Parents,? What can we do about them?


In school IU had a weird feeling of being watched, and laughed at, but she ignored it. She was too busy trying to concentrate in class, though she knew that she couldn’t. The fact that Wooyoung wanted to meet her kept on flying to her thoughts.

“Miss Lee, can you tell me the different types of water?” her teacher asked. IU quickly looked through her notes.

“Well, Hmmm fresh water, saline water, brackish water and brine” she said and smiled proudly.

“Good, miss Lee … can you then tell me how many percents of salt there is in the different types of water?” she asked. Honestly IU thought it was the most boring topic ever. Why did they even have to learn about water? She was pretty sure that the subject was named geography, and not “learns-about-boring-useless-stuff”.

“Saline water has about three percent salt; fresh water has about zero percent salt, brackish water has about zero point three percent salt in it, and brine …” she looked desperately at her notes but realized that she had forgotten to write it down. The teacher asked Tiffany instead, who gave them the right answer. Tiffany smirked meanly at IU, but then looked at Wooyoung and looked down in her papers again.

After school IU met Wooyoung as planned … Wooyoung and his friends. Wooyoung smiled at her, while the rest of them looked like they struggled with their laughter.

“Ji Eun” he said sounding sensitive and charming.

“Yeah…” I answered. I couldn’t say more, I was almost hypnotized by his eyes, which were looking right in to mine.

“I’ve been thinking about you for a while now and … I was wondering … would you like to go out with me?” he asked. iu was so surprised that she didn’t even notice the other guys struggling with their laughter.

“With … Me?” she asked him. She doubted that he was serious.

“Yes, with you…” he said.


“IU .. You have to be confident … “Wooyoung said. If IU hadn’t dropped her jaw already, she would definitely have dropped it with that comment.

“O…Kay” she said, still nervously.

“I’ll pick you up Tuesday, next week at eight O’clock” Wooyoung said and smiled. IU just nodded shyly. She couldn’t believe this. She had to call someone … but her cell phone was lying on her bed at home, so that would be kind of hard. Taeyang walked by.

“Hey, IU sshi, I just finished the bathrooms, you don’t have to clean…” he said, trying to sound casual, but was too happy to succeed in it.

“Really? Thank you, Taeyang” she said and sounded just as happy, though she was still in shock.

“What did Jang Wooyoung want?” he asked.

“Jang Wooyoung? He just… kind of asked me out” she said, and tried to sound casual.

“Jang Wooyoung asked you out? How did you reject him?” Taeyang asked her happily.

“I didn’t… I just sort of… nodded” IU said shyly. Taeyang’s facial expression changed when she said those words. She might just as well have punched him in his head.


“But you can’t go out with Jang Wooyoung! You’ll end up being like those arrogant popularity queens who looks down on everyone! You’ll be just like Hwang Tiffany!” Taeyang said angrily. Just a bit too angry for IU to stay calm.

“Who are you to say those words?! Don’t you think I can handle it, ‘cause if that’s the case, I’m sorry to disappoint you little friend, I can handle it very much!” IU said.

“Oh, wait to Ji Eun and Luna finds out!” Taeyang said.

“Are you threatening me?! ‘Cause you’re SO going so regret that!” IU shouted angrily. Who was he to get mad at her for dating a cute guy? She was not his girlfriend or something like that.

“And what are you going to do about it?!” he asked angrily.

“I’m going to… going to… going to tell the entire school about your little secret!” she yelled.

“Like they’ll believe it…”

“If it comes from Jang Wooyoung’s mouth I think they will!” she talked back.

“You’re already using your newfound power agienst me!” he shouldn’t have said that. It was the drop that caused the bottle of water to overflow.

“And look who’s talking! If it wasn’t for your father we wouldn’t be this complicated! If it wasn’t for your use of power me and thunder would still be together!” she almost punched him, but used her last bit of self control to hold it back. She also wanted to cry, but she kept on blinking her tears away.

“It was for your own best that ~” he started, but she cut him off.

“That you made him dump me, or that you ruined my newfound happiness?! I believe that it was pretty much for your own best! Now bye!”


On her way home IU heard something that scared her, so she quickly hid behind a bush.

“I still don’t know who that little is, but when I find out she’ll be SO dead… Literally. Then she can learn to stay away from MY Wooyoung.” It sounded like Hwang Tiffany from school.

“But .. I thought every girl in school feared you?” another voice said. IU didn’t recognize it.

“Apparently not It for sure can’t be that geeky poor girl Lee Ji Eun, she fears me the most But her friend, Luna, seems a bit less scared” Tiffany said.

“Then it might be her, “The other voice said.

“Dara, this is why I asked you to become one of Wooyoung’s maids, in this way it might be easier to find out who it is Taeyeon is notified about the plan… she will be following Wooyoung” Tiffany said. She sounded evil.

“I still don’t understand why you won’t hire a detective, that would be way easier” the girl who was apparently named Dara said.

“Duh, my parents always look at my credit card-fees, and I can’t let them know that I’m stalking Wooyoung.” Tiffany said. IU decided that it was safe to walk by them, so she did.

“Hey, Lee!” Tiffany yelled, though IU was standing right next to her.

