YOU and Xiumin: Reunion

The Star


You glanced at your watch while driving. 
You smiled. You were just in time. Tonight was the Chungjoo high school reunion dinner. Graduation was already 5 years ago and you were excited to see how much everyone had changed. 
Tonight was twice as special to you because tonight, you would see Minseok. 
Thinking about seeing him for the first time in 5 years made you feel bittersweet. Minseok was your highschool sweetheart, bestfriend, boyfriend, and was a part of a large amount of your memories. You two were ‘that couple’ in highschool that everyone thought would end up married. You both thought so too, at that time, until he got accepted to a 4year overseas college program. After a tearful discussion, the both of you had agreed to finally part. Since that day, you had thrown yourself into studying, blocking out everything that wasn’t school related. You had especially strayed away from men, not ready to handle another relationship.
You parked your car in the parking lot of the hotel. It was a luxurious gathering, in the front yard of a privately owned hotel, with a spectacular garden and a huge water fountain. You got out of your car nervously, smoothing down the front of your dress. 
“Oh. My God. _________, is that you?” Someone approached you and shook your arm furiously. 
“Krystal?” you blinked.
She was your partner for Biology lab for two semesters. You two were fairly close; it was safe to say she knew the most about you and Minseok. 
You both squealed, hugging each other. 
“How have you been?” 
“Oh my goodness, you changed so much!” 
A hand slipped around Krystal’s shoulder. You looked up. 
Minhyuk was also a part of your group of friends. Him and Krystal were sworn enemies during high school, both striving for the higher score on every test.
You laughed in disbelief. “No way.” 
Minhyuk grinned. He was still the same mischivious boy from 5 years ago. 
“Yes way.” He proudly held up their hand, identical silver rings on each of their ring finger. 
Your jaw dropped. 
“He proposed just last week. Sorry I didn’t update you.” Krystal smiled shyly. 
“No, no, it’s fine, congrats!” you rushed in to hug her again. 
“So have you met him yet?” Krystal suddenly dropped her voice. 
You smiled and shook your head. 
“Last time I saw him was over by the water fountain.” Minhyuk jerked his head towards the garden. 
You nodded. 
You had no time to look for your high school Romeo however, you were so busy greeting old friends and old classmates. Soon, your feet hurt from standing and walking so much, you decided to grab a cup of champagne and go take a seat. 
You found a bench on the far side of the building. You took a seat and looked up at the moon. 
“Minseok, look at the moon!” 
Minseok looked up from his ice cream cone. “What about it?” 
“Its so round.” You giggled. “Just like your face!” 
Minseok scowled. “Yah!” 
You laughed as he turned slightly pink, embarrassed. You reached over and wiped ice cream off his chin. 
“I was kidding.” You said, smiling at his cuteness. 
End of Flashback
You smiled at the nostalgia and took a sip of champagne. 
“Hey you.” A familiar voice called out. 
Your head shot up, but you didn’t turn your head. Could it be…?
“The moon is so round.” He said softly. 
You giggled, feeling a familiar warmth in your heart and slowly turned to face him. 
“Just like my face.” He grinned back. 
The both of you stared at each other for a while. You studied him, taking in everything you had missed for five years. He was taller. His baby fat had burned off, leaving his face more angular and less round. He was wearing a navy blue button down coat, and his hair was now brown and gelled up instead of the black messy hair you remembered. He had matured into a fine young adult.
“Hello Minseok.” You whispered. 
He hesitantly walked up and sat down on the bench next to you. 
He reached over and plucked a white rose. 
“Happy one year anniversary!” Minseok yelled, holding up a bouquet of white roses. 
You smiled happily and received it, smelling it lightly. 
Minseok pulled you in for a hug. “Thank you for being my girlfriend for a whole 365 days!” He said, squeezing you. 
You gasped for air and laughed. You pulled back. 
“Thanks for being my boyfriend for 365 days!” you repeated, tippy toeing to give him a kiss. 
Minseok smiled, his round face looking even rounder.
He leaned down to give you a deeper kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you dropped the bouquet on his bed. His hands curiously explored your back before he let his hand shyly crawl under your shirt. You shivered at his fingers on your bare skin. He pulled back to look at you. 
“I love you ______.” 
You smiled. 
“I love you too Minseok.”
End of Flashback. 
Minseok sighed at the memory. Turning to face you, he gently tucked the flower in your hair. You looked up in surprise and he laughed. 
“You’re still exactly the same.” He whispered, looking at your face. He missed you. 
You blushed and looked back down. 
“_______! Minseok! They’re starting the speeches, come inside!” Chanyeol yelled from the entrance of the hotel. 
You stood up. 
“Listen.” Minseok grabbed your hand. His hand felt the same as it did five years ago. It was soft but firm and gentle and wonderful. You had shook hands with many people over the years but couldn’t find a hand that felt quite like his. 
“I graduated and I’ve just moved back into Korea last year and I think I’ll be staying for a good while….. I was wondering if you..” 
You looked at him. 
“If you would accompany me for brunch tomorrow?” he looked at you hopefully. 
You broke out into a smile. 
“Brunch sounds good.” You replied as he also got up next to you. 
The both of you walked back into the hotel.
make sure I got your request written on the foreword!
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its open again right?
if so can I request

me being jongin's sister, he dragged me along to minseok's birthday party & then casually announces that they are all invited to his sister's (me) birthday, which is the next day as long as they can pay for their own theme park tickets because it was supposed to be only him & her. some where along the rides she always gets paired up with minseok & she's fine with that because she has a tiny crush on him. He too has a tiny crush but overprotective brother is blocking him.

XDD thank you if you do this
Saphye #2
Chapter 7: Awww Chen <3
JonginWife #3
Chapter 7: I need chen's long long long and loooooooooooooooong chaptered of chen's stories author nim please TT.TT
Chapter 7: chen is so job authornim!
Chapter 9: it's ending already? aww :( good story authornim!
i was laughing od in this chapter LMFAOLMFAO
he sounds so adorable mornings after LOLOLOL

and i'll check out that new story later on :)
Chapter 8: That's gotta be hard..Waking up to pain and aching muscles every time you have . Hahaha
ri0505 #8
Chapter 8: Omo, my heart turn to be candy!! lol, so sweet author-nim..

Can you make story about baekhyun next? Dying to know his story.. Jebal~ just give me a heart attact, LOL ^__^/
Chapter 7: Omg so sweet <3 thank you!!!
Chapter 7: mm.. since I never read the story before.. what happened to xiumin? he's not dead right?