Noona's Love

Noona's Love


Minho just shook his head really his sister is very playful when his around. It’s like all the barrier she put up to look mature and independent falls down instantly the moment they are together.

"Come on Kwangmin-ah! Let's grab some drinks first before you perform!" Minho heard Minhae said to Kwangmin, as he looked at the two, he saw how Minhae clung her arms to Kwangmin's arms looking like a kid clinging to her father. Minho smiled.

Now he wonder what makes this change in his twin. And MInho intend to find that out.




After Boyfriend's performance that day, Minho and Taemin bid their goodbyes to Minhae and the 6 boys saying that they still have one more schedule before heading home.

"Oppa, Taeminnie you two take care okay? And message me if you'll be having a free time so we can arrange some meet ups in the future. And do bring Jinki oppa too! I want him to meet Jeongmin here!" Minhae said.

Kwangmin stayed silent as he listens to Minhae's blabbering. Really why does she always says Jeongmin this and Jeongmin that. And the poor boy's way confused to what he really feels.

"Neh, neh. I will don't worry. You six do take good care of your bratty noona for me." Minho said grinning.

"Yah! Who's the brat?" Minhae protested.

"No one." the older between the two faigned innocence. "We gotta go now. Bye you guys, we'll see you later!" Minho and Taemin bade their goodbyes. That only left  the Minhae and the Boyfriend band.

"So guys do you want to eat to some restaurant or my home cooking?" Minhae said proudly. She knew what will the 6 boys will going to say.

"Your cooking!" the six of them said in chorused.

"Then it's settled! Come let's go home so you all can go to rest."





"Finally we can rest!" Hyunseong said as he enter their dorm followed by the rest of Boyfriend and Minhae.

Minhae just shook her head in amusement at the boys and made her way to the kitchen. Kwangmin follow her in the kitchen, unknown to him eyes full of amusement follow him.


"Noona do you need help?" Kwangmin shyly asked her. Not really confident in his cooking skills. Minhae look at him in disbelief and a little while she let out a chuckle. Kwangmin stared at her like he's been hypnotize by a fairy. Loving the sounds the girl is making.

"Silly boy, you just go ahead and rest I can manage this." She said winking at him making him blush.

"I'll just keep you company then!" He said smiling.

Minhae was a little surprised at Kwangmin but manage to let out a sweet smile to him. "Alright then, I'll start now!" and the two of them happily chat while Minhae's doing their dinner. 



::Boyfriend's Living Room::


"Hey Youngmin!" Jeongmin called.

"Yes, hyung?" without looking at Jeongmin, Youngmin replied.

"You brother, he's very weird lately. Plus the fact that he always at Minhae noona's side." Jeongmin said in a 'matter of fact' tone. Youngmin who's busy playing in his phone suddenly looked up at his hyung, he let out a knowing smile.

"It's normal hyung. Besides, noona's really pretty." Youngmin said eyes back to his phone and continued playing.

Jeongmin just shook his head. 'I guess he really does like Minhae noona.' Suddenly he felt a pang on his chest. 'But what is this very ugly feeling? Aish maybe I'm just tired.' and with that he left for his shared room with Hyunseong.






a/n: this is long due I know, but its too short for me :| I'll just make chapter 5 longer. So sorry for the late update. D:


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love this story
a yea ! KwangMin-oppa ! AGE DOESNT MATTER you know ! kekeke . Kwanggie bb ftw
aaaa please update soon !! this is interesting ^^
Waiting for your update :D<br />
Kwangmin-ah age doesn't matter :D<br />