Piece of the flakes: Nocturne of the blood ties



"Mine" Lu Han felt his conciousness floating back and the soft buzzing sounds of reality slowly returning and among one that greeted his awakening from a force slumber, a high pitched voice typicall of young girls around the ages of six to eight claimed stubbornly. His body still refused to listen to his commands but the strength was back and sooner would his control. For some odd reason, maybe because of the fact that he still is immobilized, his thoughts was in chaos again. Melancholy kicked inside him and it was driving him into yet again self-loathing thoughts of what-ifs. His mind repeated the word, chanting it like a dark mantra to awaken the devils inside him. Mine. What was his? What is it that remains his? Hasn't he lost everything? His world, his heart, his raison d'etre, all lost by his own hands. 


"Is he awake?" the same voice inquired and he shivered softly at the unknown presence inside the room, and he was brought to awareness that he was at the enemies' den. His memories returned and self-loathing ate him again, his thoughts filled negativity of how useless is even as a knight. "Lala-unni, is he awake yet?"


"It seems so, Lola. Though he pretends" Another voice answered, the same that he heard before he was immobilized, the same chilling voice that carries the air of naughtiness and jolliness. A powerful female voice that seemingly sapped him of all his freedom. He fluttered his eyes open concluding that it is useless of him to appear sleeping if they knew and he was met by three gazes. One curious, one vehement, and the last anticipating. He knew the eyes that looks at him with utter hatred, it was the same that tried to kill him, the kid that transformed into an adult and now into a teen. 


"Good morning, Luhan-hyung" the oldest of the group, the owner of the cold mysterious voice that petrified him, greeted him with a smile. An innocent smile that is all too welcoming, all too kind yet the sense of foreboding fills the air. "I am Lala, the eldest of the siblings. I have waited to finally meet you, hyungnim" Lala curtsied politely at him despite his blank and questioning gazes, her mysterious jet black orbs with the specks of violets softly decorating her pupil was unwavering. Her long soft brown locks cascading down her back as if embracing her fragile doll-like stature as it reached her waist. Lala is a gorgeous young lady, unearthly maybe but as Lu Han watched the other young fellows (his enemies) he concluded it must be in the genes. "You met Le-le from before, our second oldest"


"Its Lele (Lehl)" the now seventeen year old looking boy glared at the chinese telekinetic with absolute distate. His eyes still carrying that unusual spark of blue that encircled his pupil as if protecting it. "Remember that, Lulu" He voiced out angry before retreating to the wall behind him crossing his arms grumpily. Lala chuckled softly amused at her brother's childishness and retraced her attention to the guest. 


"This is Lili, the third oldest" Lala introduced her eye-glass wearing sister whose  untamed auburn locks are kept in braids making her appear smart and nerdy. Despite the out-of-season style she was wearing, Lili is also beautiful, handsome maybe. She, among her siblings, possess a rare androgynous beauty with her sharp and clear eyes that seems to lure people with an illusion as it contains an usual light of amber inside it. Lu Han was lost in a daze as he feels out of place. This youngsters are beings of their own levels, beautiful and powerful. 


"Nice to meet you, Luhan-ge" Lili spoke cold and monotonic but for reasons he can't understand, he knew she was excited. He smiled as he found himself relaxing at the presence of his enemies. He knew they meant no harm, not now at least. Lu Han knew better than not to trust his instinct it is the only damn thing that kept him away from death.


"Lemme see, lemme see" the young voice whined and he cackled feeling the strength fully returning in his body, he picked up the young girl who raised her hands playfully to him. The girl has her pale blonde hair tied in a cute and childish twin tails before it was curled perfectly making her appear like a rich young heiress of a rich family. Of course, like her sisters, the young girl is a beauty even as a child. Her soft and round pale blue orbs would not disappoint others as it encloses a beautiful tint of amber that seemingly forms a sunflower centered in her cornea. "Hello, gege. My name is Lola and I am  eight years old. I can raise the probability of a wish for you~"


"Hello, Lola" Lu Han replied making the girl giggle happily. Her older siblings stared at them with a content expression. He eyed the remaining four members of the siblings who seemed to be  both a pair of twins. 


"I am Lile (Lihl) and this is Lale (Lahl). We are both seven. If you are wondering" Lile, the older of the two, introduced in a robotic tone. He wears a emotion void face which is intensified with his blank gray eyes with the soft touch of blue weaving what seems to be waves scattered inside his iris. His twin brother, Lale, is the exact copy of Lile except the complete devoid of emotion as Lahl appears to be a silent and shy young boy than a stoic one like his older twin.


"Pleasure meeting you, Lile and Lale"


"We are Mimi and Min. We are 5 years old " the youngest twins chirped in unison raising their open palms for Lu Han to see. Both are heterochromatic with their cat-like eyes; round, sleek and all too mysterious. The pair of pale green- pale blue cold and unnerving. Mimi has a pair of (right) green - (left) blue whilst Min has (right) blue - (left) green pairing of the eyes which is partially seen as they covered their blue part of the eye with a silver rimmed monocle. Unlike the older twins, they are especially alike even with their long straight shoulder length jet black hair without any fringes. If not for the fact that Min wore shorts and Mimi a skirt then Lu han would have believe they both are a girl. 


