Noona's Love

Noona's Love

"Oh my gosh! I though it was Minho-sunbae!" Youngmin exclaimed, his hand on his chest. Yes he is fully awake now. 

Both Minhae and Kwangmin laughed at Youngmin's outburst and this made Youngmin pout to both of them. 

"Don't be mad Youngmin-sshi, both of you are so cute early in the morning! No wonder you are twins." Minahe said still chuckling. "By the way I'm Choi Minhae. And I will be living here with all of you from now on." 

"What?!" Youngmin outburst, again.

"Ne, hyung you're not listening to what manager-hyung was saying yesterday aren't you?" Kwangmin smirked at his brother.

"O-of course I'm paying attention to our hyung. I just didn't hear about her." Youngmin said nervously. "Aish I'm just gonna go make some breakfast now, it's my turn now anyways."  

"Wait! I'm the one who's supposed to be making you guys breakfast." Minhae said, standing up from the couch. But the Kwangmin grab her wrists.

"Noona, it's your first day today, let us handle some work for you and you take a rest. Besides you'll be taking care of us in the future right?" Kwangmin said with a smile.

Minhae looked away from Kwangmin to hide her blushing face. "Alright you two, if you insists." 

"Come on, Noona. I'm showing you your room." Kwangmin took all of her bags and guide her to her room. Leaving Youngmin dumbfounded.

'Well I guess that makes me left with the kitchen.' Youngmin thought to himself. 



:Minhae's Room:

"Here you go, noona. I hope you like your room." Kwangmin said smiling. 

The room contains girly stuff. From the bed, wallpaper, the cabinet, and even the displays in a wooden shelf. Minhae was so fascinated by the arrangement of all the stuffs. 

"Are you kidding me? I love it! Oh thank you so much for making it pink!" she said and almost give Kwangmin a heart attack when she  hugged him tight and gave him a peck on his cheeks. "Thank you very much! I'll make sure to thank also your bandmates!" 

Kwangmin couldn't believe of what just happened. She was kissed by a girl, and not just a girl, a beautiful girl that happened to be his sunbae's sister. He could feel all the rushness of the blood on his face. He was about to say something when four guys suddenly popped out of the door.

"Hello, Minhae-sshi!" Donghyun greeted her, leaning his body to the door frame. Hyunseong, Minwoo and Jeongmin are also there taking a glimpse of the said room mate that they will going to have. As Minhae shift her head towards the three boys, all of them gasped at what they saw. Kwangmin seeing his hyungs' expression, chuckled to himself. 

"Yes hyungs, I know what you all are thinking." Kwangmin said between laughter. Seriously, why does this girl have to be so identical to their sunbae? They both have the wavy brown hair. Big black eyes, double eyelids, firm nose and those plump lips. If Minhae didn't have a smaller face and body built, she can be mistaken as Choi Minho. 'But then if they look so much alike, then it just leave with one thing.' Kwangmin thought to himself, making him smile.

"Yah, Jo Kwangmin! What's so funny?" Donghyun asked him. Glancing at Kwangmin then bringin his gaze back at the girl.

"Nothing hyung. And stop looking her like that. She is after all Minho-sunbae's sister. It is normal if they look the same."

Minhae understanding the confusion these boys giving her, stood up from the bed and went near them.

"Come you guys, let's help Youngmin prepare for breakfast and we'll talk while eating." She said pushing the 5 boys outside her room.




Youngmin who is not really that kitchen friendly, find it hard to even just cook pancakes. 

'Aish, why did it have to be me making food right now.' He thought. 

Just then Minhae walks in the kitchen.

"Youngmin-sshi, let me handle cooking. Okay? I can clearly see that you're having a very rough time cooking pancakes." She said. Taking the utensils Youngmin was handling. "You boys go and prep up for your schedule before we eat breakfast. And I'll answer questions that's lingering in your heads." 

The six of them nodded their head and went to their rooms to prepare for their schedules. 



"So guys, what do you want to know?" Minhae said. After an hour of preparing, the seven of them starts eating Minhae's cooking. The boys were so happy to finally eat 'real food' and not the types that they made.

The six of them look at each other, as if having a telepathic conversation, Donghyun was the one who asked. "Why does you and Minho-sunbae look so identical?"

With the question blurted out, Minhae smiled and answered. "And I thought you guys will figure it out, considering you have Youngmin and Kwangmin here." she giggled. "Of course we're twins, silly!"

"What?!"--all said in unison.

"What's so shocking about that?" she asked.

"Well, we haven't heard, sunbae having a twin sister." Minwoo answered. Still not believing her.

"Well that's because we don't want the fans to know that Oppa has a twin. I don't want to live with all the fangirls stalking me around, if you know what I mean." she said. The boys nodded in understanding. 

"But really, noona, when I opened the door earlier I really thought Minho-sunbae did really become a girl." Kwangmin said blushing. 

"All of us, actually." Youngmin second.

"It's your first time seeing me that's why it gave all of you a shock. You'll get used to it while I'm living with you guys." Minhae looked at them and give them her warmest smile.

Kwangmin who still awestrucked by her blushed at her smile. 






a/n: This will be the end of my character introduction. The next chapter will be set after a month from the day Minhae arrived.  I hope you didn't get bored by this chapter. Enjoy~!

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love this story
a yea ! KwangMin-oppa ! AGE DOESNT MATTER you know ! kekeke . Kwanggie bb ftw
aaaa please update soon !! this is interesting ^^
Waiting for your update :D<br />
Kwangmin-ah age doesn't matter :D<br />