelers 'cause now I can't stop listening to MTTC. I happen to like Laysica a lot and one of the reasons why is because I think their personalities would bring each other out in a relationship. Yixing is a seriously special kid and I think Jessica, after being an idol for so many years, would need someone like him in her life.
Chapter 2: This is really cute. I adore the little snippets, they made me smile and lol maybe almost cry ugly tears just because. Yixing and Jessica are very lovely, thanks for writing this.
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl Laysica, my top two biases <3
Do a Susica , Hunsica and d.osica
hunsica is too many and so are lusica susica baeksica.. oohh, do a chensica ! :D
BaekSica pleaseee
Krissica or hunsica or kaisica or baeksica or chensica or chansica or lusica or susica or taosica or xiusica or d.osica or laysica.
Ur choice :p
Haha hehe just to make u get annoyed
But for realz.....i choose krissica!