"I see that you met your children, hyung. The Han siblings" a voice familiar to Lu Han stated coldly, Lile pointed to  an empty area beside him before a black portal appeared and a petite body of a man  came out from it. Lu Han knew the man, too well. He is a blacklisted person in their knighthood, the betrayer who run away with the secret of the union. The man who was once his colleague, a precious apprentice of his love, a precious friend he once trust. Rage builds from every part of his body, as the nostalgic wide round owl-like amber eyes stares at him calmly. Innocently. 


"DO KYUNG SOO" He shouted about to lunged towards the newly arrived man but like it was when he was captured he was stripped off the freedom to move his body. Lola jumped away from him still giggling but this time she was mocking him. 


"Stupid, hyung. The probability of you moving is near one hundred percent" Lola chirped merrily dashing towards Kyungsoo who picked her up with a sweet gentle smile on his face. "Welcome back, Kyungie-hyung"


"It's glad to be back, Lola" Kyungsoo replied kissing the young girl on the cheeks. "Good morning too you, hyung. I'm also glad to see you" Kyungsoo placed Lola down and greeted the young people with a smile. 


"Why. can't. move. Kill. You" Lu Han's words came out as a stutter making the owl eyed former knight sigh before he glanced at Lala. 


"Minimize the power, Lala. He still can't break your hold" Kyungsoo ordered which Lala complied with a nod, the oldest of the siblings stared at their guest. Lu Han can feel the difference, he can move his mouth freely and the choking feeling is gone. 


"DAMN YOU, DO KYUNGSOO. RELEASE ME AND LET ME KILL YOU" Lu Han screamed like a mad man while the recipient of his hatred merely shrugged. 


"For what reasons do you hate me, hyung? Because I left? Is it not of my own freedom to leave the knighthood as I deem fit. I did not take the oath as I have no plans of dying for the country and so did you, we, you and I know well too much that our lives are for the sake of one person. Mine for Jongin's and yours for my master"


"You betrayed us and stole something from the union"


"When did I betray? Did I hurt any of our knights? Did I lie according to the rules? Have I brought blasphemy to the sanctuary of the round knights? No, is it not? Then why did I betray? You and the other knights are fed with lies, hyung. The union is the enemy. It is not I who betrayed the alliance but the mechanism whom you serve itself. The justice that you so sought to keep is now crumbling down into rubbles at the hands of the one you serve. Furthermore, I did not steal anything. As stealing is an act of taking a tool or things of some sort that belongs to another being not yours but I did not take anything that belongs to the union when I left."



"Ah, so they did. Those foolish geezers. Explaining takes a lot of time and restricting you is a lot of vigor lost to the young lady over there" Kyungsoo pointed to Lala who was now breaking a sweat and Lu Han feels sorry for his actions. "So can you promise not to do something to alert this young children?"




"Release him, Lala" Lala nodded once again and Lu Han felt something break and his freedom regained. Lola neared Lu Han's bed and tilted her head as if asking permission and when Lu Han smiled at her, she immediately climb on to his bed then to his lap. Lu Han chuckled while Kyungsoo smiled in amusement. 


"Make the discussion fast, Kyungsoo-hyung. They will arrive in a few minutes" Min stated with an eerie smile, Kyungsoo nodded knowingly and stared at Mimi. 


"How far, Mimi?" 


"At least a kilometer. With the spatial distortion. The teleporter is moving fast. Two limiters taken off" Mimi answered with the same eerie smile as her brother. Her eyes was translucent as if watching something different aside what was supposed to be in her line of vision. 


"Lili, can you check the records of the mission this time?" Lili nodded softly and closed her eyes as if scanning something inside her brain. 


"No written records. It is a state of emergency mission and according to protocol it must be a red colored signal"


"Thank you, Lili" Kyungsoo smiled at the braided girl before he eyed the silent of the younger of the older pair of twin. "Can you slow them down?"


"I'll try. Lola, the probability?"


"Eighty nine percent!" Lola chirpfully answered. Kyungsoo nodded at the bubbliest member of their family. Lu Han was lost at the conversation as he did not understand one single thing. Lale nodded and summoned a viola on his hands before he entered a black portal produced by his brother, Lile. 


"Lower the efficiency of the Jongin's ability to 82 percent, can you, Lola?"


"Aye-aye!" Lola's body glowed as she closed her eyes, the room shook slightly but everyone was calm except the guest, Lu Han who was still clueless to everything. As soon as Lola's body returned to normal, Lola dozed off in Lu Han's arms. 


"The new time limit, Min?" Min closed his eyes holding his twin sister's hands on his own. 


"Thirty minutes. Error rate thirty percent" Min answered voice weak. Mimi hugged her older brother comforting him from whatever it is that was making him anxious and weak. 


