
The Kyungsoo Studies







Kim Jong In hates Oh Sehun.

Well, maybe not hate, but strongly strongly dislike.

"hashtag icecream, hashtag hot, hashtag cool..."


"hashtag chocolate. Come on Jong In,  join me."

"hashtag shuttheup"

"Oh you ruined it..." Sehun was doing his disgusting pout again. He does more of it now, after Luhan hyung said he looked cute. Jong In almost puked.

Jong In doubted his sanity when he made friends with this idiot.

“Sehun we are eating ice cream, don’t ruin the moment with your stupid hashtags.” Jong In the drop of ice cream, speeding down his cone, He managed to stop it right before it reaches his fingers. Jong In likes to call it the race against time.

Here he was, accomplishing a huge task and there was Sehun still listing out his hashtags.

“hashtag handsome, hashtag cute, hashtag ulzzang.”

“Thanks for including my traits in your hashtags.“

Sehun rolled his eyes, nibbling on his cone. Nibbling is only for bunnies and innocent children, definitely not for ing retarded and annoying bastards.

“hashtag ohmygodluhanhyungishere” Jong In slapped Sehun on the back.

“9 o clock!” Jong In had to manually twist Sehun’s head. That idiot was looking around, his mushroom hair all over Jong In’s face.

Luhan jogged over.

Sehun was probably thinking about the way how the sun was shining from the back, and how his Luhan hyung looked like an angel. Not that Jong In had the power of reading minds (although he really wanted to) but everything was drawn on Sehun’s face. His eyes were curled into crescents, a huge rush of blood, pooling and settling down on his cheeks. The corners of his mouth tugging upwards.

Ewww Jong In did not just check out Oh Sehun’s face.

“Hyung” His voice came out cracked and dry.

Jong In stifled back a giggle.

“Sehunnie…” Luhan ruffled Sehun’s hair.

Sehun hated people touching his hair.The last time Jong In ruffled his hair, Sehun threatened to ing murder him.

“JongInnie…” Luhan turned over. Jong In saw the way Sehun’s mouth drooped when Luhan did the same ‘nnie’ at the back of his name. Sehun used to think it was special.

“Hyung” Jong In patted him on the shoulder.

“So how is Kyungsoo?”

Do people just randomly ask about people’s love life like that?


It wasn’t really considered a love life.

It was like a Jong In love life.

Just Jong In.

Jong In had a crush on Do Kyungsoo(yes,the president of the school’s cooking club)

But he was too much of a to confess his undying love towards him.

Baekhyun said it was a one sided love

Jong In corrected him, it was an unrequited love.

Sehun snorted and choked on his bubble tea when he heard it.

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes.


Jong In never really liked Baekhyun’s boyfriend.

Chanyeol was just too socially awkward around people, in his huge giraffe size. But Chanyeol was from the cooking club.

Do Kyungsoo was from the cooking club.


Jong In was glad that Baekhyun had Chanyeol as his boyfriend.

He would go over to his cooking class and try to start a normal conversation with the giant. Which always ended up leading to ferrets and hamsters.

“Oh hi!”

Jong In was having his normal(strange) conversation with Chanyeol, before another voice sounded.

Standing right before them was Kyungsoo, with his long sleeves rolled up, bunching around his elbow, a slight tint of pink sitting on his cheeks, and flour sprinkled on his nose.


Don’t screw this up Kim Jong In.

Speak normally.


Okay, that didn’t sound too bad.

"Are you Chanyeol's friend?‘ Kyungsoo scrunched up his nose (adorably).

"No he is actually my boyfriend's friend!"

Chanyeol answered it for Jong In, satisfied with his cupcakes. Jong In resisted to hit Chanyeol with a rock. Well, not with innocent and cute Kyungsoo around.

"My name is Kyungsoo."

I know.

"Jong In."

"I am the president of the cooking club"

I know

Kyungsoo smiled.

Kyungsoo smiled at Jong In. Jong In swore the whole world stopped for a while.



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Chapter 5: So...cute...GAH. ><
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter! Updste soon ^_^
Chapter 4: Jongin's so adorable in this~! Happy New Year C:
Chapter 4: Update soon!!! I really like this story it is too cute!
Chapter 1: OMG.OMG.OMG..!!
This's so much cute, and adorable, and funny and I love it so much.^^
Chapter 1: Asdfghhjl
^ my new language. Please, i know you understand. Hahahahhaha this is so fecking adorable amdbjkjnuidshjdsnejd crushes ouo