Art of the ice: Song of the captured




Lu Han stared at the sword in his hand, a long light Japanese Katana especially forged for him, the weapon of a telekinetic. His soft brown eyes examined every inch for anything out of the ordinary, a routine he calls maintenance when those in the technical department have already tuned it for him. He let out a sigh as he placed the blade carefully back to its scabbard dangling on the left of his waist. 


"Hyung, aren't you going to rest?" Sehun, the maknae's, voice caught him by surprise. The wind controller crossed his arms in front of his chest before leaning at the nearest wall whilst eyeing the elder. Lu Han's eyes travelled not to the face of the maknae but to the twin .45 caliber silver pistol safely placed on his waist, his weapon. 


"I'm about to go to a stroll. Wanna come with me, Hunnie?" Lu Han smiled cordially as he landed his gaze to the usual emotionless facade of their youngest. Oh Sehun, according to Lu Han's opinion, owns the most handsome face in their knighthood maybe because he was young but nonetheless the chinese telekinetic thinks so. The maknae's strong feature is his sharp jawline and his long chin making him more and more unique. 


"Got an appointment with Lay-hyung" Sehun flat out announced, a soft microsmile visible on his face and Lu Han beamed at him. His soft brown eyes sparkling more than the usual making his feminine feature more visible, a feature he felt insecure. 


"I see" Lu Han grinned to himself knowing well the close bond the maknae and the lean and robust healer share, a bond he envies greatly. "Well, I should get going then" Sehun nodded as Lu Han walked past him. He watched his elder leave with a frown, the telekinetic needs to move on. It's been a decade since the tragedy.


Korean streets are night are bustling and merry even when it was cold and snowing, the christmas songs fills the air reminding everyone that it is the yuletide season. Student's are finally free from school, some people are relaxing and indulging themselves in the merriment while the others are trapped with their works and any other affliations. But, it is not because of the holidays that Lu Han love winter, it is because it is winter. For him, winter gives him the sense of comfort and content and warmth despite the chilling weather. So, in days like these, when he needed time to arrange his thoughts in a practical order and check the balance of his emotional physique he goes for a walk at the nearest but quietest parks there exist within the proximity he is allowed to roam. 


"Merry Christmas, sir" a young male voice greeted making him snap from whatever it is that was occupying his thought process at that moment. He gazed at the one of the most queer eyes he came across, a beautiful shade of black pupil enclosed by what seems a blue-rim. The little boy was cute, if not then he is angelic with his paler than the norm skin color making his lips appear pinker than the normal. His black hair was kept long and tied in a messy ponytail making his strong gaze more effective. 


"Merry Christmas too" he answered with a warm cackle, fairly interested at the adorable creature in front of him. The little boy was frowning though, obviously not amused at the expression the chinese was wearing. 


"You look like a girl" Lu Han's chuckles immediately came to a halt as he repressed the urge to glare at the kid which he absolutely failed at doing so. "By the way, sir"


"What is it?" The telekinetic inquired tint of annoyance in his voice but he can't deny that the young boy was way too cute not to be forgiven besides children always speak without thinking. That's why they are often honest.


"Will you please die?" the boy said abruptly and before he knew it he was pulled by a strong force away from his assailant. The young kid transformed into a twenty year old version of himself. His gaze became deadlier than it was before and the annoyed expression worsened. Lu Han was still in a state of shock before he noticed that the his shirt was sliced with the dagger the former little child was holding. He turned his back to stare at his savior and was greeted by a menacing Kai who was glaring at their enemy. 


"What do you want?" the raven haired young man did not answer and lunged towards them, daggers on both his hand. Lu Han managed to evade all the attacks which seemed to be directed at him and counter some of the blows which the former child skilfully dodge at his own leisure. Kai, the teleporter, disappeared leaving only the trail of black smoke in his wake and reappeared at the back of the enemy attempting to strike him off guard but it was futile as the now young man assassin moved nimbly and disrupted his ambush landing a roundhouse kick on his stomach sending him flying a few meters. Lu Han took this chance and released his sword from the scabbard before charging towards the enemy. 


"That's cheating, Lu-ge" a voice delivered by the chilling winds, cold yet mischievous, stated in a tone teasing yet deadly and before he knew it he was restricted by an unknown force. He was freezing in a way he never felt before, his body refuse to listen to the commands his brains. 


"Lu Han!" Kai voice thundered snapping him from a trance he didn't notice he get himself into. The teleporters hands reach out to his direction but the man or former-child from before blocks his way, and he felt his being enter a void, a space distortion that may lead to another dimension. He felt energy leaving him, as if it was sapped out of his being resulting to the blurriness of his vision and the hollow-like sounds he hears as his teammate repeatedly shouted his name. He was captured, and easily at that, and now he is transported without even knowing the face of the enemies that made it possible. This is an embarrassment to a knight like him, he can imagine what Kris and Suho would say against him. That he lacks training and attentiveness even as the oldest of the group and they would nag at him when he arrive home. When he did but he will, won't he? All was becoming duller except the song that sounds so familiar, a song that he knew all his life, a song that calls for him. 

"Minseokkie" He muttered on last time before conciousness left him. He was trapped inside a dream where he can see the man his heart aches for. In a reality that cease to exist and wavers to disappear as time moves it hands towards the future. And so he slept, lullabied by the ever sweet song that grace his ears when he arrived at the castle of the enemies. The song that signals the start of everything.




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Leblank #1
This story is superr awesome! Cant wait for the next chapter :) awesome job author :)
xiuhanfans #2
Chapter 4: O M G this story is so captivating and wonderful *^*~ i mean i love all the characterisations and the explanations and the plot~ huuu~ thank you and happy new year to you author-nim~
trishplusmama #3
Chapter 1: "Will you please die?" T^T
Olympia5000 #4
Chapter 1: I really like this story! The plot line is so unique! Keep up the amazing work.