
The Kyungsoo Studies









Jong In started joining the cooking sessions.

He didn’t sign up for the club though.

He attended the sessions as Chanyeol’s assistant, spending most of his time staring at Kyungsoo’s face, Chanyeol doing most of the work. Kyungsoo’s face was way more adorable than a lump of flour.


“Jong In can you pass me the vanilla essence?”


“What are your long arms for Chanyeol?” Jong In was focusing on Kyungsoo, rolling his eyes when he caught Kyungsoo doing his cute angel smile at Ryeowook.


“Erm Jong In? I’m a little busy here-”


“Why is Ryeowook smiling at him? Who does he- Oh my ing god he just touched Kyungsoo!” Jong In eyes widened and Chanyeol considered whether he should grab a cup in case Jong In’s eyeballs fall out from their sockets.


“Oh .”


“Chanyeol did you see him?! Oh my-” Jong In whipped his head back to the table. Chanyeol was standing there blinking at the ‘mixture’ spilling out onto the table. It was not really considered a mixture though, the eggs were not beaten up and there were yolk eyeballs on the table, along with small little islands of flour.


“ you Chanyeol.”


“Oh my goodness! What happened here?” Kyungsoo ran from his spot.


Well, at least they managed to attract Kyungsoo’s attention.


“I’m sorry hyung, I was just- ugh!” Chanyeol sighed in defeat, long arms flailing around trying hard to explain his plight.


“Yeah hyung, it’s not Chanyeol’s fault for having overly sized limbs.” Jong In gave Chanyeol a pat on the back.


“It’s okay. Just be careful next time okay? I’ll help you guys out” Kyungsoo forced a smile, reaching out for the bowl.


“We will clean it hyung.” Jong In blurted out, grabbing the bowl away from Kyungsoo’s reach. Kyungsoo was shocked, he didn’t expect Jong In to turn down his offer to help clean up. He smiled and nodded his head, padding over to check up on the other club members.


“You’ll help me do it, right Channie?”


“Why must I-”


“I still have art class after this, you .”


“ you Jong In.”


Jong In left the session early for his art class, promising Chanyeol that he would treat him to dinner some other time.




Jong In art teacher was being a and gave the class another weird theme to work on.




Jong In felt like banging his head against the canvas.


“Bubble tea…” Jong In heard Luhan mumble beside him.


Oh yeah.


Jong In remembered the day when Kyungsoo came over to his table and helped with the lemon tarts, their fingers lightly brushing against each other. Jong In felt like jumping up.

Jong In settles with tarts. He smiled to himself, scooping up a generous amount of yellow paint with his brush.





Short update darlings:) Thank you for reading this, you guys are amazing.

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Chapter 5: So...cute...GAH. ><
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter! Updste soon ^_^
Chapter 4: Jongin's so adorable in this~! Happy New Year C:
Chapter 4: Update soon!!! I really like this story it is too cute!
Chapter 1: OMG.OMG.OMG..!!
This's so much cute, and adorable, and funny and I love it so much.^^
Chapter 1: Asdfghhjl
^ my new language. Please, i know you understand. Hahahahhaha this is so fecking adorable amdbjkjnuidshjdsnejd crushes ouo