At First Sight

Xiumin & I, The Spy


I turned my head in evey direction, paranoid, not knowing what else was gonna come from this stand-off. Everything happened the way it should have but everything happened too fast, unexpected obstacles slowed us down and we reacted the way we should have; the only way we could during such chaos. I slowly walked over the debris careful of what I stepped on trying my hardest to breath as quiet as possible while getting as much air as I can within the thick smoke surrounding me. WHAT WAS THAT?!?! I could've sworn I heard footsteps or was it just more debris losing its fight with gravity and crashing down. There it is again! Careful not to make any sudden moves I slowly pulled out my gun that was holstered in my boots careful not take my eyes of my surrounding. Once back up I pointed it in front of me, I don't know how many bullets I have so I need to be careful and get that one important shot; the one that would leave only one of us standing. I pushed myself to the nearest wall and waited as the now clear footsteps slowly came toward me. Once an outline of a human figure was noticeable I cocked my gun letting out a nice and understandable warning.
"Hands up! Weapons Out" I yelled in a Russian accent to hide my identity.  The figure stopped in its tracked, I could tell whoever it was didn't recognize my name or location giving me full advantage. I slowly made my way closer to the figure, careful not to emerge to quickly but quietly and in charge. As I got closer, I stepped on a piece of weak debris that broke under my weight and sent my right leg through more debris. Before I could even grasp what just happened I felt cold metal against my forehead. I slowly pulled my leg out of the hole and put hands out to my sides in defeat and threw my gun toward the figures feet, it crouched slowly to retrieve the gun but not before letting a good lock of hair get caught in the path of light coming in through one of the holes in the wall, a patch of bright red hair covered mostly in a ash.
"Ginger" I questioned softy careful not to let the anxiety in my voice show. The figure stiffened at the name and in the blink of an eye I was wrapped within a very tight hug. 
"Marilyn! We did it! They're all gone! We're finally free" Ginger loudly announced in between sobs.
"Don't get to happy, we still have more sectors to deal with and please be quiet before we alert anyone" we pulled away from each others embrace. " Do you think the plan came through?" 
Ginger walked away from me and began opening what was left of the many windows and also pushing away weak parts of the wall letting in a multitude of light. 
" let's see " she began clearing the glass from off the window sill " the entire house is covered in debris and they're bodies scattered about not only here but throughout the rest of building, or at least the rooms I searched"
Once in the light we began searching the room putting names on the faces, or at least making sure the faces don't belong to anyone important. In the middle of our human excavation I spotted a patch of golden brown hair sticking out from the debris. A lump formed in my throat threatening to kill me where I crouched, dropping to my knees I began to crawl slowly toward the body, my world turning black with each closing move. Hot fiery tears stood behind my eyes, my face felt cold and my body felt weak and useless. The closer I got to the hair the more I slowly lost my grip with my sanity. The hair slowly became the hair that 12 hours ago I ran my hands through, that not 3 days ago I dropped ice cream in it while being carried across the ocean dock. The hair I gripped when the world collided and only us two we left and only we mattered in the heat of the night. The hair that belonged to my Xiumin, the boy who protected me, risked his life for me, and betrayed his loyalty to the man who became his father just to love me. As I crawled closer I croaked his name, begging him to be someone else, begging him to be anywhere but here, somewhere alive and not dead because of me. I reached the body before me and turned it on its back to see its face. I couldn't hold back the tears not caring who or what enemy in the house would witness my weakness. I yelled out his name to heavens and begged for it all to make sense, I buried my face into his and wailed like a mother who just lost her child. My world has crashed and died. Not because it was Xiumin but because it could have been him, in fact any body within this facility could in fact be Xiumin and that in itself is enough to break me. In my fit of tears i didn't notice Ginger walk up to me until she placed her hands on my shoulders and violently shook me to face her.
" Marilyn, Calm the hell down!! I know these are stressful times but its not Xiumin!! Look!" She pointed my head at the unfamiliar face with the familiar hair. I jerked myself away from her.   
" I KNOW IT'S NOT HIM GINGER!! But it's someone, as of a few minutes ago it was living breathing human being with a story and he's gone now! And there's more and somewhere in here could be Xiumin or what about the rest of our team where the hell are they Ginger?!?! Answer that riddle"
Ginger winced at the sound of her name but quickly recovered and proceeded to comfort me. 
"Mary we did what we had to do, we didn't have any more options"
"Is that so Ginger" I brung myself to my feet "Did we really go over all the available options or did we just go to the easiest one, PEOPLE ARE DEAD AND THEY ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF US GINGER!! We are murderers, spies or no spies I wasn't ready for this. What next huh? What are our other options ginger or are we out of those too"
Ginger walked up to me slowly and violently covered with my hand and guided us into the nearest corner. Staring directly into my eyes she spoke in a low cold voice.
