K e y S t a l


"KIM  KIBUM!  You would NOT believe what Sica-unnie told me today!  UGH!"

Key held his cellphone away from his ears at Krystal's loud screeching.  They were close friends, but Key absolutely abhorred how Krystal always shouted whenever she called him to complain about something.  He sighed.  "What did she tell you this time?"


He heard a sniffle on the opposite side of the line.  Then, a sigh.  "... She told me Jjong-oppa confessed to her today.  Can you believe that?"

He actually did believe that.  Jonghyun had bragged about how he had a new girlfriend and how it was none other than the "beautiful and perfect Sica."  Key sighed again.  "I don't see the problem."

"The nerve of her!    And I had even t-told her that I liked him too."

Key stiffened in his seat.  "What?!"

"I-I know you're one of my closest friends and all but...  I never did tell you that I liked Jjong-oppa, did I?"

"No, you didn't."

"Well...  Um...  S-surprise?"  Another sniffle.

"I'm going to hang up right now, Krystal.  Give me fifteen minutes and I'll be at the f(x)'s dorm." Another sniffle.  He knew she was about to cry.  He was her friend after all; he knew these things.  





"Make it ten."


Key had actually made it to the f(x) dorm in 9 minutes and 39 seconds, but who was counting?  He knocked on the door and was greeted by a tired-looking Victoria.  "Kibummie, thank goodness you're here!    Soojung's shut herself up in her room and refuses to come out.  I even offered to make her food!"  Victoria rubbed her eyes.  "S-She never refuses food!"

Key put his hands on the older woman's shoulders.  "She'll be alright, noona."

Victoria merely nodded in response before allowing Key to walk into the dorm.  "You know where her room is."

Key nodded back as he walked to the right and then knocked on a door.  "Krystal?  No, Soojung?"  He knew she hated being called Krystal whenever she was in a bad mood.  "Jung Soojung.  Open your door this instant before I break it down."

He heard a soft sniffle before he heard the door unlock.  The door remained closed, but since she had unlocked it, Key knew he was allowed inside.

"I'm coming in, Soojung-ah.  I hope you're decent," he joked as he opened the door.  He was greeted by a balled up Krystal on the room floor, surrounded by crumpled tissues.

"K-Kibum-ah~~~" she whined as she stayed on the ground.

"Yah, Soojung-ah.  Get your whiny off the ground." he scolded, like a mother.  "Please tell me all this drama isn't over Jonghyun, because girl...  He's not worth it."

Krystal sniffled as she sat upright, dabbing a tissue at her eyes.  "B-but, it's Jjong-oppa!    Masculine, good-at-singing, kind Jjong-oppa!"

Key sighed.  "So what?  It's only Jonghyun.  Besides, you know what they say... There's plenty of fish in the sea!"

"But I want a Jjong fish!" Krystal stammered out before she broke down in tears.  "Why Sica-unnie?  Wae?!?"

Key's expression softened as he clicked his tongue and wrapped Krystal in a hug.  "Well, you know...  I'd choose you over Sica-noona any day."

"You're just saying that 'cause you're my best friend."

"Oh shut up, Soojung...   You should take my compliments with grace when you get them."  Key pet her head lightly as his grip on her tightened.  "Especially since I meant every word I said." he mumbled more to himself than her.

But Krystal hadn't heard his words anyways.  She had fallen asleep.

And Key was okay with that.  He didn't mind being the best friend, the nice guy that doesn't get the girl.  At least, that's what he told himself as he tucked Krystal into her bed.  He kissed her on the forehead as he muttered, "Sweet dreams~" before leaving the room.


When she was sure that Key had left the room, Krystal opened her eyes.  She had a blush spreading across her cheeks like wildfire as she took in Key's last actions.

"Does Kibum-ah like me?" she mumbled as she picked up a picture at her bedside.  It was a picture taken of f(x) and SHINee together in Paris.  They had been joking around backstage when Onew had taken the candid shot.  Krystal had begged Onew for a copy at the time, because she and Jonghyun were next to each other in the photo.  Taking a closer look, she noticed that Key was actually next to her as well, messing up her hair with a smirk on his face.

"His signature smirk," she chuckled as she put the picture back down.  He had always been there for her as a shoulder to lean on.  He always listened to her without too much complaint and nagged her whenever she made a stupid decision that she'd be sure to regret.

She turned in bed and stared at the ceiling.  "I...  I guess there's always room in my aquarium for a Kibum fish...  Right?" she asked herself as she felt herself flush.  Satisfied with her new decision, she fell asleep (for real this time), reminding herself to text Key first when she wakes up.

Author's Note: Two more boys to go~

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Letterofspring #1
Chapter 5: yah taemin, best man shud do braver step and yes, you did it!!

Jimin aaahhh~
Ah, thank you two so much for reading and for the lovely comments ;u;<br />
@Ran501 - Hahaha, I love SHINra fics too (I wish there were more out there... Le sigh~) ^^ Thank you for the support, eheheh :D<br />
@nobleA_x - Hahaha, thank you! For some reason, I always felt like it'd be more interesting if MinStal and KeyBer were switched so... Yep yep xD Thank you for the support and suggestion :D
KYAAAAAH! :D those were the cutest set of shinee love stories ever! xL I personally liked the jongsica oneshot <3 haha! I can so picture sica one day touching jjongs arms and stating how he's been working out LMAO! :D wow! minber and keystal? xD i'm so used to it being the other way around hahaha! :D I've never thought of those pairings but you really got me O: you should think about writing a fanfiction! :D
You should totally write more and I shall be the first to support your story! xD<br />
Looking forward to your future stories~! :D
This has to be the best and sweetest short stories ever!<br />
Onew/Hara, KeyStal, Jiyoung/Taemin, in fact all the stories are awesome! They are gonna be the next few couples that I'm gonna ship. xD<br />
The last story has to be my favorite since it includes my fav maknae couple, JiMin! :D<br />
Since it's so rare to find SHINra's fanfics here. :(<br />
& I totally agree that confessing in person has to be the best confession over the phones and texts. <br />