Meeting Paths

Separate Ways (part 2)

The day that you decided to act out your perfectly thought plan was extra cold and it was heavily raining. You couldn't let the weather stop you, though. It was about time for you to finally take action for the mistake you did two years ago. Two Years. 730 days. 17.520 hours. 1.051.200 seconds.

It would be a lie if you said that you didn'tthought of Luhan all day every day for the past two years you've been apart. You knew very well that it was fault you two had broken up. With time you learned how to admire him from afar. Exo was gaining popularity each and every day since the boys' debut. You couldn't be more happy for them. For all 12 of them. Proud that their hard work didn't go to waste.

You've seen them sing live, you've bought all their albums. You have earned yourself the title of a very loyal fan. You couldn't help yourself, though. You were greedy for more. You wanted what you had before. You could still remember how warm Luhan felt when you were cuddling on your couch watching a movie or how sweet his kisses were. It was impossible getting back together but that didn't mean that you couldn't do anything to thank him for all that he has done for you.

Guessing what time the boys wouldn't be in the dorm wasn't hard. There were pictures everywhere on the internet. It was commonly known that they practiced until the early morning. You could easily slip in and out of the building without them noticing. The box in your hands felt heavier that it should. Nervousness came without you being able to control it.

There were fans outside the building but you somehow managed to slip through them without making yourself noticed.The fire escape exit was probably the best way of getting in. You have visited his dorm once of twice and you could only thank god that they didn't change it. You decided to take the elevator since their apartment was on the 5th floor so it would be both easier and faster getting there. 

He had a strange love for the chocolate cake that you made sometimes while you were still dating. It was an easy thing to make so you baked one to give it to him as a present for exo's second year anniversary. You had written a card full of wishes for all the boys but you didn't include your name in it. A small part of yourself wanted him to realize it by himself.

The door of the apartment looked oddly familiar and your heart hurt only by standing close to it. You took a deep breath and placed the box on the floor right outside the entrance, wishing they wouldn't step over it when they came back. Just as you were getting up a loud voice called for you. You didn't need to look to understand who it was.

"Hey! Who are.... No way..." Luhan seemed lost for words when you raised your head and let your eyes meet his.  He had a very strange expression on his face. It was a mixture of anger and maybe excitement. Yixing and Baekhyun who were standing behind him had the exact same expression. You couldn't waste any time trying to determine exactly what it was. You turned the other way and started running towards the staircase. The elevator wasn't a choice anymore.

"Wait! Please! Hey, I said wait!" he screamed as he began running behind you. You had successfully managed to climb down only one floor when he caught up with you. You had just stepped foot on the first step of the next  staircase when you felt his hand grabbing yours. The force you both had though was more than needed and you came tumbling down the rest of the stairs before a wall could stop you. You were definitely going to have bruises the next day.

Somehow though Luhan managed to changed your positions and you partially fell on him, making your fall rather smooth.Your head was kinda bussing but aside that you were as good as new. "Luhan! Luhan, are you okay?" you turned to look at him when you realized that he was making weird noises while holding his waist. "I'm.. fine. How about you?" he replied. How could this boy care so much about you when he was obviously in pain, you didn't know. 

"I... I'm... I should go." You got off the floor and started moving away from him but again, he was right behind you, holding your arm tightly, preventing you from moving any further. "Is that someone else better than me? Are you still together?" he said in a calm voice and tears escaped your eyes without your permission. "He is... And yes we are still together. We even moved in together..." you answered his question in the same tone as his trying to hide the fact that you were crying.

"You're lying to me even after all this time, huh? Why am I not surprised?" You could hide how surprised you were though. "What are you.. talking about? I'm... not lying" you managed to stutter. He started laughing and you turned around to look at him, no longer caring about him seeing you crying. He raised his hand and wiped away your tears with his thumb. "I guess I was quite moody after you broke up with me and my father told me the truth. However, I don't know how to feel about the whole situation..." he said as he slowly let go of your arm.

It was your turn to take his hand in yours. "I know I've done humongous mistakes but don't over think about this. Your mother was... is right. I was thinking of you and only you. It seemed like the best option at that time." you said and lowered your head, looking at your shoes. The next moment though you found yourself kissing him and damn it felt so good. Luhan was never bold with such actions but you couldn't complain.

"What is the best option as for now?" he asked when he broke the kiss. "Kissing you" you said almost immediately, leaning in to place your lips onto his. 

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Oh nooo just go back together!