" How about being prepared because we have visitors " I listened intently and I could indeed hear soft slow footsteps, and before I knew it my gun was being put back into my hands and Ginger was aiming. It looks like the end of this madness is no where in site.
I confidently strutted myself down the corridor leading to the ballroom. I carried about a practiced air to me that told anyone who caught sight of me that I was more important than they were and contributed to this world in ways they couldn't fathom. Oh... And that I wasn't a paid spy bent on destroying this whole shin dig an possibly sending each and everyone to their own luxury prison choice, THAT needed to stay unnoticed. I walked down the corridors, escorted by my very own eye candy,past the likes of those who,on any other day, I would attempt to beat into a pulp instead of smile and greet. There were criminals guilty of treason, grand theft, embezzlement, attempting to cause destruction on a worldwide level and the list goes on and on. While they laugh, mingle, and clink glasses time is ticking down and I'm about to make a few more enemies. Making my way into the ballroom I must say I was highly impressed with the decor. The chandeliers were enormous and held crystal diamond with lightbulbs inside giving off this rainbow effect with the lights. The curtains, table cloths and other fabric were red Victorians silk. Stunning granite covered the floors and made the prettiest sounds whenever my heels made contact, mixed with the other shoe sounds it became a symphony of extravagance. Very soft classy music began to play in the background setting the ambiance as a few couples began to dance. It sickened me to see everyone enjoy themselves when they were all guilty of horrible heartless crimes.
" Such a beautiful woman I have laid my eyes on, I hope she would find me worthy and join me in a dance"  I turned around to find the most disgusting creature staring at me. Oh from first look one wouldn't describe this disease, Baron Maxwell, as disgusting. With rare and dazzling bluish violet eyes, a full head of curly red hair, a nice strong build, deep dimples and a model smile Baron was far from disgusting, that is until you take a background check.  Lets see poisoning a third world village in order to sell his vaccines to rescue aids, funding a variety of problem cults around the world just to cause issues that'll he will come fix...for a price that is. Baron likes to play Jesus for the public and the devil for his peers. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the anti-Christ himself, actually there's a little bet going around the office that he is.
I gave an approving smile careful not to seem anxious but accepting like this is a way of life I'm used to. Remember we are all villains Here. Once I accepted his hands we gracefully danced around the ballroom floor, careful not to bump into any bodies around us. He stared at me very intensely making me slightly uncomfortable but I couldn't show vulnerability because let's face it this entire building feeds off of it.
"Lets cut to the chase, why did you come to me and let's not flatter one another with looks" I gave him a "you can't pull one over me look". He gave his legendary playboy deep dimple smile and lowered his hands around my waist.. 
"This is a day for fellowship lets not be hesitant toward one another and embrace our lifestyle and our works." We danced in circles for a few seconds "By the way" he added as the music began to pick up and more people came on the dance floor. "Your face seems so fresh to me, what did you say you specialized in". I knew this was coming soon, all this is about the fact that no one knows who I am and probably thinks I'm some type of spy....what kind of crazy talk is that? Luckily I came prepared with an alibi.
" I don't remember telling you anything about my work"  I pulled away from him preparing myself to leave "I don't expose my business to others, I'm pretty sure you know why and won't be offended by my words" I started to walk but not before turning around and addressing him one more time. 
" And for the record I don't recall knowing your work either, it would be safe to not go looking into others personal lives" I turned away from him and made my way to a waiter where I grabbed myself a glass of champagne. I was only away for about fifteen seconds before I was given another visit.
" Baron Maxwell " A unfortunately familiar voice rang out behind me. 
" Excuse me " I faced him annoyed and feigning Interest. His eyes almost seemed to glitter in the glow of the chandlers.
"My name is Maxwell , Baron Maxwell" he said reaching over me slowly to grab a glass for himself, all why never letting his eyes leave my face. " I specialize in helping others I tend to do a wide range of work with third world countries, I also work with vaccinations and genetically modified foods for those who home soil cannot produce." Food. I see he found another use for his greedy claws.
I smiled and took a sip of my champagne "you must be quiet the humanitarian then, at what cost does your salvation come" Baron laughed in reply and I took a quick moment to scan the entire room before I decided I spent too much of my mission with Max boy here. " My name is Hemsworth, Violet Hemsworth" His eyes lit up in shock, I'm guessing he got wind of the seeds Cloud 9 ( My "Agency") planted around his neck of the woods. " I specialize in improving the future"
"That's it? "He wanted more.
" That's all you need to know in order to sleep well tonight" I gave a charming smile "As fun as it has been with you Baron, I need to go freshin up before I miss anything good. 
