when they first met;

joyeux anniversaire; a(nother) drabble collection
            “Dude!” Cindy and Connie chorused. “What’s the answer to this?” Both girls turned to Winnie who was absentmindedly staring out the train’s window as it headed to their high school. She gave them a blank look and beside her, Vivian did too.
            “Didn’t you finish Sugihara sensei’s homework?” Connie questioned. “What’s the answer to number four?” Their eyes darted from Vivian to Winnie, and back again. The former shrugged. 
            “I didn’t do that one.”
            “Wait, we had homework?!” Winnie’s eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her. 
            Cindy groaned in exasperation. Then, excluding Winnie, the two girls went back to scribbling on their papers, when suddenly the train lurched to a stop and their pencils zig-zagged all over the worksheet. “Gah!” A string of curses emitted from both girl’s mouths and they set off erasing the horrifying marks as more passengers boarded the train. 
            Meanwhile, Winnie, oblivious to all the commotion sat in silence, finishing her homework. In just a matter of minutes, she was ahead of the two girls who were cracking up over immature banana jokes that she didn’t understand. 
            All of a sudden, they stopped. 
           Curious, Winnie looked up to see them making googly eyes at a tall, blonde-haired boy, gifted with the iest face on earth. She found herself gaping at him too. He was just so... hot. And the kicker was, he seemed to be blatantly checking her out. His gaze burned into her face. Winnie blushed a crimson red and looked away, subtly fixing her braided hair. 
           “He’s totally checking her out.” Connie whispered and the other two girls giggled just as the train arrived at their stop. 
           Being the complete ninja she was, Cindy was outta there in a flash, closely followed by Connie and Vivian. Which left Winnie who was still packing her things. Strangely enough, the hot stranger seemed to be waiting for her. He stood by the exit looking like he wanted to say something and nervously,
Winnie approached it. 
           She brushed past his arm and was already feeling the cold gust of wind on her arm when he grabbed her by the wrist and leaned in. 
           Her heart th-thumped and her face flushed an even deeper red. Inner Winnie went, “Hell yeah! Finally! Some action with a hot guy!” But outside, she was frozen, her feet rooted to the ground.
           His lips were practically brushing her ear now and Winnie felt like she was in paradise with rainbows and unicorns flying everywhere. Her heart swelled. Was he going to confess that he fell in love with her at first sight? She mentally squealed at the thought. 
           Until he said, “You have a grain of rice stuck on your cheek.”
           That, was the moment when her dreams shattered.


And that, is my failed attempt at comedy OTL. 



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new coauthor xD elle_kpop14 will be writing the third drabble! :)


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ichigonoaisukurimu #1
ShinhwaStar #2
You story is gread! Good work, keep up with it!
ichigonoaisukurimu #3
Can't wait until the next part!
elle_kpop14 #4
Chapter 4: HOLY SHIZ... THAT was unexpected xDDDD
ichigonoaisukurimu #5
Chapter 2: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! BEST THING I'VE EVER READ! -Squeal squeal squeal squeal squeal, scream, laughs evilly and psychotically, laughs with myself, doing this stupid smile in front of my laptop, jumps up and down in excitement, ovaries explode, gets tissues for nosebleed, rereads, smiling widely, gasp, heavy breathing, dies of excitement and happiness, etc...-

Apparently in your eyes I'm always late for everything. Okay. XD
elle_kpop14 #6
Chapter 2: OMG I AM IN THERE <3 BUT THEN I Disappeard... ITS OKAY I WAS IN THEREEEE ~~~!!! Oh winnie... I can so imagine her being all like dat xDDD
ichigonoaisukurimu #7
Chapter 1: Oh my god, it's so beautiful! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever read! Thanks, Cindy, thank you so much! -Cries tears of happiness and joy and other good things- I can't wait until the next part! ^__^