“Ohh Tiffany!” IU said, sounding scared.

“Have you seen Wooyoung with any girls lately?” she asked.

“I haven’t,” IU said.

“That’s too bad I’ll pay you if you follow him, and check up on what he’s doing, only for next week, my regular spy is in Hawaii next week.” Tiffany said.

“I’m sorry, but ..  I can’t I just agreed in taking care of Luna’s grandmother next week .. Joanne and her father will be going to the countryside.” IU said. It was half a lie, and half true. Luna and her father were going to the countryside, but Luna’s grandmother was dead, so she would be pretty hard taking care of.

“I see ..  then I’ll just get another spy now, get out of my sight, Lee!” Tiffany said.

When Wooyoung got home he was tired. Very tired, so he lied down on his bed, and almost fell asleep, when it was knocking on his door.

“Come in!” he yelled, sounding annoyed. How dared someone to interrupt him?

“Young master .. Madam and Master are looking for you…” she said. It was the same maid as yesterday. Wooyoung remembered that she was named Dara.

“Okay, Dara … please prepare I bath for me” he said, and then walked out of his room, and down the stairs, where his parents were waiting.

“Wooyoung, Tiffany told me something about you dating a poor girl?” his mother asked.

Well, so many rumors travels lately … please ask Tiffany were she got this … such a crazy rumor…” Wooyoung said. He was perfect in acting, and therefore, everyone always believed him.

“Wooyoung, we’re just worried about you … don’t go out and date some poor gold-digger who only loves money.” his mother said.

“Even if I were dating Ji Eun for real, she wouldn’t just want my money  … a rich guy has been her best friend since childhood, and everyone knows that he likes her… but she doesn’t date him” Wooyoung said.

“So there is a poor girl… Ji Eun? What is her surname?” his mother asked him.

“Lee … and she isn’t my girl she’s just a part of a bet” Wooyoung said.

“A bet?” his father asked interested.

“Me, Junho, Chansung and Taecyeon made a bet. I have to make her confess to me and then dump her” Wooyoung said and yawned. He was bored.

“So … You’re using a girl to get money?” his mother asked him in a serious tone.

“Not to get money … to kill the time” Wooyoung said arrogantly. His parents looked at each other. They clearly didn’t like it.

“At least I’m not with a stalker like Tiffany … she made a big deal about it everytime I talk to a girl!” Wooyoung said. Though he still liked Tiffany, she was getting on his nerves.

“Stalker? Explain your use of words” his mother said.

“She sends her friends after me to see who I’m talking to, and yes, also after our breakup” he said and walked back to his room. How he hated his parents.

When IU reached home she had a lot of thoughts to clear up, but forgot everything when she saw her parents fighting as usual. Her leg suddenly hurted a bit, but she didn’t take notice of it.

“I just wish that you could stop spending all of our money!” her mother said.

“OUR money?! It’s mainly MY money!” her father replied. That wasn’t true. It was mainly Ji Eun’s money.

“Yes, OUR money! Me and Ji Eun make way more money than you do! And now I find this?!” her mother held out a picture that IU couldn’t see, but she could guess that it was of another woman. Her father had countless of affairs that only IU knew about, but in order to keep the family peace she kept shut.

“Oh please, don’t pretend to be stupid, even our daughter knew about Isabella!” her father yelled.

“If that is so, our daughter has heart enough know at and keep the family peace!” her mother said. IU hurried to the bedroom, where she comforted her siblings.

“Sister? Why are they fighting?” Ji Kyung asked IU sighed.

“It’s just money, they’ll get over it.” she said.

“Who’s Isabella?” Ji Hyun asked.

“Just a girl dad kissed … that’s why mom’s upset, but they’ll get over it, I know they will” she said. She hated that her parents always fought.

“HOW MUCH DO YOU OWE BECAUSE OF THAT ?! ANSWER ME!!!” she heard her mother yell. She looked at her siblings, and then walked to the living room.

“Could the two of you at least keep it down?! It’s affecting Ji Kyung and Ji Hyun! Luckily the youngest of them are already asleep, they would’ve been even more affected!” she yelled at her parents, and then walked back to her siblings. She sighed. They were supposed to be the grownups, and yet they acted so immature? No wonder her family was so weird …


Sorry, I know this Chapter is very Boring, But don't Worry Today I will Update because we don't have classes, i have time to Update my story, Anyways Thank you fo Commenting and subscribing my Fic! Hwaiting! :D

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kimkaixwife #1
cant wait to start reading xx
Chapter 8: update it plzzzzzzzzz
lucidity #3
Jane_Doe #4
Chapter 8: Please update this! I just found it and read all published chapters in one go^^ I'm of to go subscribing to this story! xD
kwonyoungra22 #5
plz update soon i just cant wait plzzzzzzzz
wy0430 #6
exobacon #7
plz update soon.make jiyeon and junho fall in love with each other
j_love2pm #8
this ff is good...<br />
update soon...
talitha #9
hey im new reader, pls update soon :) your ff is awsome XD
baekrishann #10
I luv it i always check whether u update it but u didn't update 4 long time.But i will be Patience 4 ur good story !!!