
The Kyungsoo Studies









" my life." It so happened that out of all days, Jong In's pencil decided to die on him on the day of the last exam, on the last question of the paper.


"Oh great." Jong In tossed his pencil into his pencil case, a new addition to the family of broken pencils. Jong In never bothered to sharpen his pencils, he would always grab some extras from Oh Sehun's desk before he leaves the dorm. It so happens that Jong In overslept, and Oh Sehun left early.


Jong In is ed.

The last question was worth 11 ing marks.


"How was common test guys?" Jongdae set his tumbler on the table.


"It was actually surprisingly okay." Baekhyun piped up, fiddling with Chanyeol's fingers.

"You didn't even study for it."

”Shut up giant, at least I did 3 pages of notes. You did nothing."

"Baekhyun is the best." Chanyeol ruffled his hair, and Baekhyun did his disturbing attempting-to-aegyo-but-fails-miserably kind of giggles.


"Depressing." Jong In slumped in his seat, and face-tabled.


"Oh I'm sure Jong In is not depressed anymore..." Sehun snickered.


"Shut up Se-"




It was the voice that Jong In had been dreaming for days. It sounded so real though, it was as if Kyungsoo was there.


"Hey Jong In!"


Jong In lifted his head up, hair slightly dishevelled( from all the pulling after his exam), a stubborn red patch flopped on his forehead. Kyungsoo laughed.


I missed you hyung, where were you hyung, I love you hyung.


Jong In settled with a simple, "how are you hyung?", the sound of Kyungsoo's laughter still ringing in his ears, it was making Jong In giddy.


"I'm fine.” Kyungsoo nodded (cutely) and laid his physics book on the spot next to Jong In.


Kyungsoo was so neat.


Jong In’s book was filled with messy highlighting(always out of place), a mass of flags sticking out from all over the sides, the edges slightly curling up and Kyungsoo’s was all colour organised, a thin film of plastic wrapped around the covers.


“Where did you go hyung?” Chanyeol was flipping through his math book.


“Erm...I-I-had some stuff to settle.” Kyungsoo slid into the seat next to Jong In’s.


“It was weird without you during cooking class hyung. Yifan was being his usual self.”Chanyeol looked up from his book, staring at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo did another one of his angelic laughs again and Jong In nearly died.




Hey guys. Here's a chappie before the new year (it's almost new year in my part of the universe).Happy 2014 guys!!!

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Chapter 5: So...cute...GAH. ><
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter! Updste soon ^_^
Chapter 4: Jongin's so adorable in this~! Happy New Year C:
Chapter 4: Update soon!!! I really like this story it is too cute!
Chapter 1: OMG.OMG.OMG..!!
This's so much cute, and adorable, and funny and I love it so much.^^
Chapter 1: Asdfghhjl
^ my new language. Please, i know you understand. Hahahahhaha this is so fecking adorable amdbjkjnuidshjdsnejd crushes ouo