Noona's Love

Noona's Love

:Kwangmin's POV:


It's been a month since Minhae noona live with us. Really our lives get so much easier with her giving us a hand. Living with her feels like having our mother in our dorm. Although she nags a lot, I find her cute though, she's very kind and thoughtful. Come to think of it, she almost done everything for us!  Aish I wish I can do something for her... I mean uh, what the heck I'm even battling with myself, Aish what's happening to me?


:Normal POV:


As Kwangmin contemplate his thought, he doesn't notice that the very subject of his thought is looking at him wearing a confuse look at her small face as she saw Kwangmin ruffling his hair with somewhat annoyed look at his face. 

"Kwangmin-ah.." Minhae called out. Kwangmin looked at her, she plaster a wide smile as she saw his messy hair. "Are you okay? You're spacing a lot lately. Do you have a fever?"  she came closer and put a hand on his forehead making the said boy red as a tomato. 

"I'm fine noona, just a little tired." he said nervously. 'Why the heck is she as sharp as sunbae?'

She chuckled at Kwangmin's reaction. As she fix his hair, the poor boy was hiding his face to avoid being caught flushed. "Come on now, you're still young and growing. You still have a performance later so gather your strength now so you will have a great perfamance." Minhae winked at him.

'Really this noona doesn't even know what she's doing to me. Aish' Kwangmin though to himself. "Okay, noona. I will!" He got up and walk together with her. 


As the two of them, enter the waiting room Minhae's eyes grew big as she saw someone who's very familiar and of course close to her.

"Oppa!" She called out and quickly hug that person.

"Hello there, Minnie. How are you?" And that guy was none other than her twin brother Choi Minho.

"I'm fine. How about you? How was Japan? Why didn't you even tell me that you five arrived? That was weeks ago you know! I have to get that info from your fans, really oppa, I'm starting to hate you by that!" She said pouting. Minho ruffled her hair playfully.

"And i love you so my dear sister!” Minho said between his laughter.

“Yah! I’m not a kid oppa! I’m just less than 10 minutes younger than you, you know!” she said puffing her cheeks in process.

“Oh how can I forget? Of course we’re on the same age though you don’t act like one!”

“Yah yah! I’m a noona here oppa! Stop embarrassing me in front of our dongsaengs!” Minhae said face flushed with embarrassment.

Minho smiled to himself. ‘I know you are mature enough now my dear sister.’ He thought to himself.

Suddenly the door of the waiting room opened. Revealing a very hyped up, Taemin.

“Yah hyung! How can you forget that I’m with you?! You left me alone with the fans! How could you!!” Taemin shouted directly at Minho’s ear.

“I can hear you loud and clear, Taeminnie!”

“Taeminniee! I missed you so much!” Minhae hugged the said boy suddenly making Taeming stumbled in his feet.

“Noona! I missed you too! It’s a bad thing that we must endure Minho-hyung. I missed your cooking so much!” Taemin wailed like a five-year old kid.

“Well, we get to have Noona’s cooking every single day. Lucky us.kkk~” Minwoo suddenly in.

“Yah! Noona! How come they get to have your oh so wonderful cooking and not us?! That’s unfair!” Taemin protested. Glaring at Minwoo he added “And you! How come you didn’t showed up earlier! You brat! Come here and show me your dancing skills!” Taemin grabbed the said boy and drag him out of the room. All the occupants was stunned at Taemin’s outburst.

“Well, uh, that went well right?” Hyunseong asked more to himself.

“A very frustrate Taemin is not very good to see. And who’s fault was that again?” Minhae glared at her twin.

“Hey don’t look at me like that. I just missed you!” Minho said defensively.

“Right. Whatever oppa.” Minhae look at her brother doubtfully. “Anyway, have you meet all of my roommates oppa?” Minho shook his head. “I’m going to introduce you to......... Boyfriend~!” Minhae gleefully said. “The one that Taeminnie drag outside is the maknae, No Minwoo. He’s one of the lead dancer. Here is Shim Hyunseong one of the vocalists.” She tap Hyunseong at his shoulder and smiled to him. “And this cute cat-eyed man here is Lee Jeongmin, Oppa he looks like and sings like Jinki-oppa!” She said proudly. But there’s a person burning with jealousy as she said the “cute” towards Jeongmin.

“Does he? Well that is something I need to hear!” Minho said.

“You’ll see later! Oh and this one is the leader, Kim Donghyun. He’s as mischievous as Jonghyun-oppa.  Oh he sings well also!” She said pinching Donghyun’s cheeks earning a blush from the leader. “Oh my Donghyun-oppa’s blushing!”

“Yah! I’m not!” Donghyun protested.

The twins only looked to each other. Seeing something at his twin’s eyes, Youngmin give Kwangmin a pat at his back. As if assuring his twin that nothing’s going on between their Noona and the other members.

“And lastly.....! The Ulzzang Twins! Jo Youngmin and Jo Kwangmin!” Minhae said proudly, as if she’s the mother of both flower boys of Boyfriend. “Oppa they’re really good at dancing! I wanna learn to dance too, it’s unfair that they can both dance and I am stuck with a very stiff body. Oppa teach me!” Minhae said making her best puppy eyes that she knew Minho can’t resist.

“As much as I want to-“Minhae cut him off. “Please, oppa?”

“Look here, the twins are good, right? Why won’t they teach you how to dance?” Minho said, hands in his temple, headache are beginning to build up because of his sister’s craziness.

“B-but do they want to teach little ol’ me?” Minhae said. (Imagine her displaying a dramatic effect for the twins to teach her.)

The twins gulped and look at their noona. Youngmin, knowing his twin will never say no to their noona, smiled to himself. ‘My brother’s inlove. Finally!’ He thought.

“Yah, noona, stand up! Of course I’ll teach you! Me and Youngmin will!” Kwangmin said, helping Minhae to stand up.

“Really? Really?”

Kwangmin nodded his approval and Minhae suddenly attacked him with a bear hug.  Making him flushed with the attention Minhae was giving him. ‘Ah, this feeling its making me dizzy, but I feel so good that I want to float in the air.’ Kwangmin thought.

“Thank you! Oppa you just wait! I’ll be a great dancer just like you and Taeminnie, oh wait  Taeminnie is god in dancing, so I’ll just leave you in my list!” She said smirking.

Minho just shook his really his sister is very playful when his around. It’s like all the barrier she put up to look mature and independent falls down instantly the moment they are together.

"Come on Kwangmin-ah! Let's grab some drinks first before you perform!" Minho heard Minhae said to Kwangmin, as he looked at the two, he saw how Minhae clung her arms to Kwangmin's arms looking like a kid clinging to her father. Minho smiled.

Now he wonder what makes this change in his twin. And MInho intend to find that out.








a/n: I'm so sorry for a week delay. My net's been down since last week. Mianhe~

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love this story
a yea ! KwangMin-oppa ! AGE DOESNT MATTER you know ! kekeke . Kwanggie bb ftw
aaaa please update soon !! this is interesting ^^
Waiting for your update :D<br />
Kwangmin-ah age doesn't matter :D<br />