Chapter 4

Hate Me
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Sehun finds Luhan sitting in the kitchen, sipping at a cup of tea and focused on Baekhyun and Chanyeol who are, once again, fighting over Baekhyun's phone. Without a word he helds out Luhan's phone in front of his perspective. Luhan looks at it a bit confused and takes it out of his hand smiling. 

''Sehun-ah why do you have my phone?''

And why do you have Yixing's birthday as your code? Sehun would love to ask that, but he knows it would only cause more problems, which are really not needed right now. 

''Just because'', he answers and analyses Luhan's behaviour. Luhan's looking at him with these dear eyes that only he has, smiling like he never saw a bad thing in life. If you see him like that you truly could think he was a good guy, someone who cared for his dongsaengs and someone who wouldn't hurt a fly. But Sehun knows better, he's an idiot who doesn't know how worth Yixing's friendship is. And Sehun doesn't know why Yixing doesn't do anything against it. 

Suddenly he feels Yifan's arm around his shoulder and his deep voice asking: ''Did you see Yixing? I didn't see him for quite a while''

As he speaks Sehun notices how Luhan immediately looks at him and gulps nervously. But he's not the only who notices that. 

''Luhan did you see him?'', Yifan asks with a threatening undertone. 

''I guess he's in our room'', the deer boy answers and smiles awkwardly. They get interrupted by Baekhyun, ''Chanyeol this is not funny'', and the smaller boy runs out of the room, Chanyeol following. ''Baek, don't be angry''

''Anyways..he's not, I just checked your room'', Yifan answers and sighs. ''Luhan if you did anything I swear I'm going to kill you''

Luhan's expression doesn't change, even though Yifan just threatend to take his life.

''Guys, the van picks us up in thirthy minutes so be ready, alright?'', Joonmyeon makes his appearance, he seems to feel the weird atmosphere and shakes his head before he leaves.

''Luhan, do you really don't know where he is?'', Sehun asks him and his eyes automatically are directed towards the maknae.

''I'm sorry, I don't know where he is'' Luhan explains and probably wants to add 'and I don't care'. 

''I'll go and look in the other boys rooms'', Yifan says and is about to leave the room, but Sehun stops him. 

''Let me come with you''. Yifan looks at him and nods, but after Sehun joined Luhan was suddenly really enthusiastic to find Yixing as well. Sehun was pretty sure there's something different behind that, but if Luhan wants to help Sehun won't complain. 

They check every room for the little unicorn, which is nowhere to be found. 

''Maybe he went out'', Luhan arguments. 

''And where?'', Yifan asks annoyed. ''Especially at this time of the day'', he adds. 5 o'clock in the morning, what could Yixing be up to?

''Well maybe he went for a walk or something'', Luhan says and just gets a deep sigh from Yifan as an answer. 

''We only have twenty minutes left, Joonmyeon hyung is going to kill us if we didn't find him until then'', Sehun says. 

''Then let's go outside and search for him'',Yifan says and walks to the entry to put his shoes on. Luhan and Sehun follow him, Luhan's eyes glued on the youngest from behind.

Sehun doesn't say anything, as long as he harrasses Yixing Sehun won't forgive him.

Outside of the dorm Yifan suggests to seperate, but Luhan clings on Sehun like he would die any second without him. Yifan rolls his eyes to show Luhan how annoyed he is by his behavior. 

''Luhan if you want to Sehun, please show him that in another situation'', the other boy says and chuckles.

Luhan immediately pushes himself away from Sehun. 

''Pff..what are you even talking about?'', Luhan asks and Sehun eyes him suspicious, while Yifan laughs. 

''I'll go this way, Sehun you go that way and Luhan you go that way'', Yifan explains and points towards different directions. 

''Look at places you think Yixing could be and if you find him, text the others immediately''; Yifan directs and looks at Luhan dismissive. 




I hate, hate. hate Yifan. Luhan only agreed to search for Lay, because of Sehun and now he has to 'search' alone. He kicks a stone in front of his foot and sighs. As if he would care if Lay's there or not. And it annoys him that everyone cares so much for the other. Sehun and Yifan didn't even hesitate before they left the dorm, if he would be lost, you can't even really call it lost, he's probably just crying in some corner, they would wait a day or so to search for him. Would Luhan say it was

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Working on chapter 8 rn! Hope you will like it ^-^


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Mae1413 #1
Chapter 9: I really like the story Please update as soon as possible, ^^
Pandaaelaine #2
Pls update author!!! I really miss this story :(
Chapter 9: Oh, yes (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
I would love to be train by Yixing, uh (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Chapter 2: Yeap, a total idiot :B
kiiemii #5
Chapter 9: Hope you can update soon :(
Pandaaelaine #6
Author can u plz update this story?!?! I rlly enjoy reading the chapters u have so far pls don't drop this story ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: why new chapter isnt coming :(((
Chapter 1: Arggghh damn luhan's such a . I kinda hate you here. poor yixing-ah :((( my unicorn
parvitasari #9
Chapter 9: I'm proud of you sehun.. make someone you love happy is way to love someone right? And luhan has to prove his love to yixing, and pay back for the cruel thing he had done to yixing.. i want next chapter to be lovey dovey luhan with yixing to prove his love..
Chapter 9: Ohhh hats off for the Maknae Thehun...even he know it really hurts he still do what makes Yixing to be happy..and that's the true love means can give all the things that can make their love ones happy and sacrifies his own happinies..salute to u sir..