"It is enough. Now then, hyung. Ask your question"


"What did you steal?"




"Fine. Let me change the question, what the heck did you do to be blacklisted by the union and who are these children?" Lu Han inquired before a soft and gentle music echoed inside the room. It was the same  piece that lullabied his sleep but not the same song. The player and the feel was different, the one in his dreams was more gentle and alluring and it was calling him while Lale's song was entrapping the enemies, and making their senses go weak.  He knew because that is what he hears. 


"Lale seems to be starting the song of the greeting. Did you know hyung that this song is an ancient song played long time ago when the hero, the founder of the union, proclaimed victory over the tyrant lord but don't you think it is very sad. Why didn't the hero chose a merrier piece?"


"Enough with that chit-chat and answer my question." Lu Han gritted his teeth in annoyance making Kyungsoo sighed. Lu Han knows that he is overpowered and with the former knight on their side, the possibility of him escaping on his own is slim and so he waits for his rescue to arrive which as he gathered and now understands is arriving in thirty minutes but he knew that when his comrades arrive the traces of his presence will be gone. 


"Ah, yes. That. What I did to be blacklisted? I did the right thing. Project Ygg-2596, I shut it down and took with me the products as they so deem."


"You thief"


"It's more fit to call me kidnapper as the products is here in front of you. The Han siblings. The eight test-tube babies made as a clone of your and my master's genes. You can say that they are your siblings as well as your children. Yours and Minseok-hyung's. Project Ygg-2596 is a cloning project that aims to make an army of ranked S class power users that main bloods like the twelve of us. Among the scarce populi of power users, there is only twelve that can reach class S, the one we call main blood and are quite unstable and so they try to create a biocopy from the genes of the two that already reached the highest class and make them into a bioweapon that knows no feeling. A lab rat that listens only to their words. I kidnapped the surviving products the almost near-completion test subjects and raised them. These children are the results of Project Ygg-2596, hyung."


"Impossible. You're telling a lie"


"Lala has the power to petrify, Lele can manipulate his biological structure, Lili has Literary Manipulation and has in her brain the library of all written records that exist in this world, even your diary. Lola can calculate in milliseconds the probabilities of things and bend it according to will, Lale possess beacon emmision, Lile can create portals at will, Mimi can detect powers and classify it within a mile or so, and Min can see the future accordingly. Doesn't it sound familiar to you, hyung?"


"Minseok's and mine's weaknesses in stimulation program when we were in the knighthood program"


"Yes. It was not all that but those are all the powers that anti's the twelve of us as whole and the four of them has gone missing along with Minseok-hyung's body" Min's body started shaking making Kyungsoo stare at him. 


"The cog has started turning young one. Wash away the soils of doubts and stare at the ocean with eyes that see and the ice that froze the will of the lad with heart of golden snow shall melt with that touch of yours. But all in time, the crumpled old your fears arise and your love to test. Hear the song and follow the tale but leave the ending to your own" Min muttered as if possessed by a spirit before he collapsed into his twin's arms. Kyungsoo scooped the sleeping Lola away from Lu Han gently afraid to disturb the sleep of their ever cheerful probability maker. 


"It is time for us to go, hyung. Give my regards to Jongin. We will meet when time comes" Lile opened another portal where Lale came out and another one for their escape. Kyungsoo with Lile and Lale exited first without sparing him a glance with Lola on Kyungsoo's arms. Lala took Min from Mimi's arms and carried him to the exit sparing one last glance to her appa followed closely by Mimi. Lele glance at Lili who nodded at him before he nimbly dashed towards the portal. Lili stared at Lu Han contemplating before a determined expression crossed her face. 


"Appas are alive. Min's words can only be interpreted that way. Seokkie-appa is alive. I met him in a dream, in a diary that I can't trace. He is alive, Lu-appa. He is alive. Just believe" Lili stated before she jumped at the closing portal erasing all the existence of his enemies to dust. A few minutes later Jongin arrived with the rest of the knighthood. 


"Hyung! Where is he? Where is Kyungsoo?" Jongin screamed shaking Lu Han by the shoulder but the eldest simply hang his head. 


"He left just now. He said he will meet you when time comes" Lu Han said softly making the teleporter cry. Lu Han collapsed once again his thoughts is just one thing. Minseok is alive


















Sorry if the chapter is long since this is a chapter that introduces the fictional characters that I made. I will do my best in shortening the next chapter, please do anticipate.  :)

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Leblank #1
This story is superr awesome! Cant wait for the next chapter :) awesome job author :)
xiuhanfans #2
Chapter 4: O M G this story is so captivating and wonderful *^*~ i mean i love all the characterisations and the explanations and the plot~ huuu~ thank you and happy new year to you author-nim~
trishplusmama #3
Chapter 1: "Will you please die?" T^T
Olympia5000 #4
Chapter 1: I really like this story! The plot line is so unique! Keep up the amazing work.