"Weeeehhhh...why there is two of them? One is Kim Jaejoong and one is.........Kim Hyun Joong..yaaaaah"

Dara said to herself while looking simultaneously at the two who's now sitting together. She didn't saw Hyun Joong a while ago, where did he come from? And why is he wearing pink hoodie too? waahhh, what is happening here?" She said while starting to move away

She was supposed to leave when she heard them calling her. She pretend not to hear and continue walking out to the door but one of them blocked her way..

'It's you...It's really you? What a small world.."it was Kim Hyun Joong

"Hello sunbaenim, it was nice meeting you here. It was indeed a small world"

"Are you leaving soon? Do you mind joining us, with him?"

"Well, I'm not sure, you see"



Dara's hands was trembling the moment she's sitting between the two..

"Dara, relax, we won't bite you" Kim Jaejoong said to her while smiling

"I'm not nervous, but what are you doing here? It's far from your place"

'We stop by to see TOP, but he wasn't in BB dorm, we got hungry so we decided to eat here, you want some?"

"No thanks sunbaenims, and I'm sorry but I need to go"

'Why? " "Ahmmm you see" how can she tell them that she need to change her...underwear??

"Buddy, I think we should let her go. Dara-ah, can we have your number so that we can...call or text you?"

"Sure" she said while giving them her number but got shocked when she saw Kim Jaejoong's cellphone identical to her's , even the color 

Sign number 2

When a guy's cellphone is identical as yours 

She suddenly remember something...

'Sunbaenims, where are you from,? I mean, where is your birthplace?" she asked in curiousity

"Me? I'm from Gongju" Kim Jaejoong replied

"And you..?" she turned to now smiling Kim Hyun Joong

"I'm from Seoul, why?"

Sign number 3

If the guy is born from Seoul

"The F....Kim Hyun Joong is my Seoul Mate?"

"But I want Kim Jaejoong..."

The morning after at YGE practice room

"Bom, ottoke? I'm confused, they were two of them which possible to be my soulmate"

"shhh..quiet, there's so many ears here. Let's talk about it later.."

"No, we need to talk, nowww. Or else, I will tell Seungri our secret"

"Oh yeah? Okay, go on. tell him about it so that the whole YG knows how desperate you are"

"I am not desperate..Just lonely and seeking for love.."

'it's the same, why don't you just wait till he comes? I'm so tired of finding a solution to your problem, I QUIT"

"Wait? Bommie, I'm almost thirty. I deserve to love and be loved. Don't do this to me, please"

"Were on the same age but i'm not hungry for love like you? You were talking like were ancient here"

'That's what I feel, fine, If you dont wanna help me anymore, fine. " she said while walking out of the room while leaving the dumbfounded Big Bang boys, CL, Minzy,dancers and even YG, who just passed by and heard the commotions inside the practice room. They all looked at TOP, Dara's cheater ex boyfriend, who's smiling at them while giving a piece sign..

Someone's POV

So, that was it. Dara noona is looking for her soulmate and Bom gave up on her. But not me. I will do anything in my power to have my noona a boyfriend. But how?

Let her join in dating site?

Speed dating?

Expose herself at idol events? 

Expose some skin?

Aahhh, why is my brain not working here? What happened to a smart guy like me?

"think..think...think..ahaaaa, I knew it"

2 days later

'Lee Seungri, are you sure about this?"

"Very much hyung, just act normal , please just for me..."

"Okay. okay, but this is the last time I will do this. You didnt even tell me who is the lucky girl"

"She was indeed lucky, and thanks for agreeing in this blindate. You wont regret it...promise"


"OMG, she's here. Your date is here, bye gotta go" Seungri said while leaving him

A guy turn to see who the girl might be and smiles when he recognize a girl coming towards the table...

Sandara on the other hand almost trip when she saw HIM...

"Hello, Sandara, it was nice meeting you, have a seat please"

"Shoooootttttt...are you my blind date? Fack, why didnt he said that you are my date so I can prepare. And not wearing this crappy outfit. Damb bustard, Lee Seungri, I'm gonna kill you for the rest of my life" she screams while gritting her teeth

"Are you okay, Sandara? Do you want water or something, anything?"

"Yes, I want you...Oppa Won Bin"

"They were right, she is a little bit crazy and acted like she's from Mars. Curse you Lee Seungri"

"Well, he's my ideal guy but I still like Kim Jaejoong...waahhhhh, I need a sign now...please, show me the sign..."

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Chapter 6: Lol! Wll hail jaedara but more than that, all hail almighty bomtaro for veing the best wingman eveeeeer!!!!
Chapter 6: So, Bommie did all of these?! hahaha nice one :)
lavezjoy #3
Chapter 6: Hahahah bommie the match maker.. love it to know they are the one who planned it specially bom
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 6: nice one bommie
kyayong10 #5
Chapter 6: Its so funny that i laugh so hard haha
Chapter 6: Bomminator is the matchmaker!!!
adriel45 #7
Chapter 6: nicely done.....:)
jaedara #8
fanficsgalore #9
Chapter 6: mwahaha! go bommie :)
Chapter 6: wow.. i want bommie as a friend.. ;)