
The Kyungsoo Studies












"Today is Friday." Heechul was at the front of the classroom, pacing around the board.

"I have run out of patience." He slapped the ruler on one of the tables, and Taemin looked like he was going to cry.

"This is the amount of s I give on Monday." Heechul left the ruler on the table, pulling his palms apart, stopping with a length about one arm long.

"And then after Monday." He shortens the distance by half.

"And then by Friday." He slaps his palms together.

"Boom shakalaka peasants. No more s to give anymore." Heechul picked up the ruler and hurled it towards the board.

"So you people jolly well listen to me." 

Jong In regreted voting for Heechul as class chairperson.

He was a loser when he got into the class, unpopular, not knowing anyone(Jong In doesn't really make the effort to remember anyone). So he made the wrong decision of voting for Kim Heechul, since most of the class voted for him. Baekhyun groaned from his seat, slipping his phone back into his pocket. 

"Kim Heechul is such a ." He had his face against the table. He was supposed to go out on a date with awkward giraffe Chanyeol after school but Heechul made the whole class stayback to help clean the classroom. He wants the teachers to have a good impression. Jong In didn't really mind, he practically has no social life, life revolving around school, art, Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo, mainly Kyungsoo. As long as he can attend Kyungsoo's cooking sessions, Jong In was happy.

"Baek can't go out with you later." Jong In adds a little too much of olive oil into the pan, cursing under his breath.

"Why? You guys are going out?" Chanyeol was cutting up the peppers, placing them neatly onto the plate, red on the right and green on the left.

"What the . No." Jong In the fire. Wait. Was he supposed to heat up the pan first or add the oli first? 

"Then?" Chanyeol brought his plate to the stove, shooing Jong In away and handling with the pan himself.

"Kim Heechul." Jong In dries his hands on the apron, watching the garlic sizzle in the hot pan.

"Oh. I heard he was hardcore."  Kyungsoo appeared from the side, grabbing the pan from a flustered Chanyeol, mixing the ingredients.

Jong In realises how close he was standing next to Kyungsoo. He swallows, leaning over to have a better look at the ingredients.Their shoulders touch a little and Kyungsoo didn't bother moving away and there were fireworks in Jong In's brain.


Then Jong In got reminded that it was just the shoulders, not like Kyungsoo accepted his ing confession or something. He slumps a little at the thought. Kyungsoo leaves, after finishing with the dish, limping over to the other tables. 

Is Kyungsoo hurt? Is Kyungsoo okay? What happened to Kyungsoo?

"What happened to Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asks first, packing the food into his lunchbox which was probably for Baekhyun.Chanyeol tries to cook for Baekhyun everyday.It was one of his ways of showing his love and Baekhyun actually found it quite touching. ing disgusting.





Weird and awkward update haha. Love you people.





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Chapter 5: So...cute...GAH. ><
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter! Updste soon ^_^
Chapter 4: Jongin's so adorable in this~! Happy New Year C:
Chapter 4: Update soon!!! I really like this story it is too cute!
Chapter 1: OMG.OMG.OMG..!!
This's so much cute, and adorable, and funny and I love it so much.^^
Chapter 1: Asdfghhjl
^ my new language. Please, i know you understand. Hahahahhaha this is so fecking adorable amdbjkjnuidshjdsnejd crushes ouo