Once I parted with Baron I made my way towards the bathrooms. Although I feel uneasy about going anywhere alone, I didn't have much of a choice. The group and I couldn't arrive together it would seem too suspicious to have so many new faces all connected. So we're separated with no means of communications because you can't be too careful in a room full of notorious offenders. 
On the way to the bathroom I spotted the most stunning and uniquely designed fish tank I had ever laid eyes on. The tank itself was probably 6ft in height towering over my 5'5 frame. Somehow the tank itself was dimly lit while the plant life inside the tank was busting with vibrant greens almost neon like. Glowing jewels from emeralds to diamonds were scattered about as well adding to the color of the plants.This along with the dim setting of the bathroom area gave off the illusion of the fish entering and exiting the darkness. One minute they're swimming, the next minute they've disappeared. I found myself staring deeply trying to keep track of a particular pufferfish wish is illegal to own might I add (these guys never take the time to NOT commit felonies). I was having a little too much fun until I spotted a pair dark brown pupils staring directly at me from the other side.Those brown eyes were haunting;the kind of haunting where I could sit in my room alone all day trying to recreate them on a canvas  just to get them out of my head.The way those brown eyes stared at me made me feel like a fairy tale; like this fish tank was the sea and I a mermaid. That those brown  eyes were my hero coming to kiss me ,make me human, and take me away. That I never truly lived a fulfilling life until now, so I stared into those brown eyes and those brown eyes stared into my green. That is, until I realized I was staring into a random persons eyes.  Startled I jumped back and a few second after I did a head slowing rose into view, along with an amusing smile. He was a fairly innocent and young looking guy with golden brown messy hair, a childlike round face and those beautiful brown eyes; he looked to be of asian decent now that I have a nice non-surprising look at him. 
"Hi" He said in a shy, innocent way giving me a quick wave of the hands.
"Hi " I answered back nervously.
"I love your dress" he nodded toward my black and red lace turtle neck dress
" Thanks uh I like it too" ugh great now I sound stuck up and snotty. He just stood there smiling, staring directly at me.
After a few seconds of total awkwardness I decided I had enough and made my way to the girls bathroom. Before entering I looked behind me one more time to find that yes, he was still staring at me with a smile that could only be for a long lost lover and not some random stranger he met by accident. Once inside the bathroom I gave a once over at my body more specifically my dress, I checked my makeup, and fixed my elegant messy bun a little making sure certain "strands" of hair stayed orderly and secure.After I was done checking my contacts I decided it was time to head back out. I was being as slow as I could, an extra precaution so that I wouldn't bump into the smiling guy again, especially since I'm by myself, at a freaking villain convention. I exited the bathroom to find that he was in fact gone and upon that discovery I quickly made my way to the ballroom floor where Gallister was currently giving a speech.
I'll give a brief introduction of Gallister. This man is the devil himself , his appearance by itself gives of a sinister vibe. He may be an average height not fat not skinny guy, but his piercing black eyes says demonic possession, his Snow White hair says age and with an older age its always harder to outwit and capture them. His teeth are perfect and sharp, his skin is scary smooth and shiny; everything about him is enough to bring shivers down my spine and bring the entire room to his undecided attention. He is guilty of crimes from funding a genocide, to assassination to kidnapping, you name it I'm pretty sure his name isn't gonna be far behind. He has an eye for detail so I made sure I didn't search for any of  my teammates but I did purposely search and find Baron just to seem interested from or previous conversation.
It was all business from then on, the objective of this mission was to witness and memorize any much needed information that is discussed at this gathering that could put us one step ahead of the enemies and help us gather enough public evidence to charge these criminals and deal with them appropriately. And as predicted this PowerPoint was pure Hell. These madmen are plotting everything from man made natural disasters to Pre-planned crisis in order to secure the publics trust, but something didn't seem right. Everything on this PowerPoint seemed too.....predictable, like something that someone would expect a bunch of crazy geniuses to talk about. I was not getting the best feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then the bomb dropped on us, Gallister started to discuss a possible mission aimed at killing of any and all undercover spies in order to keep agencies out of their hair and everyone in a panic. He started to show pictures and it finally dawned on me that maybe this is a convention to the majority of the people here but to a select few this was all a well thought out y trap. Fish paste.
Then things went from bad to "I don't get paid enough for this",  the PowerPoint began flipping to picture after picture of undercover spies. There were pictures of  some during work and others during their daily lives; many of whom I know personally or have come across during my life. He stopped on a very recent picture of Otega, who just happens to be in attendance tonight, and when I say recent I mean about an hour ago. He then moved to another picture of about four of our other operatives here tonight including Otega and also from about an hour or two ago. This is why we aren't suppose to be near each other on the job. DAMMIT! 
Word started to pass quickly and by quickly I mean there were already about a million red dots on each of the known spies courtesy of well hidden assassins. 
" I'm gonna kill you all, like right now" Was all Gallister said before raising his hand to give the "eliminate" signal. But before he could do anything, out of nowhere came three quick flashes of blinding lights that temporarily blinded any and everyone in the building, well except if you have special light resistant contacts for safety purposes. We may have been tricked but we never come empty handed. I do wonder who pulled the emergency trigger though.
Before anyone could really get there sight back I retrieved my secret "weapon" in the form of a fingerprint access bomb activator disguised as strand of hair hanging near my ear. Upon tucking it behind my ear, all hell broke loose as two bombs disguised as files on the east and upper part of the building set off, but not before I noticed Gallister recovered a little too quickly from the flashes and was watching my every move before the bomb and was quickly aware that I had something to do with it. The look in his eyes told me that I was gonna pay for what I had just done, one way or another. 
Because the bombs are more for distraction and avoiding a tight situation, they only tore holes into the way and let loose a pathogen that attacked the brain giving whoever was in contact a crazy case of the crazies( The giggles and Hallucinations), that is unless you are a spy and was given a precautionary vaccine dose; life is good sometimes. Upon witnessing the effects of the bomb, it's safe to say everyone wanted to get the hell out but it's REALLY safe to say that they also wanted to kill everyone involved, so here I am located down a random hallway one-by-one taking a few guys out with my very own bow and arrow made from toothpicks and dental floss I found in the bathroom. I wanted to know the whereabouts of my colleagues but now was not the time. Trying to escape I ran Into an assassin but before he could finish me of I sent two toothpicks to his face and while he was busy in pain I sent a few kicks to the side of his face an elbow to his throat, and finished him off with two strikes to his back with his own gun. Knowing it wouldn't keep him down forever I ran with all the speed I could until I found myself being taken off of balance and yanked into a random room. 
A part of me didn't want to believe it was the end but I didn't know what awaited me in here, it was almost pitch black and I'm pretty sure there would be more assassin soon. I quickly and secretly contacted a rescue flyer before standing up and quietly demanding  the name of my captor. Coming out of the darkness in front of my was a full head of golden brown hair and that smile that I swear will haunt me to my grave; so happy and welcoming like we star crossed lovers and not enemies. Instead of answering me he started to move furniture in front of the door, he seems very strong ,and in less then  two minutes he had a decent barricade on the door; this still can be bad news for me.
My flyer bracelet started to vibrate which means rescue is on the way which means if I think smart I can get myself out of this. 
" I remember you from the fish tank, what do you want from me. I'm one of you, YOU NEED TO TRY TO FIND THE UNDERCOVERS" he looked at me and smile, he took a step toward me and at the moment I heard a defeating sound I know too well.Gunshots. Someone had discovered the barricade and was trying to get through the door, gun style.
While The Golden Haired Boys attention was gone I made a run for the window behind me. I tried to open it but found that the lock was stuck and with one quick kick with my right heel, I broke through it; I'm pretty sure I broke my ankle in the process though. Once I opened the window I spotted my flyer a few yards away and alerted them that I was here with a nice wave of my hand. I went to step out on the window sill but was caught by my ankle.
"My name is Xiumin, what is yours?" He looked at me with eyes that seem sad that I was about to escape.
" Now is NOT the time Xiumin, If you haven't noticed I'm gonna die once whoevers out there comes in here" I yanked my non-hurt ankle away from him and jumped, but he grabbed my wrist too quickly possibly breaking that as well in the process, and here I was hanging from the fifth floor of a building by some crazy dude.
"What is wrong with you?!?!" I screamed in anger and pain.
"I saved your life" he started but I interrupted 
"And now you're gonna send me to my death!!" I used my other hand to grab on the sill and give me a push to jump away from him as unto the flyer, but his grip was too tight.
"If i die as well when that door opens just give me the peace of mind to know your name."
I gave up "it's vio-" 
" and I know it's not violet" his eyes pleaded with me.
"Marilyn"I screamed over the growing gunshots " Okay!! My name is Marilyn, Now Let Me GO!"
He smiled " Marilyn" was all he said before the commander of the Flyer sent a shot of pepper spray into his eyes getting a direct shot.he screamed in pain and his grip on mr loosened in response dropping me into the flyer. The last sounds I had In my mind as i stared into the night sky was the sound of the barricade being broken and sounds of his screams of anguish in that dark dark room. May he live to see another day and like that my adrenaline rush was gone and my body gave out sending me into a much needed sleep.
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Chapter 2: Interesting theme.... how long did it take you to write this chapter, this is a fanfic I dream of readng, but I’m too lazy to read this longggg chapter, I’ll check it out later :)